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4  Display Children Using Data Items

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The data items in the dataProvider of the DataGroup are positioned horizontally from

left to right and rendered using the supplied itemRenderer. The value of the

itemRenderer property, a qualified class name, is used internally by the DataGroup container to create a new instance of the specified class for each data item in the collection.

If the class is an IDataRenderer implementation, the data property of the implementation is updated with the item within the collection at the time of instantiation.

The DefaultComplexItemRenderer class can also be used to easily render IVisualEle

ment data within a DataGroup container:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

When the itemRenderer property is set to the DefaultComplexItemRenderer class, the

DataGroup internally determines each data item to be an IVisualElement implementation

and renders the items directly on the display.

Unlike from a Group container, child elements cannot be accessed directly from a Data

Group container. Although the child elements of both a Group and a DataGroup are

IVisualElement implementations, the Group class exposes a content API through its

implementation of the IVisualElementContainer interface that enables you to dynamically add, remove, and set the indexes of elements directly in the container. The display

list of a DataGroup can be altered using the IList instance set as the dataProvider property value for the container. Because the dataProvider property supports binding, the

collection can be affected directly at runtime to update the display of visual elements


As item renderers are added to and removed from the display list of a DataGroup

container, RendererExistenceEvent objects are dispatched. The properties of a

RendererExistenceEvent instance correspond to the item renderer instance, the data

36 | Chapter 2: Containers


supplied to the item renderer, and the elemental index within the display list at which

it resides.

The following example demonstrates how to dynamically change the display list of a

DataGroup container and listen for the addition and removal of item renderer instances:



import spark.events.RendererExistenceEvent;

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

private function itemAdded( evt:RendererExistenceEvent ):void


trace( "Item Added: " + evt.index + " : " + evt.data +

" : " + evt.renderer );


private function itemRemoved( evt:RendererExistenceEvent ):void


trace( "Item Removed: " + evt.index + " : " + evt.data +

" : " + evt.renderer );


private function addItem():void


if( collection.length > 0 )

myContent.dataProvider.addItem( collection.removeItemAt(0) );


private function removeItem():void


if( myContent.dataProvider.length > 0 )


var item:Object = myContent.dataProvider.removeItemAt(

myContent.dataProvider.length - 1 );

collection.addItem( item );




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

2.4 Display Children Using Data Items | 37





2.5 Use a Custom Item Renderer in a DataGroup


You want to use a custom item renderer to render data items visually within a DataGroup.


Create a custom component that implements the IVisualElement and IDataRenderer

interfaces and supply the class as the itemRenderer property value for a DataGroup



The DataGroup container handles making visual representations of data items. In order

to properly render visual elements in the display list of a DataGroup and for its layout

delegate to handle the size and position of those children, item renderers need to implement at least two interfaces: IVisualElement and IDataRenderer. The layout delegate

of a container attributes the visual elements as IVisualElement implementations. The

implementation type is also attributed when dispatching RendererExistenceEvents.

Implementing the IDataRenderer interface for a custom item renderer exposes the

data property, which is used internally by the DataGroup to supply data items to the


38 | Chapter 2: Containers


Along with the convenient DefaultItemRenderer and DefaultComplexItemRenderer

classes provided in the Flex 4 SDK, Adobe provides a convenience base class for item

renderers to be used with DataGroup containers. The item renderer base class—aptly

named ItemRenderer—is an extension of spark.components.DataRenderer, which is a

Group container that exposes a data property, fulfilling the contract of an item renderer

being an implementation of IVisualElement and IDataRenderer. In addition, spark.com

ponents.supportClasses.ItemRenderer also provides extra support for styling, states,

and event handling and is a good jumping-off point for creating a custom item renderer.

The following custom item renderer is an extension of ItemRenderer and displays the

firstName and lastName property values of the supplied data item:



width="100%" height="24">

Because ItemRenderer is an extension of Group, visual elements can be declared directly

on the display for visual representation. In this example, two s:Label components are

laid out horizontally and placed above a background s:Rect graphic element that

updates its color property based on state. When creating a custom item renderer by

extending the ItemRenderer class, remember that the item renderer manages its current

state internally. You can override the getCurrentRendererState() method to specify

how the current state is determined, but in general the extending class will need to at

least declare a normal state.

2.5 Use a Custom Item Renderer in a DataGroup | 39


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