22 www.it-ebooks.info Chapter ■ jQuery Fundamentals 2- 2 Using Conditional... locations: jQuery" name="description"/> 2-7. Commonly Used Objects in jQuery - Tài liệu text
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2-7. Commonly Used Objects in jQuery

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Chapter 2 ■ jQuery Fundamentals

Map Object

The map object contains key/value pairs. The syntax for declaring a map object is:

var variableName = { key1: value1, key1: value1, ... };

The key and value entries can be either primitive types or objects.

For example, to declare a map object, you’d use this code:

var employeeMap = {

"Name": "John Smith",

"Department": "Technology",


"Joining Date": new Date("01/05/2010")


To display a key’s value in the map object, you’d use this code:


To display all the key/value pairs in the map object, you’d use this code:

for (var k in employeeMap){

alert("Key: " + k + " Value:" + employeeMap[k]);


HTML Element

In this book, I use HTMLElement as a generic term for all the types of elements in the DOM tree—it can refer to

HTMLFormElement (for

), HTMLDivElement (for
), HTMLParagraphElement (for

), HTMLInputElement

(for ), and so on.

Each HTMLElement in the DOM has properties like any other JavaScript object. One of the important properties is

attributes, which contains an element’s attributeName and attributeValue pairs. HTML elements have methods

like appendChild(), getAttribute(), and getElementByTagName().

Listing 2-9 demonstrates how an HTML element from the DOM can be referenced and how to use its property

and execute its method.

Listing 2-9.  Code to demonstrate how to access to an HTMLElement’s property and method



Chapter 2 ■ jQuery Fundamentals

First Name:

Figure 2-13 displays the page when viewed in a browser.

Figure 2-13.  An HTML element’s property and method

The var htmlElement = document.getElementById("txtFirstName"); line gets the HTMLElement from the

DOM that has an ID of txtFirstName. Once you have the HTMLElement, you can get and set its properties and

attributes and execute DOM methods on it. This example is getting its property value by using htmlElement.value

and getting its attribute type by executing the getAttribute() method.

Figures 2-14 and 2-15 show the pop-up messages that appear when any name (for example, John) is entered and

the Get First Name & Type button is clicked.

Figure 2-14.  An HTML element and its value property

Figure 2-15.  An HTML element and its type attribute

The screen and messages in the previous figures are from Firefox browser; you might see slightly different format

depending on the browser you are using.



Chapter 2 ■ jQuery Fundamentals

jQuery Objects

When creating new HTML elements or selecting existing ones, jQuery returns a jQuery object that’s a collection of

HTML elements. A jQuery object wraps these HTML elements and native DOM methods to make them work across

different browsers and to implement consistent behavior. A jQuery object enables you to achieve tasks easily and

with less code compared to using native DOM method calls. jQuery objects are not dynamic in the sense that their

HTMLElements collection won’t grow or shrink based on addition or removal of elements in the HTML document.

Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 cover how jQuery objects are created and explain the methods you can use to act on HTML

elements within the jQuery object.

2-8. Using the jQuery Function

You can access the jQuery library’s properties and methods using the jQuery function. One of the most commonly

used methods is ready(), which accepts a function parameter and binds it to the document’s ready event.

The syntax is as follows:

jQuery(document).ready(function () {

// Code segment to execute when document is ready

// (i.e., when DOM is completely created)


In place of jQuery, you can use its shorthand $. Using $, you can rewrite the previous code as:

$(document).ready(function () {

// Code segment to execute when document is ready

// (i.e., when DOM is completely created)


The previous code can also be written as:

$(function () {

// Code segment to execute when document is ready

// (i.e., when DOM is completely created)


which has the same effect as the original code.

If you are using some other JavaScript library that also uses $ as shorthand, in order to prevent a conflict between

the JavaScript libraries, you should instead set your own shorthand (for example, jq) for the jQuery library by using

the following code:

var jq = jQuery.noConflict();

jQuery Function Arguments

The following is the list of jQuery function’s ($) arguments and their purposes:

$(function)—A code segment in the specified function is executed when the DOM is ready.

The following is the syntax to define the DOM-ready function:

$(function() { ... });



Chapter 2 ■ jQuery Fundamentals

When you specify a function and its code, you are just defining the function and logic in it. It won’t be executed

until the document-ready event is triggered. If you use a function name in its place, that function is executed

immediately when the browser interprets the line, without waiting for the DOM to be ready.

$("selector")—Selects HTML elements that match the specified selector and returns a

jQuery object.

$(HTMLElement)—Returns a jQuery object with the specified HTMLElement in it.

$(HTMLElement[])—Returns a jQuery object with the HTML elements specified in the

HTMLElement[] array.

$("HTMLString")—Creates new HTML elements from the specified HTMLString.

Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 cover these function arguments in detail. Here I am simply providing very basic examples

to familiarize you with the concepts.

The jQuery Function with the Function as an Argument

Using the jQuery function ($) with the function as an argument is the most used feature in the jQuery. If the code

is accessing or manipulating DOM elements, then that code must be defined inside this function. The body of

the function will be executed only when all the DOM elements are created and are ready to be used. Listing 2-10

demonstrates the use of the jQuery function with the function as an argument.

Listing 2-10.  jQuery function with the function as an argument

This jQuery code is binding function() {...} to the document ready event. After the DOM is ready, this

function will be executed. Such functions, which are bound to events, are also called event handlers. Figure 2-16 show

the pop-up message after the DOM is ready.



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