1. Trang chủ >
  2. Công Nghệ Thông Tin >
  3. Cơ sở dữ liệu >

signUpWithName.js (JavaScript in the browser)

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var email = document.getElementById('email');

var name = document.getElementById('name');

var password = document.getElementById('password');

var verifyPassword = document.getElementById('verify-password');

result.innerHTML = 'Sign Up...';

if (email.value == null || email.value == '') {

result.innerHTML = 'Please specify your email address.';

} else if (name.value == null || name.value == '') {

result.innerHTML = 'Please specify your name.';

} else if (password.value == null || password.value == '') {

result.innerHTML = 'Please specify a password.';

} else if (password.value != verifyPassword.value) {

result.innerHTML = 'Passwords are different, please check.';

} else {

var input = {

email: email.value,

name: name.value,

password: password.value,



FunctionName: 'sampleAuthCreateUser',

Payload: JSON.stringify(input)

}, function(err, data) {

if (err) console.log(err, err.stack);

else {

var output = JSON.parse(data.Payload);

if (output.created) {

result.innerHTML = 'User ' + input.email + ' created. Please check your email to

validate the user and enable login.';

} else {

result.innerHTML = 'User not created.';






var form = document.getElementById('signup-form');

form.addEventListener('submit', function(evt) {




createUser Lambda Function (Node.js)

console.log('Loading function');

var AWS = require('aws-sdk');

var crypto = require('crypto');

var cryptoUtils = require('./lib/cryptoUtils');

var config = require('./config');

var dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB();

var ses = new AWS.SES();

function storeUser(email, name, password, salt, fn) {

var len = 128;

crypto.randomBytes(len, function(err, token) {

if (err) return fn(err);

token = token.toString('hex');


TableName: config.DDB_TABLE,

Item: {

email: {

S: email


name: {

S: name


passwordHash: {

S: password


passwordSalt: {

S: salt


verified: {

BOOL: false


verifyToken: {

S: token



ConditionExpression: 'attribute_not_exists (email)'

}, function(err, data) {

if (err) return fn(err);

else fn(null, token);




function sendVerificationEmail(email, name, token, fn) {

var subject = 'Verification Email for ' + config.EXTERNAL_NAME;


var verificationLink = config.VERIFICATION_PAGE + '?email=' + encodeURIComponent(email) +

'&verify=' + token;


Source: config.EMAIL_SOURCE,

Destination: {

ToAddresses: [




Message: {

Subject: {

Data: subject


Body: {

Html: {

Data: ''

+ ''

+ '' + subject + ''

+ ''

+ 'Hello ' + name + ', please click here to

verify your email address
or copy & paste the following link in a browser:'

+ '


+ '' + verificationLink + ''

+ ''




}, fn);


exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {

var email = event.email;

var name = event.name;

var clearPassword = event.password;

cryptoUtils.computeHash(clearPassword, function(err, salt, hash) {

if (err) {

callback('Error in hash: ' + err);

} else {

storeUser(email, name, hash, salt, function(err, token) {

if (err) {

if (err.code == 'ConditionalCheckFailedException') {

// userId already found

callback(null, { created: false });

} else {

callback('Error in storeUser: ' + err);


} else {

sendVerificationEmail(email, name, token, function(err, data) {

if (err) {

callback('Error in sendVerificationEmail: ' + err);

} else {

callback(null, { created: true });








Chapter 10. Adding more features to the authentication


This chapter covers

Managing more use cases, such as resetting and changing passwords

Integrating the login process with Amazon Cognito

Using the login to get AWS credentials as an authenticated user

Allowing access to Lambda functions to only authenticated users

In the previous chapter, you started implementing the serverless architecture for a sample

authentication service (figure 10.1) capable of creating new users and validating the email

address. In this chapter, you’re going to add more interesting features, such as the ability to

change or reset the password, and log in as an Amazon Cognito developer authenticated


Figure 10.1. The overall serverless architecture of the sample authentication service you’re implementing in this chapter. HTML and

JavaScript files are hosted on Amazon S3. Lambda functions provide the back end logic. A DynamoDB table is used to store user

profiles. Amazon SES sends emails for verification and for password resets.


This example uses both client-side (running in the browser) and server-side (running in Lambda

functions) code. Because the code running in the browser is JavaScript, the Lambda function

examples are also provided in JavaScript. The implementation of those functions in Python is

left as an exercise for you to do on your own, because it doesn’t change the architecture or the

logic of the application.


With a flow similar to that of the create and validate user pages, you can implement a reset

password process using an email with a random token to validate the user.


For the sake of simplicity, we’ll call this functionality “lost password,” even though it can cover

different use cases. For example, if the user suspects their credentials have been compromised,

asking for a password reset is a good option.

First, the user reports the lost password in the lostPassword.html page (figure 10.2).

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