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Unit 14. I was doing and I did (Past Continuous and Simple Past)

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- What was Eric doing when the phone rang?

He was reading a book. (past continuous)

- What did he do when the phone rang?

He stopped reading and answered the phone. (simple past)

- Eric began reading before the phone rang.

So when the phone rang, he was reading.


Simple past



Past continuous




yesterday A: What were you doing at 10:30?


B: We were playing tennis.

B: We played tennis. (from 10 to We were playing (unfinished action)


We played (complete action)

Eric read a book yesterday. (= from Eric was reading a book when the

beginning to end)

phone rang.

Did you watch the movie on television Were you watching television when I

last night?

called you?

It didn’t rain while we were on It wasn’t raining when I got up.


- I started work at 9 o’clock and finished at 4:30. At 2:30 I was working.

- It was raining when we went out. (= it started raining before we went


- I saw Lucy and Steve this morning. They were waiting at the bus stop.

- Mi Ja fell asleep while she was reading.

I did (Simple Past) Units 11-12 I was doing (Past Continuous) Unit 13

While Unit 100 When Unit 112


14.1 Look at the pictures. Put the verbs in the past continuous or simple


Linda broke (break) her arm last week. It … (happen) when she …

(paint) her room, she … (fall) off the ladder.

The train … (arrive) at the station, and Paula … (get) off. Two friend of

hers, John and Jenny, … (wait) to meet her.

Yesterday Sue … (walk) down the street when she … (meet) Jim. He …

(go) home, and he … (carry) a bag. They … (stop) to talk for a few minutes.

14.2 Put the verb in the past continuous or simple past.

1. A: What were you doing (you / do) when the phone rang (ring)?

B: I was watching (watch) television.

2. A: Was Tracy busy when you went to see her?

B: Yes, she … (study).

3. A: What time … (the mail / come) this morning?

B: It … (come) while I … (have) breakfast.

4. A: Was Megan at work today?

B: No, she … (not / go) to work. She was sick.

5. A: How fast … (you / drive) when the police … (stop) you?

B: I don’t know exactly, but I … (not / drive) very fast.

6. A: … (your team / win) the baseball game yesterday?

6: No, the weather was very bad, so we … (not / play).

7. A: How … (you / break) the window?

B: We … (play) baseball. I … (hit) the ball, and it … (break) the window.

8. A: … (you / see) Judy last night?

B: Yes, she … (wear) a long dress.

9. A: What … (you / do) at 2 o’clock this morning?

B: I was asleep.

10. A: I … (lose) my key last night.

B: How … (you / get) into your apartment?

A: I … (climb) in through a window.

Additional Exercises 14-15 (pages 248-249)

Unit 15. I used to…


DAVE a few years ago

I work in a factory.

DAVE today

I work in a supermarket.

I used to work in a factory.

Dave used to work in a factory. Now he works in a supermarket.

Dave used to work in a factory = he worked in a factory in the past, but

he doesn’t work there now


You can say I used to work… / she used to have… / they used to be…,


I / you / we / they



He / she / it

used to




- When I was a child, I used to like chocolate.

- I used to read a lot of books, but I don’t read much these days.

- Liz has short hair now, but it used to be very long.

- They used to live on the same block as us, so we used to see them

often. But we don’t see them very often these days.

- Amy used to have a piano, but she sold it when she moved.

The negative is I didn’t use to…

- When I was a child, I didn’t use to like tomatoes.

The question is did you use to…?

- Where did you use to live before you came here?


We use used to… only for the past. You cannot say “I use to…


- I used to play tennis. These days I play golf. (not I use to play golf.)

- We usually get up early, (not We use to get up early.)

supermarket (n): siêu thị

block (n): khu nhà cao tầng


15.1 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with used to…

Now and A few years ago

1. She used to have long hair.

2. He … baseball.

3. … a taxi driver.

4. … in Dallas

5. …

6. This building …

15.2 Karen works very hard and has very little free time. A few years ago,

her life was different.

Do you play any sport?

Yes, I swim every day and I play volleyball.

Do you go out much?

Yes, three or four nights a week.





musical Yes, the guitar.


Do you like to read?

Yes, I read a lot.

Do you travel much?

Yes, I take two or three trips a year.

Write sentences about Karen with used to…

1. She used to swim every day.

2. She …

3. …

4. …

5. …

6. …

15.3 Complete these sentences. Use used to or the simple present (I play

/ he lives, etc.).

1. I used to play tennis. I stopped playing a few years ago.

2. “Do you play any sports?” “Yes, I play basketball.”

3. “Do you have a car?” “No, I … one, but I sold it.”

4. Fu Chen … a waiter. Now he’s the manager of a restaurant.

5. “Do you go to work by car?” “Sometimes, but usually I … by train.”

6. When I was a child, I never … vegetables, but I eat them now.

7. Suree loves to watch TV. She … TV every night.

8. We … near the airport, but we moved to the city a few years ago.

9. Normally I start work at 7 o’clock, so I … up very early.

10. What games … you … when you were a child?

Unit 16. Have you ever…? (Present Perfect)


Have you been to Mexico City?

Yes, I have. Many times.

Have you ever driven a car there?

No, I’ve never driven in Mexico City.

Have been / have driven / have played, etc., is the present perfect (have

+ past participle).




have (‘ve)

have not (haven’t)

























has (‘s)

has not (hasn’t)




Regular verbs:

The past participle is -ed (the same as the simple past).

play  we have played

live  I have lived





visit  she has visited

Irregular verbs:

The past participle is sometimes the same as the simple past.

buy  I bought / I have bought

have  he had / he has had

Sometimes it is different (see Appendixes 2-3).

break  I broke / I have broken

see  you saw / you have seen


We use the present perfect when we talk about a time from the past

until now, for example, a person’s life.

- Have you ever been to Japan?

- “Have you-been to France?” (in your life) “No, I haven’t.”

- We’ve been to Canada, but we haven’t been to Alaska.

- Mary has had many different jobs and has lived in many places.

- I’ve seen that woman before, but I can’t remember where.

- How many times has Brazil won the World Cup?

- “Have you read this book?” “Yes, I’ve read it twice.” (twice = two times)


Present perfect + ever (in questions) and never

- “Has Amy ever been to Australia?” “Yes, once.” (once = one time)

- “Have you ever played golf?” “Yes, I play golf a lot.”

- My mother has never traveled by plane.

- I’ve never ridden a horse.

- “Who is that man?” “I don’t know. I’ve never seen him before.”

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