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Frequently Asked Questions About the XSLT Processor and XSL
Even more confusing is that it works with oraxsl, but not with
Answer: Here's why:
oraxsl internally uses void XSLProcessor.processXSL
XSLSample.java uses DocumentFragment XSLProcessor.processXSL
The former supports
might not be valid XML (including the disable output escaping). The latter is pure
XML-to-XML tree returned, so no
since nothing's being output, just a DOM tree fragment of the result is being
Where Can I Find XSLT Examples?
Is there any site which has good examples or short tutorials on XSLT?
Answer: This site is an evolving tutorial on lots of different XML, XSLT, and
XPath-related subjects:
Where Can I Find a List of XSLT Features?
Is there a list of features of the XSLT that the Oracle XDK uses?
Answer: Our version 2 parsers support the W3C Recommendation of w3c XSLT
version 1.0, which you can see at http://www.w3.org/TR/XSLT.
How Do I Use XSL to Convert an XML Document to Another Form?
I am in the process of trying to convert an XML document from one format to
another by means of an XSL (or XSLT) stylesheet. Before incorporating it into my
Java code, I tried testing the transformation from the command line:
> java oracle.xml.parser.v2.oraxsl jwnemp.xml jwnemp.xsl newjwnemp.xml
The problem is that instead of returning the transformed XML file
(newjwnemp.xml), the above command just returns a file with the XSL code from
jwnemp.xsl in it. I cannot figure out why this is occurring. I have attached the two
input files.
Oracle9i XML Developer’s Kits Guide - XDK
Frequently Asked Questions About the XSLT Processor and XSL
Answer: This is occurring most likely because you have the wrong XSL namespace
URI for your xmlns:xsl="..." namespace declaration.
If you use the following URI:
then everything will work.
If you use xmlns:xsl="-- any other string here --” it will do what
you're seeing.
XSLT Processor for Java 5-19
Frequently Asked Questions About the XSLT Processor and XSL
Where Can I Find More Information on XSL?
I cannot find anything about using XSL. Can you help? I would like to get an XML
and XSL file to show my company what they can expect from this technology. XML
alone is not very impressive for users.
Answer: A pretty good starting place for XSL is the following page:
It provides a simple discussion of the gist of XSL. XSL isn't really anything more
than an XML file, so I don't think that it will be anymore impressive to show to a
customer. There's also the main Web site for XSL which is:
Can the XSL Processor Produce Multiple Outputs?
I recall seeing discussions about the XSL processor producing more than one result
from one XML and XSL. How can this can be achieved?
Answer: The XML Parser version 2 release and above supports
Oracle9i XML Developer’s Kits Guide - XDK
XML Schema Processor for Java
This chapter contains the following sections:
Introducing XML Schema
Oracle XML Schema Processor for Java Features
XML Schema Processor for Java Usage
How to Run the XML Schema for Java Sample Program
XML Schema Processor for Java 6-1
Introducing XML Schema
Introducing XML Schema
XML Schema was created by the W3C to describe the content and structure of XML
documents in XML. It includes the full capabilities of DTDs (Document Type
Descriptions) so that existing DTDs can be converted to XML Schema. XML
Schemas have additional capabilities compared to DTDs.
How DTDs and XML Schema Differ
Document Type Definition (DTD) is a mechanism provided by XML 1.0 for
declaring constraints on XML markup. DTDs allow the specification of the
Which elements can appear in your XML documents
What elements can be in the elements
The order the elements can appear
XML Schema language serves a similar purpose to DTDs, but it is more flexible in
specifying XML document constraints and potentially more useful for certain
applications. See the following section "DTD Limitations".
Consider the XML document:
Consider a typical DTD for the foregoing XML document:
publisher (year,title, author+, artist?, isbn)>
publish-year (#PCDATA)>
title (#PCDATA)>
author (#PCDATA)>
isbn (#PCDATA)>
Oracle9i XML Developer’s Kits Guide - XDK
XML Schema Features
DTD Limitations
DTDs, also known as XML Markup Declarations, are considered to be deficient in
handling certain applications including the following:
Document authoring and publishing
Exchange of metadata
Inter-database operations
DTD limitations include:
DTD is not integrated with Namespace technology so users cannot import and
reuse code
DTD does not support data types other than character data, a limitation for
describing metadata standards and database schemas
Applications need to specify document structure constraints more flexibly than
the DTD allows for
XML Schema Features
Table 6–1, "XML Schema Features" lists XML Schema features. Note that XML
Schema features include DTD features.
Table 6–1 XML Schema Features
XML Schema Feature
Built-In Data Types
XML schema specifies a set of builtin datatypes. Some of
them are defined and called primitive datatypes, and they
form the basis of the type system:
DTDs do not support data
types other than character
string, boolean, float, decimal, double, duration, dateTime,
time, date, gYearMonth, gYear, gMonthDat, gMonth, gDay,
Base64Binary, HexBinary, anyURI, NOTATION, QName.
Others are derived datatypes that are defined in terms of
primitive types.
XML Schema Processor for Java 6-3
XML Schema Features
Table 6–1 XML Schema Features (Cont.)
XML Schema Feature
User-Defined Data Types
Users can derive their own datatypes from the builtin data
types. There are three ways of datatype derivation:
restriction, list and union. Restriction defines a more
restricted data type by applying constraining facets to the
base type, list simply allows a list of values of its item type,
and union defines a new type whose value can be of any of
its member types.
For example, to specify that the value of publish-year type to
be within a specific range:
The constraining facets are:
length, minLength, maxLength, pattern, enumeration,
whiteSpace, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, minInclusive,
minExclusive, totalDigits, fractionDigits.
Some facets only apply to certain base types.
Note that several facets have been changed since the first release of
Oracle XML Schema Processor for Java.
Oracle9i XML Developer’s Kits Guide - XDK
The publish-year element in
the DTD example cannot be
constrained further.
XML Schema Features
Table 6–1 XML Schema Features (Cont.)
XML Schema Feature
Control by DTDs over the
number of child elements in
In XML Schema, the structure (called complexType) of the
an element are assigned
instance document or an element is defined in terms of model
with the following symbols:
group and attribute group. A model group may further
? = zero or one. In the
contain model groups or element particles, while attribute
foregoing DTD
group contains attributes. Wildcards can be used in both
example, artist? implied
model group and attribute group to indicate any element or
artist is optional - there
attribute. There are three varies of model group: sequence,
may or may not be an
all, and choice, representing the sequence, conjunction and
disjunction relationships among particles respectively. The
range of the number of occurrence of each particle can also be
* = zero or more
+ = one or more (in the
Like the data type, complexType can be derived from other
foregoing DTD
types. The derivation method can be either restriction or
example, author+
extension. The derived type inherits the content of the base
implies more than one
type plus corresponding modifications. In addition to
author is possible)
inheritance, a type definition can make references to other
components. This feature allows a component being defined s
(none) = exactly one
once and used in many other structures.
Occurrence Indicators (Content Model or Structure)
The type declaration and definition mechanism in XML
Schema is much more flexible and powerful than the DTD.
Identity Constraints
XML Schema extends the concept of XML ID/IDREF
mechanism with the declarations of unique, key and keyref.
They are part of the type definition and allow not only
attributes, but also element contents as keys. Each constraint
has a scope within which it holds and the comparison is in
terms of their value rather than lexical strings.
Import/Export Mechanisms (Schema Import, Inclusion
and Modification)
All components of a schema need not be defined in a single
schema file. XML Schema provides a mechanism of
assembling multiple schemas. Import is used to integrate
schemas of different namespace while inclusion is used to
add components of the same namespace. Components can
also be modified using redefinition when included.
You cannot use constructs
defined in external schemas.
XML Schema can be used to define a class of XML documents. “Instance document”
describes an XML document that conforms to a particular schema.
XML Schema Processor for Java 6-5
Oracle XML Schema Processor for Java Features
Although these instances and schemas need not exist specifically as “documents”,
they are commonly referred to as files. They may exist as any of the following:
Streams of bytes
Fields in a database record
Collections of XML Infoset “Information Items”
See Also:
Appendix A, "XDK for Java: Specifications and Quick
Oracle9i XML API Reference - XDK and Oracle XML DB
Oracle XML Schema Processor for Java Features
Oracle XML Schema Processor for Java has the following features:
Supports streaming (SAX) precessing, constant memory usage, and linear
processing time.
Built on the Oracle XML Parser for Java v2
Fully supports the W3C XML Schema specifications of the Candidate
Recommendation (October 24, 2000) and the Recommendation (May 2, 2001).
XML Schema Part 0: Primer
XML Schema Part 1: Structures
XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes
Supported Character Sets
XML Schema Processor for Java supports documents in the following encodings:
Oracle9i XML Developer’s Kits Guide - XDK
Oracle XML Schema Processor for Java Features
ISO-8859-1to -9
What’s Needed to Run XML Schema Processor for Java
To run XML Schema Processor for Java, you need the following:
Operating Systems: Any OS with Java 1.1.x support
Java: JDK 1.1.x. or above.
Online Documentation
Documentation for Oracle XML Schema Processor for Java is located in the doc/
directory in your install area.
Release Specific Notes
The readme.html file in the root directory of the archive, contains release specific
information including bug fixes, and API additions.
Oracle XML Schema Processor is an early adopter release and is written in Java. It
includes the production release of the XML Parser for Java v2.
XML Schema Processor for Java Directory Structure
Table 6–2 lists the directory structure after installing XML Schema Processor for
XML Schema Processor for Java 6-7
XML Schema Processor for Java Usage
Table 6–2 Directory Structure for an Installation of XML Schema Processor
Directory and File
copy of license agreement
release and installation notes
directory for documents
directory for class files
directory for sample code files
XML Schema Processor for Java Usage
As shown in Figure 6–1, Oracle’s XML Schema processor performs two major tasks:
A builder assembles schema from schema XML documents
A validator use the schema to validate instance document.
When building the schema, the builder first calls the DOM Parser to parse the
schema XML documents into corresponding DOM trees. It then compiles them into
an internal schema object. The validator works as a filter between the SAX parser
and your applications for the instance document. The validator takes SAX events of
the instance document as input and validates them against the schema. If the
validator detects any invalid XML component it sends an error message. The output
of the validator is:
Input SAX events
Default values it supplies
Post-Schema Validation (PSV) information
Modes for Schema Validation
The XML Parser supports various modes for schema or DTD validation. The
setValidationMode method allows different validation parameters to be set. For
schema validations, there are these modes available:
SCHEMA_VALIDATION. With this mode, the schema validator locates and
builds schemas and validates the whole or a part of the instance document
based on the schemaLocation and noNamespaceSchemaLocation
attributes. See code example XSDSample.java.
Oracle9i XML Developer’s Kits Guide - XDK