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Using XML Parser for PL/SQL Examples in the Sample Directory
dbms_output.put(xmldom.getNodeName(n) || ' ');
end loop;
end printElements;
-- prints the attributes of each element in a document
procedure printElementAttributes(doc xmldom.DOMDocument) is
nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
len1 number;
len2 number;
n xmldom.DOMNode;
e xmldom.DOMElement;
nnm xmldom.DOMNamedNodeMap;
attrname varchar2(100);
attrval varchar2(100);
-- get all elements
nl := xmldom.getElementsByTagName(doc, '*');
len1 := xmldom.getLength(nl);
-- loop through elements
for j in 0..len1-1 loop
n := xmldom.item(nl, j);
e := xmldom.makeElement(n);
dbms_output.put_line(xmldom.getTagName(e) || ':');
-- get all attributes of element
nnm := xmldom.getAttributes(n);
if (xmldom.isNull(nnm) = FALSE) then
len2 := xmldom.getLength(nnm);
-- loop through attributes
for i in 0..len2-1 loop
n := xmldom.item(nnm, i);
attrname := xmldom.getNodeName(n);
attrval := xmldom.getNodeValue(n);
dbms_output.put(' ' || attrname || ' = ' || attrval);
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
XML Parser for PL/SQL 20-11
Using XML Parser for PL/SQL Examples in the Sample Directory
end printElementAttributes;
-- new parser
p := xmlparser.newParser;
-- set some characteristics
xmlparser.setValidationMode(p, FALSE);
xmlparser.setErrorLog(p, dir || '/' || errfile);
xmlparser.setBaseDir(p, dir);
-- parse input file
xmlparser.parse(p, dir || '/' || inpfile);
-- get document
doc := xmlparser.getDocument(p);
-- Print document elements
dbms_output.put('The elements are: ');
-- Print document element attributes
dbms_output.put_line('The attributes of each element are: ');
-- deal with exceptions
when xmldom.INDEX_SIZE_ERR then
raise_application_error(-20120, 'Index Size error');
when xmldom.DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR then
raise_application_error(-20120, 'String Size error');
when xmldom.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR then
raise_application_error(-20120, 'Hierarchy request error');
when xmldom.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR then
raise_application_error(-20120, 'Wrong doc error');
when xmldom.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR then
raise_application_error(-20120, 'Invalid Char error');
20-12 Oracle9i XML Developer’s Kits Guide - XDK
Using XML Parser for PL/SQL Examples in the Sample Directory
when xmldom.NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR then
raise_application_error(-20120, 'Nod data allowed error');
raise_application_error(-20120, 'No mod allowed error');
when xmldom.NOT_FOUND_ERR then
raise_application_error(-20120, 'Not found error');
when xmldom.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR then
raise_application_error(-20120, 'Not supported error');
when xmldom.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR then
raise_application_error(-20120, 'In use attr error');
end domsample;
show errors;
XML Parser for PL/SQL Example: PL/SQL — xslsample.sql
This file demonstates a simple use of XSLT transformation capabilities.
The XML and XSL files that are given to the application are parsed,
the transformation specified is applied and the transformed document is
written to a specified result file.
It shows you how to set the parser options.
set serveroutput on;
create or replace procedure xslsample(dir varchar2, xmlfile varchar2,
xslfile varchar2, resfile varchar2,
errfile varchar2) is
p xmlparser.Parser;
xmldoc xmldom.DOMDocument;
xmldocnode xmldom.DOMNode;
proc xslprocessor.Processor;
ss xslprocessor.Stylesheet;
xsldoc xmldom.DOMDocument;
docfrag xmldom.DOMDocumentFragment;
docfragnode xmldom.DOMNode;
xslelem xmldom.DOMElement;
nspace varchar2(50);
xslcmds xmldom.DOMNodeList;
XML Parser for PL/SQL 20-13
Using XML Parser for PL/SQL Examples in the Sample Directory
-- new parser
p := xmlparser.newParser;
-- set some characteristics
xmlparser.setValidationMode(p, FALSE);
xmlparser.setErrorLog(p, dir || '/' || errfile);
xmlparser.setPreserveWhiteSpace(p, TRUE);
xmlparser.setBaseDir(p, dir);
-- parse xml file
dbms_output.put_line('Parsing XML document ' || dir || '/' || xmlfile);
xmlparser.parse(p, dir || '/' || xmlfile);
-- get document
xmldoc := xmlparser.getDocument(p);
-- parse xsl file
dbms_output.put_line('Parsing XSL document ' || dir || '/' || xslfile);
xmlparser.parse(p, dir || '/' || xslfile);
-- get document
xsldoc := xmlparser.getDocument(p);
xslelem := xmldom.getDocumentElement(xsldoc);
nspace := xmldom.getNamespace(xslelem);
-- print out some information about the stylesheet
dbms_output.put_line('XSL Root element information');
dbms_output.put_line('Qualified Name: ' ||
dbms_output.put_line('Local Name: ' ||
dbms_output.put_line('Namespace: ' || nspace);
dbms_output.put_line('Expanded Name: ' ||
xslcmds := xmldom.getChildrenByTagName(xslelem, '*', nspace);
dbms_output.put_line('A total of ' || xmldom.getLength(xslcmds) ||
' XSL instructions were found in the stylesheet');
-- make stylesheet
ss := xslprocessor.newStylesheet(xsldoc, dir || '/' || xslfile);
-- process xsl
proc := xslprocessor.newProcessor;
xslprocessor.showWarnings(proc, true);
20-14 Oracle9i XML Developer’s Kits Guide - XDK