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Fig. 13.7 Flow through a packed bed
Fig. 13.8 Kozeny’s model of a packed bed
u =
32LB μ
where the velocity u represents the interstitial velocity, that is, the velocity between the particles in
a packed bed. Kozeny, and later Carman, proposed that the interstitial and superficial velocities are
related by the bed voidage,
u =
In other words, the cross-sectional area which determines the interstitial velocity for a given volumetric flow rate is proportional to the inter-particle voidage. Kozeny further suggested that the
equivalent pore space diameter dB is given by
dB =
where SB is the particle surface area per unit bed volume which comes into contact with the fluid
passing through the bed. In turn this quantity is related to the specific surface by the fraction of the
bed occupied by particles (1 − ε). Thus
Packed Beds: The Behaviour of Particles in Bulk
SB = S (1 − ε)
Substituting each of these assumptions into Eq. (13.38), and further assuming that the equivalent
pore space length is proportional to the bed depth, results in the Carman–Kozeny equation
ε3 P
KS2 (1 − ε)2 μL
which can be used to predict fluid velocity or flow rate as a function of pressure drop for a bed of
incompressible particles, that is, where the bed voidage is constant. The dimensionless constant K is
known as Kozeny’s constant and has a value of approximately 5.0, although strictly it is a function of
both intra-particle porosity and particle shape.
A comparison can now be made between the Darcy and Kozeny relationships. Thus from Eqs.
(13.37) and (13.42) the permeability of the bed is
KS2 (1 − ε)2
In other words permeability depends upon the geometry of the bed, that is, bed voidage and specific
surface, which in turn is a function of particle size. Permeability has dimensions of m2 and for fine
particles values in the range 10−10 to 10−12 m2 can be expected. Note that for spheres S = d . Bed
permeability is often expressed in terms of the specific resistance α where
Thus α has dimensions of m−2 and values of the order of 1010 to 1012 m−2 for fine particles. This
definition is used in the analysis of filtration.
Example 13.13
Coffee particles, which may be assumed to be spheres 400 μm in diameter, are to be dried in a stream
of warm air. If the particle and bulk densities are 618 and 1030 kg m−3 , respectively, calculate the
permeability of the bed of coffee particles.
The inter-particle voidage is given by Eq. (13.18) and therefore
ε =1−
ε = 0.40
For spheres S = d . Now assuming Kozeny’s constant to be equal to 5, the permeability of the bed
(0.40)3 (400 × 10−6 )
180(1 − 0.40)2
Solids Processing and Particle Manufacture
β = 3.56 × 10−10 m2
For large particles (greater than about 600 or 700 μm) the Carman–Kozeny relationship is inadequate and predicts far too low a pressure drop. Therefore Ergun suggested a semi-empirical equation
for the pressure drop per unit bed depth, containing two terms. Ergun’s equation may be expressed as
150(1 − ε)2 μu 1.75 (1 − ε) ρf u2
ε 3 d2
ε3 d
The first term represents the pressure loss due to viscous drag (this is essentially the
Carman–Kozeny equation) whilst the second term represents kinetic energy losses, which are significant at higher velocities (kinetic energy being proportional to velocity squared). Equation (13.45)
is valid in the range 1 < Re < 2000 where the Reynolds number is defined by
Re =
S (1 − ε) μ
13.4 Fluidisation
13.4.1 Introduction
Fluidisation is a technique which enables solid particles to take on some of the properties of a fluid.
For example, fluidised solids will adopt the shape of the container in which they are held and can be
made to flow, under pressure, from an orifice or overflow a weir. Solids may be fluidised either by a
liquid or by a gas. These phenomena give rise to a series of characteristics (for example good mixing
and good heat transfer) which are exploited in a wide range of food processing operations such as
freezing, drying, mixing and granulation.
Consider a bed of particles, say of a size similar to sand. When a fluid is passed upwards through
the particles, the bed remains packed at low fluid velocities; the particles do not move. However, if the
fluid velocity is increased sufficiently, a point will be reached at which the drag force on a particle will
be balanced by the net weight of the particle. The particles are suspended in the upward moving fluid
and move away from one another. This is the point of incipient fluidisation at, and beyond which, the
bed is said to be fluidised. The superficial fluid velocity in the bed at the point of incipient fluidisation
is called the minimum fluidising velocity umf . At velocities in excess of that required for minimum
fluidisation one of two phenomena will occur.
(i) The bed may continue to expand and the particles will space themselves uniformly. This is known
as particulate fluidisation and in general occurs when the fluidising medium is a liquid (Fig. 13.9).
(ii) Alternatively, the excess fluid may pass through the bed in the form of bubbles. This is called
aggregative fluidisation and usually occurs where the fluidising medium is a gas. This type of
behaviour gives rise to the analogy of a boiling liquid (Fig. 13.10).
A fluidised bed requires a distributor plate which supports the bed when it is not fluidised, prevents particles from passing through and promotes uniform fluidisation by distributing the fluidising
medium evenly. The nature of the distributor plate influences the number and size of bubbles formed
in aggregative fluidisation. Several types of plate are possible including porous or sintered ceramics
and metals, layers of wire mesh and drilled plates. The pressure drop across the plate should be high
to promote even gas distribution and is usually some fraction of bed pressure drop, often up to 50%.
Fig. 13.9 Particulate fluidisation
Fig. 13.10 Aggregative fluidisation
Fluidised beds can be operated either in batch or in continuous mode. In continuous operation the
solids are fed via screw conveyors, weigh feeders or pneumatic conveying lines and are withdrawn
via standpipes or weirs.
13.4.2 Minimum Fluidising Velocity in Aggregative Fluidisation
The behaviour of a fluidised bed and its effectiveness as a mixer, drier or freezer depend crucially upon
the superficial gas velocity in the bed relative to the minimum fluidising velocity. It is essential that
the minimum fluidising velocity is known; it may be determined experimentally or may be calculated
from elementary fluid mechanics concepts. In addition much effort has been expended on producing
accurate semi-empirical relationships to predict umf .
The relationship between bed pressure drop and superficial fluidising velocity is shown in
Fig. 13.11. As the gas velocity increases, the pressure drop increases in the fixed bed, or packed bed,
Solids Processing and Particle Manufacture
Fig. 13.11 Pressure drop as a function of superficial gas velocity
region and then levels out as the bed becomes fluidised. Ideally, the pressure drop then remains constant as the weight of the particles is supported by the fluid. However, if the velocity is then reduced
marked hysteresis is observed. This is because the bed voidage remains at the minimum fluidising
value whereas with increasing gas velocity considerable vibration of the particles takes place, the
voidage is lower, and the pressure drop correspondingly is slightly greater. In practice too there will
be a maximum pressure drop through which the curve passes because of particle interlocking. Also,
as the velocity is reduced, the transition between the fluidised and fixed curves is gradual rather than
(a) Experimental measurement: The standardised procedure to measure minimum fluidising velocity is to fluidise the bed of particles vigorously for some minutes and then reduce gas velocity in
small increments, recording the bed pressure drop each time. This may be done with a simple water
manometer with one leg open to atmosphere and one leg connected to a narrow tube placed in the bed.
The data is then interpreted as in Fig. 13.12; umf corresponds to the intersection of the straight lines
representing the fixed and fluidised beds.
(b) Carman–Kozeny equation: The Carman–Kozeny expression for minimum fluidising velocity
is derived by substituting for the pressure drop in Eq. (13.42). The pressure drop across a fluidised
bed of bed height h can be obtained by treating the fluidised solids as a fluid with a density equal to
the difference between the solid and fluid densities. Thus the pressure drop is given by Eq. (2.13) but
includes the term (1 − ε) to take account of the fraction of the bed volume occupied by solids. Hence
at minimum fluidising velocity
Pmf = (ρS − ρf ) (1 − εmf ) ghmf
and therefore
umf =
εmf 3 (ρS − ρf )g
KS2 (1 − εmf )μ
Fig. 13.12 Measurement of minimum fluidising velocity: aggregative fluidisation
Now for K = 5, and for spherical particles where the specific surface is equal to d , the minimum
fluidising velocity becomes
umf =
εmf 3 (ρS − ρf )gd 2
180 (1 − εmf ) μ
At minimum fluidisation the drag force acting on a particle due to the flow of fluidising gas over the
particle is balanced by the net weight of the particle. The former is a function of surface area and the
latter is proportional to particle volume. Consequently the surface-volume mean diameter is the most
appropriate particle size to use in expressions for minimum fluidising velocity. Note that Eq. (13.49)
suggests that umf is proportional to the difference in density between particle and fluid, proportional
to the square of particle diameter and inversely proportional to fluid viscosity.
Example 13.14
A food powder is to be dried in a 0.5 m diameter fluidised bed using air at 50◦ C. It is found that
minimum fluidising conditions are obtained when the bed pressure drop is 6000 Pa for a bed height
of 0.50 m. Using the Carman–Kozeny relationship, determine the minimum fluidising velocity if the
surface-volume mean particle diameter is 180 μm and the particle density is 2300 kg m−3 .
For air at 50◦ C the density is 1.1 kg m−3 and the viscosity is 1.98 × 10−5 Pa s. The voidage at
minimum fluidising velocity is obtained from Eq. (13.47) and hence
6000 = (2300 − 1.1) (1 − εmf )9.81 × 0.50
from which the voidage is
εmf = 0.468
Solids Processing and Particle Manufacture
Thus the Carman–Kozeny equation gives the minimum fluidising velocity as
umf =
(0.468)3 (2300 − 1.1)(180 × 10−6 ) 9.81
180(1 − 0.468)1.98 × 10−5
m s−1
umf = 0.0395 m s−1
(c) Ergun equation: The Carman–Kozeny equation works well for fine particles. However, for large
particles, for example peas in a fluidised bed freezer, the minimum fluidising velocity is high and the
kinetic energy losses are significant. In these circumstances the Carman–Kozeny expression vastly
over estimates umf and the Ergun equation must be used.
Writing Ergun’s equation for minimum fluidising conditions gives
150(1 − εmf )2 μumf
1.75(1 − εmf )ρf umf 2
εmf 3 d 2
εmf 3 d
and substituting for pressure drop from Eq. (13.47) gives
(ρS − ρf )g =
150(1 − εmf )μumf
1.75ρf umf 2
3 d2
εmf 3 d
This expression is unwieldy but can be simplified considerably. Multiplying through by
results in
1.75ρf2 d 2 umf 2
150 (1 − εmf ) umf dρf
ρf (ρS − ρf ) d3 g
εmf 3 μ
εmf 3 μ2
ρf d 3
which can be put into the form
Ga =
150 (1 − εmf )
Remf +
This is a quadratic equation where the Galileo number Ga is defined by
Ga =
ρf (ρS − ρf ) d3 g
and the Reynolds number at minimum fluidisation by
Remf =
ρf umf d
Example 13.15
A novel method for germinating tomato seeds includes a relatively rapid drying stage in a gas–solid
fluidised bed. The seeds have a flat, irregular disc-like shape but may be assumed to have a diameter
of 2 mm. The solid density of the seeds is 1600 kg m−3 . Determine the minimum fluidising velocity
of the seeds in air at 300 K if the pressure drop across a 0.2 m deep bed at minimum fluidisation is
1568 Pa.
At 300 K the density and viscosity of air are 1.177 kg m−3 and 1.846 × 10−5 Pa s, respectively.
The voidage at minimum fluidisation is obtained from Eq. (13.47), thus
1568 = (1 − εmf )(1600 − 1.177)9.81 × 0.20
from which
εmf = 0.50
The Galileo number can be calculated from Eq. (13.54) to give
Ga =
1.177(1600 − 1.177)9.81(2 × 10−3 )
(1.846 × 10−5 )
Ga = 4.333 × 105
Substituting Ga and ε mf into the Ergun equation yields the quadratic expression
4.333 × 105 = 600Remf + 14Re2
from which the positive root is Remf = 155.8. Clearly the negative root has no physical significance
and can be ignored. Thus
155.8 =
1.177umf 2 × 10−3
1.846 × 10−5
and the minimum fluidising velocity is then
umf = 1.22 m s−1
Example 13.16
Compare the Carman–Kozeny and Ergun relationships for determining the minimum fluidising velocity in air of the following particles: (a) surface-volume mean diameter = 600 μm, particle density =
2400 kg m−3 ; (b) surface-volume mean diameter = 9 mm, particle density = 1200 kg m−3 . In each
case assume that the bed voidage at minimum fluidisation is 0.45 and that the density and viscosity of
air are 1.1 kg m−3 and 2 × 10−5 Pa s, respectively.
For the 600 μm diameter particles the Carman–Kozeny equation gives the minimum fluidising
velocity as
umf =
(0.45)3 (2400 − 1.1)(600 × 10−6 ) 9.81
180(1 − 0.45)2 × 10
umf = 0.389 m s−1
m s−1
Solids Processing and Particle Manufacture
The Galileo number is
Ga =
1.1(2400 − 1.1)9.81(600 × 10−6 )
(2 × 10−5 )
Ga = 1.398 × 104
which on substitution into the Ergun equation gives
1.398 × 104 = 905.4Remf + 19.20Re2
The positive root is Remf = 12.25 and therefore
12.25 =
1.1umf 600 × 10−6
2 × 10−5
from which
umf = 0.371 m s−1
In other words there is good agreement between the Carman–Kozeny and Ergun models for the
600 μm particles. However, for the 9 mm diameter particles the Carman–Kozeny equation gives
umf =
(0.45)3 (1200 − 1.1)(9 × 10−3 ) 9.81
180(1 − 0.45)2 × 10−5
m s−1
umf = 43.8 m s−1
This is an unrealistically high velocity. In contrast, using the Ergun model, Ga = 2.358 × 107 and
2.358 × 107 = 905.4Remf + 19.20Re2
This gives a Reynolds number of Remf = 1084.9 and therefore
1084.9 =
1.1umf 9 × 10−3
2 × 10−5
from which
umf = 2.192 m s−1
Example 13.16 shows that for large particles the kinetic energy losses far outweigh the losses due
to viscous drag. For large food particles, such as peas and other vegetable pieces in a fluidised bed
freezer or drier, the Carman–Kozeny equation is wholly inadequate to predict minimum fluidising
velocity and the Ergun equation must be used. However, this is a little cumbersome and it is possible
to ignore the first term in Eq. (13.53) which then reduces to
Re2 =
εmf Ga
For the 9 mm diameter particles of Example 13.16, Eq. (13.56) gives the minimum fluidising
velocity as 2.238 m s−1 which is a good approximation to that predicted by the full Ergun equation.
(d) Semi-empirical correlations: Probably the most useful and accurate of the many semi-empirical
equations available is that due to Leva:
d1.82 (ρS − ρf )0.94
umf = 0.0079
This equation allows the prediction of minimum fluidising velocity from a knowledge of the mean
particle diameter, the particle density, the density of fluidising medium and the viscosity of fluidising
medium (SI units).
13.4.3 Gas-Solid Fluidised Bed Behaviour
(a) Influence of gas velocity: As the superficial gas velocity is increased beyond the minimum fluidising velocity a greater proportion of gas passes through the bed in the form of bubbles, the bubbles
grow larger, particle movement is more rapid and there is a greater degree of ‘turbulence’. Fluidising
gas velocity is the single most important variable affecting the behaviour of a bed of given particles
and it is expressed usually as either
(i) multiples of umf , for example uu = 3 implies that the gas velocity is three times that required for
minimum fluidisation, or as
(ii) excess gas velocity, u − umf for example u − umf = 1.2 m s−1 implies that the gas velocity is 1.2
m s−1 greater than that required for minimum fluidisation.
As an approximation, it may be assumed that all the gas over and above that required for minimum
fluidisation flows up through the bed in the form of bubbles. This is the assumption of the ‘two-phase
theory’; in other words the bed consists of a bubble phase and a dilute or lean phase of fluidised solids.
If the total volumetric flow of gas is Q then, according to the two-phase theory,
Q = Qmf + QB
where Qmf is the volumetric flow of gas at minimum fluidisation and QB is the volumetric bubble
flow rate. In practice, proportionately more gas flows interstitially (i.e. between the particles) as the
velocity is increased than at umf . In addition, there is a limited interchange of gas between the bubble
phase and the dilute phase. As the gas velocity is increased further the very smallest particles are
likely to be carried out of the bed in the exhaust stream. This is because at any realistic fluidising gas
velocity the terminal falling velocity of the very smallest particles will be exceeded. The loss of bed
material in this way is known as elutriation and will increase as uu increases. Further increases in gas
velocity result in greater elutriation and a more dilute concentration of the solids remaining in the bed.
Eventually all the particles will be transported in the gas stream at the onset of pneumatic conveying.
(b) Geldart’s classification: Geldart suggested classifying fluidised particles into four groups. This
classification is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 13.13 in the form of a plot of the density difference
between particle and fluid against mean particle size. Group A particles are typically between 20 and
100 μm in diameter with a particle density less than 1400 kg m−3 . These particles exhibit considerable bed expansion as the fluidising velocity increases and collapses only slowly as the velocity is
decreased. In other words they tend to retain the fluidising gas. On the other hand the larger and denser
group B particles (40–500 μm, particle density in the range 1400–4000 kg m−3 ) form freely bubbling
fluidised beds at the minimum fluidising velocity. This is the classical fluidised bed behaviour; group
B particles can be defined by
Solids Processing and Particle Manufacture
Fig. 13.13 Geldart’s classification of fluidised particles (Source: Adapted from Geldart, 1973)
(ρS − ρf )1.17 ≥ 9.06 × 105
Groups A and B are the most frequently encountered classes of particles, giving stable fluidisation.
Group C, with particle diameters below 30 μm, consists of cohesive powders which display a
tendency to agglomerate and are very difficult to fluidise. This group is characteristic of a number of
food materials such as flour or very fine spray-dried particles. Large particles with a mean diameter
greater than 600 μm and a density above 4000 kg m−3 are classed as Group D. Such particles display
very little bed expansion and generally give unstable fluidisation; channelling of the gas is prevalent.
Food examples include seeds and vegetables pieces. Group D particles can be defined by
(ρS − ρf )d2 ≥ 109
13.4.4 Bubbles and Particle Mixing
The size of bubbles at the bottom of the bed is determined by the nature of the distributor and they
grow as they rise through the bed. Small bubbles are overtaken by larger ones and coalescence takes
place at the base of the larger bubble. Consequently, the number of bubbles at any bed cross-section
decreases with bed height. Small bubbles are approximately spherical but with a slight indentation
at the base. However, the size of the indentation increases with bubble diameter and the bubbles
take on the characteristic shape shown in Fig. 13.14. As gas velocity increases the nature of the
bubbles changes. Especially in deep beds, the bubbles grow to the size of the bed container and
push plugs of material up the bed as they rise. The particles then stream past the slugs at the bed
walls on their downward path. This is known as slugging and is to be avoided in food processing
Particle mixing in a fluidised bed is brought about solely by the movement of bubbles. As a bubble
rises in the bed (Fig. 13.15) it gathers a wake of particles and then draws up a spout of particles behind
it. The wake grows as the bubble rises and a proportion of it may be shed before the bubble reaches
the bed surface. Growth and shedding of the wake may be repeated several times in the life of a single