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Chapter 17. Receiving events from other services

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Figure 17.1. You can share an encryption key managed by AWS KMS by giving access to the decrypt action to an IAM user in your

AWS account (and then give the credentials for the user to the third party) or by creating a cross-account role (that third-party users

can assume in their AWS accounts).


Cross-account roles are a powerful tool that enable the delegation of AWS activities to another

AWS account and can be used in multiple use cases. For example, to share data with another

AWS account, you can let the other account read a shared “folder” (a prefix) in one of your S3

buckets. For more information on assuming cross-account roles,

see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/tutorial_cross-account-withroles.html.


When you started using AWS Lambda with external services in the previous chapter, you

probably noticed that a common pattern used by several of those services (such as Slack and

IFTTT) to receive notifications is to publish a URL where they could listen and be triggered. For

clarity, I repeat here the definition of a webhook:


A webhook is substantially an HTTP callback: you can use it to notify or be notified that

something happened; for example, that new information is available or that some action must

be taken.

At the beginning, webhooks were mainly based on POST actions, but GET is used more and

more for its simplicity and the possibility of adding information using query parameters.

In the previous chapter, you used webhooks to send information to external services. In this

chapter you use them in the opposite direction: to receive events from external sources.


Webhooks are a cool concept and had an active role in the evolution of the web toward the

interactive platform that we know. Using webhooks made it easy for developers to integrate

multiple web applications together, using HTTP as a common language. You can get an idea of

how intriguing and revolutionary they were a few years ago by looking at these two blog posts

from 2007 and 2009: http://progrium.com/blog/2007/05/03/web-hooks-to-revolutionize-theweb/ and http://timothyfitz.com/2009/02/09/what-webhooks-are-and-why-you-should-care/.

Implementing a serverless webhook is simple using the Amazon API Gateway to receive the HTTP

GET or POST and AWS Lambda to run the custom logic associated with the event (figure 17.2).

Figure 17.2. A webhook can be easily built using the Amazon API Gateway to trigger a Lambda function. To protect your webhook

from unauthorized users, you can use a random URL, configuring a hard-to-find resource in the API.

You probably don’t want anybody except an authorized user to use a webhook you create. You

can share a secret as a parameter or a header in the HTTP request, but you must authenticate

the request in the Amazon API Gateway; for example, using a custom authorizer or in the

Lambda function. In both cases you can return an error if the input event doesn’t contain

authentication, but the request would still reach your serverless architecture.

An additional level of security—based on the fact that the actual path of the URL will be

transmitted encrypted by the HTTPS protocol—is to use a difficult-to-find resource in the API

implementing the webhook, something that you can create randomly and then share with the

other party. This way all calls to different resources of your API will miss an integration and

return immediately with an error.

If you want to manage multiple sources in your API, you can build webhooks using the following



where can be replaced with the name of the source, and is a

random path that only you and the source know. Let’s now look at a couple of examples using

webhooks to receive events in a Lambda function with services such as Slack and Twilio.


One of the interesting features of Slack is the possibility to add slash commands, commands

starting with the “/” character, to your teams. Slash commands can then use custom apps and

even—you probably already thought of that—call a webhook.

To set up your Slack account, follow these steps:

1. Use the Slack web interface to your team (a team you administer); for example, https://.slack.com.

2. From the main drop-down menu of the team, at the top left of the window, select Apps &


3. Search for “slash commands” and select the result.

4. Add a configuration, and choose a command; for example, “/lambda”.

5. Now add the command integration.

The Slack console is well documented and you should now see many options. Let’s focus on the

most important ones for your integration. You still have to create your webhook, and you don’t

know the final URL. You need to come back to this configuration page to update the URL after

you deploy the API with the Amazon API Gateway. But you can already choose whether you

want Slack to use a POST or a GET. Leave POST for now; you can experiment with GET later. And

most importantly, write down the token that acts as a shared secret to authenticate Slack on

your side. You’ll check the value of the token in the Lambda function to authenticate your


Because you’ll use AWS KMS to decrypt the token in your Lambda function, it’s time to encrypt

it as you did at the beginning of the previous chapter:

1. Create a new KMS key, if you haven’t already. From the AWS IAM console, choose Encryption

Keys and use functionConfig as the key alias.

2. Use the AWS CLI to encrypt the Slack token using the KMS key (be sure to replace with


aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/functionConfig --plaintext ''

3. Write down the result in the CiphertextBlob property. You need to put that value in the Lambda

function that you’ll create shortly.

You can now create the Lambda function to receive the event from Slack: it will be easy, because

you can start from one of the blueprints in the console. Create a new Lambda function, and

search for “Slack” when asked to select a blueprint. Look for the “slack-echo-command”

blueprints. You can choose between two implementations, in Node.js or Python.

The console automatically preconfigures the integration with the Amazon API Gateway for you,

but you need to change the Security to be “Open.” Give a name to the function (for example,

“Slack2Lambda”) and to the Role (for example, “Slack2Lambda-role”). The role is already

configured to give access to AWS KMS.

In the code, look for the parameter where the encrypted token that you got from Slack and

encrypted using AWS KMS must be replaced. All other defaults are okay.

Deploy the changes, creating a “prod” stage, and go back to the Slack slash command

configuration to update the URL with the full path of the resource you configured with the

Amazon API Gateway. The easiest way to find the full path is in the Trigger tab for the function,

in the Lambda console.

Try the new slash command in your Slack team. The blueprints you used send back (“echo”) the

information on the slash command, but they can easily be extended to add your custom logic or

call other APIs. For example, you can create a slash command such as “/lambda list” to list all

the Lambda functions in that region.


If something doesn’t work as expected, look at the Lambda function logs and test the integration

in the Amazon API Gateway console. Blueprints are updated frequently, so look for additional

information in the code of the functions; for example, in comments.


For an extended example of how to use Slack with AWS Lambda, you can see the GitHub

repository of the Zombie Apocalypse Workshop, a lab to set up a serverless chat application

at https://github.com/awslabs/aws-lambda-zombie-workshop.


GitHub is natively integrated with certain AWS services. In particular, Amazon SNS is

supported by GitHub and is probably the easiest way to receive SNS notifications that can then

trigger Lambda functions. In this case, you have to create an SNS topic and an AWS IAM user

with the necessary permissions to publish on the SNS topic. The AWS Access Key ID and AWS

Secret Access Key are stored by GitHub to authenticate the sending of notifications.


You can periodically rotate those AWS credentials, creating a new one and updating the

configuration on GitHub. AWS users can have two credentials active at the same time to

simplify their rotation.

Another approach, not using the native AWS integration that GitHub provides, is to set up a

webhook in the settings of a GitHub repository, similar to what you did for Slack.

You can then set up the Amazon API Gateway to receive the event and pass it to a Lambda

function. To protect access to the Lambda function, you can add a random string to the payload

URL used by GitHub. That random string will be the resource you configure in the API and acts

as a shared secret, because it’s always transmitted encrypted (over HTTPS) between GitHub and

the Amazon API Gateway.


For additional security, you can periodically rotate the shared secret part of the URL by creating

a new random method in the API, calling the same Lambda function, and updating the GitHub

console. You can then remove the old resource in the API when you’re sure it won’t be called


Now you have a way to receive events from GitHub. In the previous chapter, you learned how to

change things on GitHub, having access to the GitHub API from within your Lambda functions.

Using these two capabilities together, you can implement an automated bot that can react to

activities in the repository (for example, a new issue has been created) and automate the

management of that event (for example, looking in a knowledge base if part of the information

can be automatically returned as a comment to the issue).


Twilio is a service that exposes a globally available cloud API that developers can interact with to

build intelligent and complex communications systems. You can get a developer key for free and

start experimenting with their APIs.

The way Twilio sends data is similar to how Slack and GitHub work, using a webhook that you

can implement with the Amazon API Gateway calling a Lambda function. Similar to Slack, when

you create the Lambda function, you can use a blueprint: search for Twilio and select “twiliosimple-blueprint” (Node.js).


If something doesn’t work as expected, look at the Lambda function logs and test the integration

in the Amazon API Gateway console. Blueprints are updated frequently, so look for additional

information in the code of the functions; for example, in comments.

Zombie Apocalypse Workshop

For an extended example of how to use Twilio with AWS Lambda, you can see this GitHub

repository, where the code and a detailed walkthrough have been shared by AWS:


The purpose of the workshop is to set up a serverless chat application, and integrate with multiple

communication channels to save the world from a fictitious “Zombie Apocalypse.”


In this section, I want to give you an example of how to integrate a third-party product to trigger

a Lambda function. We used Amazon DynamoDB as the source of events in a few examples in

the book, but what if you want to use a different database, such as MongoDB?

The idea is to find a place where the third-party product stores information on what it’s doing,

often in a log file. MongoDB databases, when configured in a replica set, write a log of their

operations in the oplog (operations log), a special capped collection that keeps a rolling record

of all operations that modify the data stored in the database.

Capped collections in MongoDB have a fixed size and support high throughput operations.

They’re similar to circular buffers: once a collection fills its allocated space, it makes room for

new documents by overwriting the oldest documents in the collection.

You can browse a capped collection using a tailable cursor, which remains open after the client

exhausts the results in the initial cursor (similar to the “tail –f” Unix command). After clients

insert new additional documents into a capped collection, the tailable cursor continues to

retrieve documents.

Using the tools provided by MongoDB, it’s possible to build an oplog Monitor that can

continuously look at the oplog and trigger the invocation of a Lambda function when a specific

pattern is found. An example of this flow is depicted in figure 17.3.

Figure 17.3. Monitoring the MongoDB oplog to look for a specific pattern and trigger a Lambda function

Building the actual oplog Monitor is outside the scope of this chapter because you need to go

deeper into MongoDB skills that aren’t a requirement for this book. But the idea of why to build

it and how it works should be clear. For an example of how to use MongoDB drivers to build the

oplog Monitor in different programming languages, such as Python or Node.js,

see https://docs.mongodb.com/ecosystem/drivers/.


This section is based on MongoDB, but most databases have replication capabilities, and that’s

the part where you should look to find how to monitor changes and trigger events.


A more generic approach to integrating third-party products as triggers for AWS Lambda is to

check if the information you’re looking for to trigger a function is available in a log file written

by the third-party product (figure 17.4).

Figure 17.4. Monitoring logs is a common approach to trigger Lambda functions from events happening in an external product. You

can invoke Lambda functions directly or by using Amazon SNS.


Logs can use a lot of disk space (especially if you increased the log level of the app). Implement

automatic rotation for log files so that the old ones are automatically deleted or archived after a

time. To avoid an impact on storage performance, you can move the logs used by this monitor to

a small RAM disk capable of holding the logs for only a few minutes. You can safely store the old

logs in a more permanent storage afterward or in parallel (if configurable by the app).

Even if you can trigger a Lambda function directly from a log monitor, my suggestion is to send

SNS notifications and then use those notifications to trigger Lambda functions. In this way, you

decouple the invocation and can use SNS logging to monitor the communication between the log

monitor and AWS Lambda.

With Amazon SNS, the Lambda function receives the message payload as an input parameter

and can manipulate the information in the message, publish the message to other SNS topics, or

send the message to other AWS services. In addition, Amazon SNS also supports message

delivery status attributes for message notifications sent to Lambda endpoints. Decoupling the

Lambda invocation from the monitor, you can configure the specific version or alias of the

Lambda function to be invoked in the SNS trigger, instead of the configuration of the log



You have to manage the reliability of the log monitor in terms of availability (not missing

possible triggers) and performance (catching up with the speed at which the logs are written).


In this chapter you saw how to have triggers external to AWS calling your Lambda functions. In

particular, you learned about the following:

Building webhooks with the Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda to receive events

from external sources

Receiving events from an external application, monitoring its logs to trigger Lambda

functions using Amazon SNS

Being triggered by other platforms such as Slack, GitHub, and Twilio, an example of the

power of webhooks

Designing a specific log monitor for an external database, such as MongoDB, to trigger

Lambda functions



To authenticate calls to your webhook you can use





An IAM role with a custom policy

An IAM user with a custom policy

A shared secret that must be sent only over encrypted channels, such as HTTPS

A shared secret that you can send by email, using Amazon SES




What are the best ways a log monitor can use to invoke a Lambda function?





Using Amazon SNS as a trigger

Using AWS IAM roles

Using AWS CloudTrail

Using the AWS Lambda Invoke API


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