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Unit 16. Have you ever…? (Present Perfect)

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visit  she has visited

Irregular verbs:

The past participle is sometimes the same as the simple past.

buy  I bought / I have bought

have  he had / he has had

Sometimes it is different (see Appendixes 2-3).

break  I broke / I have broken

see  you saw / you have seen


We use the present perfect when we talk about a time from the past

until now, for example, a person’s life.

- Have you ever been to Japan?

- “Have you-been to France?” (in your life) “No, I haven’t.”

- We’ve been to Canada, but we haven’t been to Alaska.

- Mary has had many different jobs and has lived in many places.

- I’ve seen that woman before, but I can’t remember where.

- How many times has Brazil won the World Cup?

- “Have you read this book?” “Yes, I’ve read it twice.” (twice = two times)


Present perfect + ever (in questions) and never

- “Has Amy ever been to Australia?” “Yes, once.” (once = one time)

- “Have you ever played golf?” “Yes, I play golf a lot.”

- My mother has never traveled by plane.

- I’ve never ridden a horse.

- “Who is that man?” “I don’t know. I’ve never seen him before.”

Present Perfect and Simple Past Units 19-21 Present Perfect Units 1718 Irregular Verbs Appendixes 2-3

to travel: đi lại

horse (n): con ngựa


16.1 You are asking Angela questions. Write the questions. Begin with

Have you ever…?

1. (Montreal?) Have you ever been to Montreal? No never.

2. (play / golf?) Have you ever played golf? Yes, many times.

3. (Australia?) Have … No, never.

4. (lose / your passport?) … Yes, once.

5. (fly / in a helicopter?) … No, never.

6. (eat / Chinese food?) … Yes, a few times.

7. (London?) … Yes, twice.

8. (drive / a bus?) … No, never.

16.2 Look at Angela's answers in Exercise 16.1. Write sentences about


1. (London) Angela has been to London twice.

2. (Australia) She …

3. (Chinese food) …

4. (drive/a bus) …

Now write about yourself. How many times have you done these


5. (London) I …

6. (play / tennis) …

7. (fly / in a helicopter) …

16.3 Mary is 85 years old. She has had an interesting life. What has she





all over the world

many different jobs



a lot of interesting people

married three times



a lot of interesting things

ten books

1. She has had many different jobs.

2. She …

3. …

4. …

5. …

6. …

16.4 Put the verbs in the present perfect.

1. I've seen (I / see) that woman before, but I can't remember where.

2. “Have you ever played (you / ever / play) golf?” “Yes, I play golf a lot.”

3. … (you / ever / write) a poem?” “Yes, in high school.”

4. “Does Emma know Sam?” “No, … (she / never / meet) him.”

5. Ann and Eli have lots of books, and … (they / read) all of them.

6. … (I / never / be) to Australia, but … (my brother / be) there twice.

7. Joy’s favorite film is Howard and Belinda. … (she / see) it five times,

but … (I / never / see) it.

8. … (I / travel) by plane, bus, and train. Someday, I want to take a trip

by boat.

Additional Exercises 16, 18 (pages 249-250)

Unit 17. How long have you…?


Susan is on vacation in New York.

She is there now.

She arrived in New York oil Monday.

Today is Thursday.

How long has she been in New York?

She has been in New York

- since Monday.

- for three days.

Compare is and has been

She is in New York. (is = present)

She has been in New York / since Monday / for three days. (has been =

present perfect)



Simple present





Present perfect

are - They have been married for five years. (not They


are married for five years.)

- Are you married?

- How long have you been married? (not How long

are you married?)

- Do you know Lynn?

- How long have you known her? (not How long

do you know her?)

- I know Lynn.

- I’ve known her for a long time. (nut I know her for

a long time.)

- Vera lives in Brasilia.

- How long has she lived in Brasilia?

She has lived there all her life.

- I have a car.

- How long have you had your car?

I’ve had it since April.

Present continuous

Present perfect continuous

- I’m studying German.

- How long have you been studying German?

(not How long are you studying German?)

I’ve been studying German for two years.

- Bruce is watching TV.

- How long has he been watching TV?

He’s been watching TV since 5 o’clock. (he’s

been = he has been)

- It’s raining.

- It’s been raining all day. (it’s been = it has


For and since Units 18. 99

To be married: kết hôn

to arrive: đến (một nơi nào)


17.1 Complete these sentences.

1. Susan is in New York. She has been there since Monday.

2. I know Isabel. I have known her for a long time.

3. Nancy and Seth are married. They … married since 1997.

4. Bill is sick. He … sick for the last few days.

5. We live on Main Street. We … there for ten years.

6. Chris works in a bank. She … in a bank for five years.

7. Andy has a headache. He … a headache since he got up this


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