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Chapter 19. Examples for Chapter 4

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PUT requires that you transmit the entire representation, so the original plan was to

include PATCH for scenarios where sending everything is not optimal.

Build and Run the Example Program

Perform the following steps:

1. Open a command prompt or shell terminal and change to the ex04_1 directory of

the workbook example code.

2. Make sure your PATH is set up to include both the JDK and Maven, as described

in Chapter 17.

3. Perform the build and run the example by typing mvn install.

The Server Code

Using PATCH within JAX-RS is very simple. The source code under the ex04_1 direc‐

tory contains a simple annotation that implements PATCH:


package org.ieft.annotations;

import javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod;

import java.lang.annotation.*;




public @interface PATCH



As described in Chapter 4, all you need to do to use a custom HTTP method is annotate

an annotation class with @javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod. This @HttpMethod declaration

must contain the value of the new HTTP method you are defining.

To illustrate the use of our new @PATCH annotation, I expanded a little bit on the example

code discussed in Chapter 18. A simple JAX-RS method is added to the CustomerRe

source class that can handle PATCH requests:


package com.restfully.shop.services;


public class CustomerResource {




Chapter 19: Examples for Chapter 4





public void patchCustomer(@PathParam("id") int id, InputStream is)


updateCustomer(id, is);




The @PATCH annotation is used on the patchCustomer() method. The implementation

of this method simply delegates to the original updateCustomer() method.

The Client Code

The client code for ex04_1 is pretty straightforward and similar to ex03_1. Let’s look at

some initial minor changes we’ve made:


package com.restfully.shop.test;

import org.junit.AfterClass;

import org.junit.BeforeClass;

import org.junit.Test;










* @author Bill Burke

* @version $Revision: 1 $


public class PatchTest


private static Client client;


public static void initClient()


client = ClientBuilder.newClient();



public static void closeClient()




Example ex04_1: HTTP Method Extension




First, we initialize our Client object within a JUNit @BeforeClass block. Any static

method you annotate with @BeforeClass in JUnit will be executed once before all @Test

methods are executed. So, in the initClient() method we initialize an instance of

Client. Static methods annotated with @AfterClass are executed once after all @Test

methods have run. The closeClient() method cleans up our Client object by invoking

close() after all tests have run. This is a nice way of putting repetitive initialization and

cleanup code that is needed for each test in one place.

The rest of the class is pretty straightforward and similar to ex03_1. I’ll highlight only

the interesting parts:

String patchCustomer = ""

+ "William"

+ "

response = client.target(location)

.request().method("PATCH", Entity.xml(patchCustomer));

if (response.getStatus() != 204)

throw new RuntimeException("Failed to update");


To make a PATCH HTTP invocation, we use the javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvok

er.method() method. The parameters to this method are a string denoting the HTTP

method you want to invoke and the entity you want to pass as the message body. Simple

as that.

Example ex04_2: @Path with Expressions

For this section, I’ll illustrate the use of an @Path annotation with regular expressions.

The example is a direct copy of the code in ex03_1 with a few minor modifications.

Build and Run the Example Program

Perform the following steps:

1. Open a command prompt or shell terminal and change to the ex04_2 directory of

the workbook example code.

2. Make sure your PATH is set up to include both the JDK and Maven, as described

in Chapter 17.

3. Perform the build and run the example by typing maven install.

The Server Code

The CustomerResource class copied from the ex03_1 example is pretty much the same

in ex04_2, except that a few of the @Path expressions have been modified. I also added


| Chapter 19: Examples for Chapter 4


an extra method that allows you to reference customers by their first and last names

within the URL path:


public class CustomerResource {



@Path("{id : \\d+}")


public StreamingOutput getCustomer(@PathParam("id") int id)





@Path("{id : \\d+}")


public void updateCustomer(@PathParam("id") int id, InputStream is)




The @Path expression for getCustomer() and updateCustomer() was changed a little

bit to use a Java regular expression for the URI matching. The expression dictates that

the id segment of the URI can only be a string of digits. So, /customers/333 is a legal

URI, but /customers/a32ab would result in a 404, “Not Found,” response code being

returned to the client:


@Path("{first : [a-zA-Z]+}-{last:[a-zA-Z]+}")


public StreamingOutput getCustomerFirstLast(

@PathParam("first") String first,

@PathParam("last") String last)




To show a more complex regular expression, I added the getCustomerFirstLast()

method to the resource class. This method provides a URI pointing to a specific cus‐

tomer, using the customer’s first and last names instead of a numeric ID. This @Path

expression matches a string of the first name and last name separated by a hyphen

character. A legal URI is /customers/Bill-Burke. The name can only have letters

within it, so /customers/Bill7-Burke would result in a 404, “Not Found,” being re‐

turned to the client.

Example ex04_2: @Path with Expressions




The Client Code

The client code is in src/test/java/com/restfully/shop/test/ClientResourceTest.java. It is

really not much different than the code in example ex03_1, other than the fact that it

additionally invokes the URI represented by the getCustomerFirstLast() method. If

you’ve examined the code from Chapter 18, you can probably understand what is going

on in this client example, so I won’t elaborate further.

Example ex04_3: Subresource Locators

The ex04_3 example implements the subresource locator example shown in “Full Dy‐

namic Dispatching” on page 52 in Chapter 4.

Build and Run the Example Program

Perform the following steps:

1. Open a command prompt or shell terminal and change to the ex04_3 directory of

the workbook example code.

2. Make sure your PATH is set up to include both the JDK and Maven, as described

in Chapter 17.

3. Perform the build and run the example by typing maven install.

The Server Code

There’s really not much to go over that wasn’t explained in Chapter 4.

The Client Code

The client code lives in src/test/java/com/restfully/shop/test/CustomerResourceT‐


public class CustomerResourceTest



public void testCustomerResource() throws Exception {




public void testFirstLastCustomerResource() throws Exception {






Chapter 19: Examples for Chapter 4


The code contains two methods: testCustomerResource() and testFirstLastCusto


The testCustomerResource() method first performs a POST to /customers/europedb to create a customer using the CustomerResource subresource. It then retrieves the

created customer using GET /customers/europe-db/1.

The testFirstLastCustomerResource() method performs a POST to /customers/

northamerica-db to create a customer using the FirstLastCustomerResource subre‐

source. It then uses GET /customers/northamerica-db/Bill-Burke to retrieve the cre‐

ated customer.

Example ex04_3: Subresource Locators






Examples for Chapter 5

Chapter 5 showed you how to use JAX-RS annotations to inject specific information

about an HTTP request into your Java methods and fields. This chapter implements

most of the injection scenarios introduced in Chapter 5 so that you can see these things

in action.

Example ex05_1: Injecting URI Information

This example illustrates the injection annotations that are focused on pulling in infor‐

mation from the incoming request URI. Specifically, it shows how to use @PathParam,

@MatrixParam, and @QueryParam. Parallel examples are also shown using

javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo to obtain the same data.

The Server Code

The first thing you should look at on the server side is CarResource. This class pulls the

various examples in Chapter 5 together to illustrate using @MatrixParam and @PathPar

am with the javax.ws.rs.core.PathSegment class:



public class CarResource


public static enum Color












public String getFromMatrixParam(

@PathParam("make") String make,

@PathParam("model") PathSegment car,

@MatrixParam("color") Color color,

@PathParam("year") String year)


return "A " + color + " " + year + " "

+ make + " " + car.getPath();


The getFromMatrixParam() method uses the @MatrixParam annotation to inject the

matrix parameter color. An example of a URI it could process is /cars/matrix/

mercedes/e55;color=black/2006. Notice that it automatically converts the matrix pa‐

rameter into the Java enum Color:




public String getFromPathSegment(@PathParam("make") String make,

@PathParam("model") PathSegment car,

@PathParam("year") String year)


String carColor = car.getMatrixParameters().getFirst("color");

return "A " + carColor + " " + year + " "

+ make + " " + car.getPath();


The getFromPathSegment() method also illustrates how to extract matrix parameter

information. Instead of using @MatrixParam, it uses an injected PathSegment instance

representing the model path parameter to obtain the matrix parameter information:


@Path("/segments/{make}/{model : .+}/year/{year}")


public String getFromMultipleSegments(

@PathParam("make") String make,

@PathParam("model") List car,

@PathParam("year") String year)


String output = "A " + year + " " + make;

for (PathSegment segment : car)


output += " " + segment.getPath();


return output;


The getFromMultipleSegments() method illustrates how a path parameter can match

multiple segments of a URI. An example of a URI that it could process is /cars/


| Chapter 20: Examples for Chapter 5


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