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7  Enable Scrolling in a Container

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Wrap a Group or DataGroup container in an instance of spark.components.Scroller and

define the dimensions and clipAndEnableScrolling property of the container, or assign

a container as the viewport property of a spark.components.ScrollBar instance.


Unlike MX containers, which support scrolling internally, the separation of responsibilities within the Spark architecture provides more lightweight containers and affords

more control over delegating tasks. Within the new Spark paradigm, you can assign

specific controls that handle navigating within a container. The spark.components.

supportClasses.GroupBase class, which both DataGroup and Group extend, is an implementation of the IViewport interface. By default, the clipAndEnableScrolling property

of a GroupBase-based container is set to false and the container renders child elements

outside of any specified bounds. Setting the clipAndEnableScrolling property to true

and wrapping the IViewport instance in a Scroller component renders child elements

within a defined area and updates the read-only contentWidth and contentHeight properties of the container to the specified dimensions.

To enable scrolling for an IViewport, the container can be wrapped in a Scroller

instance with the declared child container attributed as the viewport property value:

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Any data elements that are rendered outside of the viewport bounds of a container

explicitly set using the width and height properties are displayed based on the scrolling

properties of the s:Scroller component. Based on the positions of the child elements

within the container viewport, a VScrollBar control and a HScrollBar control are added

44 | Chapter 2: Containers


to the display. The scroll bars are positioned at the viewport’s width and height property

values, unless you specify custom values for the Scroller instance’s width and height


Containers that support skinning, such as BorderContainer, SkinnableContainer, and

SkinnableDataContainer, do not implement the IViewport interface. However, the content layer to which child elements are added for each skinnable container is attributed

as an IViewport implementation. As such, you have a couple of options for enabling

scrolling of child content in a skinnable container.

The skin part that serves as the content layer for a BorderContainer and a Skinnable

Container is the contentGroup. When children are declared for a skinnable container

directly in MXML markup, the child elements are added and laid out within the content

layer. One way to enable scrolling of the content is to declare an IViewport implementation wrapped in a Scroller component as the only child of the skinnable container,

as in the following example:

clipAndEnableScrolling="true" />

The Scroller-wrapped Group declared as the only child for the BorderContainer is added

as the only child within the contentGroup for the container. Scrolling is not applied to

the contentGroup layer specifically, but because its only child element is a Group container wrapped in a Scroller whose dimensions are updated to equal the dimensions

of the skinnable container, it appears as if the content for the BorderContainer is made


Another approach to providing scrolling for the content of a skinnable container is to

apply a custom skin to the container that wraps its content-layer skin part in a

Scroller. This is a custom skin for a SkinnableDataContainer:




2.7 Enable Scrolling in a Container | 45



left="2" right="2" top="2" bottom="2">

left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0"

minWidth="0" minHeight="0" />

The CustomScrollableSkin fulfills a contract to serve as a skin to a Skinnable

DataContainer by declaring the [HostComponent] metadata and required states. Also

declared is the required skin part, dataGroup, which is the content layer for item

renderers and is wrapped in a s:Scroller component to enable scrolling within the


The custom skin is supplied to the skinnable container as a qualified class name

attributed to the skinClass property, as in the following example:

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46 | Chapter 2: Containers


The ability to use a Scroller to enable scrolling of content within containers is a major

convenience. The skin layout of a Scroller component is a private implementation,

however, and the skin parts for the scroll bars are considered read-only. To have more

control over the layout and the relationship between a viewport and scroll bars, add a

ScrollBar-based control to the display list directly and assign an instance of a target

container as the viewport property value:



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In this example, a DataGroup is attributed as the IViewport implementation instance of

a s:VScrollBar control. The thumb size of the scroll bar is based on the height of the

scroll bar and the contentHeight value of the target container. As the scroll position

changes on the scroll bar, the verticalScrollPosition value is passed down to the

IViewport implementation and handed to the layout delegate for the container.

While wrapping a container with a Scroller internally detects the need for scroll bars

based on the content of the container and dimensions of its viewport, with this

approach you have less control over the layout with relation to the target viewport.

Targeting a container using scroll bars declared directly on the display list allows more

control over the layout, but its visibility is not inherently set based on the content

Width and contentHeight of a viewport. The visibility of a scroll bar control can, however, be determined based on the container’s dimensions and its viewport counterpart

2.7 Enable Scrolling in a Container | 47


value, as in the following example for updating the visibility of a s:VScrollBar


visible="{group.height < group.contentHeight}" />

When the clipAndEnableScrolling property of an IViewport implementation is set to

true, the read-only contentWidth and contentHeight properties are set based on the

bounds of the container’s display list. By comparing the defined height property of the

viewport with the contentHeight, the visibility and necessity of the VScrollBar control

in this example can be determined.

See Also

Recipe 3.13

2.8 Scale Children of a Container


You want to resize, scale, and lay out the child elements of a container based on the

dimensions of the container.


Use the resizeMode property of a GroupBase-based container.


Layout delegates applied to Group and DataGroup containers have properties that modify

the layout and size of child elements directly or through transformations. Additionally,

the layout of children can be modified based on the resizeMode property value of

GroupBase-based containers that take the size of the container into consideration. The

default value of the resizeMode property is noScale, which specifies that the container

resizes itself and children are subsequently resized based on the properties of the layout

delegate. The child content of a container can be scaled uniformly by setting the

resizeMode property value to scale, which bases the layout of its children on the measured size of the container.

The following example demonstrates switching between the two resize modes within

a Group container:



import mx.events.SliderEvent;

48 | Chapter 2: Containers


import spark.components.ResizeMode;

private function toggleResizeMode():void


group.resizeMode = ( group.resizeMode == ResizeMode.NO_SCALE )

? group.resizeMode = ResizeMode.SCALE

: group.resizeMode = ResizeMode.NO_SCALE;



width="{slider.value}" height="{slider.value}"



minimum="100" maximum="300"


liveDragging="true" />

As the value of the s:HSlider control changes, the dimensions of the container are

reflected through binding. The resizeMode is changed when a click event is received

from the s:Button control, swapping between the scale and noScale modes enumerated

in the ResizeMode class.

The TileLayout delegate applied to the Group container has an orientation property

value specifying that children should be laid out in columns based on the dimensions

2.8 Scale Children of a Container | 49


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