22 www.it-ebooks.info Chapter ■ jQuery Fundamentals 2- 2 Using Conditional... locations: jQuery" name="description"/> 2-4. Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM) - Tài liệu text
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2-4. Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)

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Chapter 2 ■ jQuery Fundamentals

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John SmithTechnology

Figure 2-9 represents the DOM tree of the previous code.

Figure 2-9.  DOM objects tree



Chapter 2 ■ jQuery Fundamentals

jQuery methods can manage the DOM and its elements by:

Changing HTML elements, including their properties, attributes, and styles

Removing existing HTML elements

Adding new HTML elements

Binding event handlers to HTML elements

Restructuring the DOM

2-5. Navigating the DOM

The DOM hierarchy is represented as a tree structure. In this structure, starting from any node, you can get:


Ancestor nodes by traversing upward until you reach the root node. For example, in

Figure 2-9, for the HTMLElement () node, the ancestors are HTMLElement (

HTMLElement (), and HTMLElement ().


Descendent nodes by traversing downward through all possible branches until you reach leaf

nodes. For example, for the HTMLElement (), the descendents are HTMLElement

(), two HTMLElements (), and four HTMLElements (


Sibling nodes by traversing to the parent node and then traversing down one level. For

example, for the HTMLElement (