22 www.it-ebooks.info Chapter ■ jQuery Fundamentals 2- 2 Using Conditional... locations: jQuery" name="description"/> 2-8. Using the jQuery Function - Tài liệu text
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2-8. Using the jQuery Function

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Chapter 2 ■ jQuery Fundamentals

When you specify a function and its code, you are just defining the function and logic in it. It won’t be executed

until the document-ready event is triggered. If you use a function name in its place, that function is executed

immediately when the browser interprets the line, without waiting for the DOM to be ready.

$("selector")—Selects HTML elements that match the specified selector and returns a

jQuery object.

$(HTMLElement)—Returns a jQuery object with the specified HTMLElement in it.

$(HTMLElement[])—Returns a jQuery object with the HTML elements specified in the

HTMLElement[] array.

$("HTMLString")—Creates new HTML elements from the specified HTMLString.

Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 cover these function arguments in detail. Here I am simply providing very basic examples

to familiarize you with the concepts.

The jQuery Function with the Function as an Argument

Using the jQuery function ($) with the function as an argument is the most used feature in the jQuery. If the code

is accessing or manipulating DOM elements, then that code must be defined inside this function. The body of

the function will be executed only when all the DOM elements are created and are ready to be used. Listing 2-10

demonstrates the use of the jQuery function with the function as an argument.

Listing 2-10.  jQuery function with the function as an argument

This jQuery code is binding function() {...} to the document ready event. After the DOM is ready, this

function will be executed. Such functions, which are bound to events, are also called event handlers. Figure 2-16 show

the pop-up message after the DOM is ready.



Chapter 2 ■ jQuery Fundamentals

Figure 2-16.  Message displayed after the DOM is ready

The jQuery Function with the Selector as an Argument

Using a jQuery function with the selector as an argument enables you to select DOM elements that match the

selector, so that selected elements’ values can be accessed and/or manipulated by using jQuery object’s methods.

Listing 2-11 demonstrates the use of the jQuery function with the selector as an argument.

Listing 2-11.  jQuery function with the selector as an argument

Figure 2-17 displays the page when viewed in a browser.



Chapter 2 ■ jQuery Fundamentals

Figure 2-17.  Image with the default opacity of 1

This code has an image tag. Inside the DOM-ready function, this image is selected by the jQuery selector,

$("img"), and then a function is bound to its mouseover event. When the mouse moves over the image, the mouseover

event is triggered and this function is executed, which changes the opacity of the image to 0.3. Opacity can range from

0 to 1. The higher the number, the sharper the image will be. Another function is bound to the mouseout event, and it

changes the opacity to its default value of 1. Figure 2-18 displays the image with opacity of 0.3 when the mouse cursor

moves over the image.

Figure 2-18.  Opacity changes to 0.3 when mouse cursor moves over the image

The jQuery Function with the HTMLElement as an Argument

Using a jQuery function with the HTML element as an argument enables you to put an HTML element into a jQuery

object so that the jQuery object’s methods can be executed on the HTML element, in order to access or manipulate its

value. Listing 2-12 demonstrates the use of the jQuery function with the HTMLElement as an argument.

Listing 2-12.  jQuery function with the HTMLElement as an argument



Chapter 2 ■ jQuery Fundamentals

Figure 2-19 displays the page when viewed in a browser.

Figure 2-19.  Current system datetime set to an HTMLElement

In this code, a div tag is created with the currentDateTime ID. When the DOM is ready, the document-ready

function is executed, which gets the HTMLElement from the DOM using the statement $("#currentDatetime").first().

The same HTML element can be selected by using the native DOM method called document.getElementById

("currentDatetime"). In the $(currentDateTime) statement, the HTMLElement currentDateTime is passed to the

jQuery function ($) as an argument. The jQuery object is returned due to this statement. On this jQuery object,

the prop() method is executed to set its innerHTML property with the current system date and time.

The jQuery Function with the HTMLString as an Argument

Using a jQuery function with the HTML string as an argument enables you to convert an HTML string into a jQuery object

so that the jQuery object’s methods can be applied to the HTML elements in the jQuery object or it can be appended to an

existing element. Listing 2-13 demonstrates the use of the jQuery function with the HTMLString as an argument.

Listing 2-13.  The jQuery function with the HTMLString as an argument


  • Sales

  • Marketing

  • 41


    Chapter 2 ■ jQuery Fundamentals

  • Technology

  • Customer Support

Figure 2-20 displays the page when viewed in a browser.

Figure 2-20.  Adding a new department to the list at runtime

In this code when an HTMLString called "
  • Implementation
  • " is passed to the jQuery function ($), an

    HTMLElement is created. This new
  • element (newDepartment) can be appended to an existing list of departments by

    executing the method append() on the, $("#listDepartments") jQuery object. listDepartments is the ID of the

      tag. Due to the statement $("#listDepartments").append(newDepartment), a new department ("Implementation")

      is added to the list of existing departments at runtime.

      2-9. jQuery Methods Chaining

      jQuery code is concise due to the availability of various shorthand notations, execution of the same method on

      multiple elements within the same jQuery object with one method call, and because of the chaining concept. Most of

      the jQuery methods you’ll execute on jQuery objects will return another jQuery object. That means that more jQuery

      methods can be executed on the return value of the previous call in a single statement.

      Listing 2-14 demonstrates the use of method chaining.

      Listing 2-14.  Method chaining


      • Sales

      • Marketing

      • 42


        Chapter 2 ■ jQuery Fundamentals

      • Technology

      • Customer Support

      Figure 2-21 displays the page when viewed in a browser.

      Figure 2-21.  Method chaining

      This code uses the ul selector to get a jQuery object containing the
        HTML element. Once you have the

        jQuery object, you can execute methods such as css(), append(), and so on, on it. These methods will manipulate the

        HTML element contained in the object. The css() method sets the CSS property and the append() method adds new

        element(s) to the existing HTML element as its children.

        In the statement:

        $("ul").css("color", "blue").css("text-decoration", "underline").append("
      • Implementation
      • ").

        css("color", "green")

        –– $("ul") gets the
          HTML element from the DOM.


          css("color", "blue") changes the CSS color property of HTML element
            to blue.


            css("text-decoration", "underline") changes the CSS text-decoration property of the

            HTML element
              to underline.


            • Implementation
            • ") appends a new child (item) to the HTML element



                css("color", "green") changes the CSS color property of the HTML element
                  to green.

                  All of this is done in one single statement.

                  In the code example, I set the CSS color property twice to demonstrate that when chaining, method execution is

                  performed from left to right.


                  This chapter covered how to reference the jQuery library file, the typical folder structure of a web application, and

                  conditional and loop statements. It also covered the most important aspect of the jQuery library—the DOM. You

                  looked into the details of its structure and how to navigate through it. You also read about the difference between

                  attributes and properties. Other important fundamental topics covered in this chapter are commonly used objects

                  in jQuery and different forms for jQuery functions. The following chapters will develop real-life application

                  functionalities based on the fundamentals you learned in this chapter.



                  Chapter 3

                  jQuery Selectors

                  This chapter covers jQuery selectors, which are used to get (or select) HTML elements based on their ID, tag name,

                  class name, types, attributes, attributes values, and other criteria. The set of selected elements can be fine-tuned

                  further by using selector extensions or jQuery methods and the set can be expanded by using certain jQuery methods.

                  Once you have a desired set of elements, you can access and manipulate their attributes values, properties, and style.

                  In this chapter and next two chapters, you will work on recipes that show you how you can use jQuery to select

                  HTML elements directly or indirectly (by traversing through the node tree) at runtime in order to:

                  Access their style, properties, and attributes

                  Manipulate their style, properties, and attributes

                  Some points to note before you start working on the recipes in this chapter:

                  For the document-ready event, the $(function() {...}) shorthand notation is used

                  throughout this book. It is same as $(document).ready(function() {...}). In this chapter,

                  I have used the jQuery css() method to highlight items that are selected by the jQuery selector.

                  You can perform any valid actions on the selected elements. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 covers

                  commonly used actions.

                  If you need to put nested quotes (" and ') in any code, you can use any of the following














                  'value2' "

                  "value2" '

                  \"value2\" "

                  \"value2\" "

                  All of these are valid forms; it is just a matter of preference.

                  While displaying a page in the web console window with jQuery code in it, you see an error

                  such as “ReferenceError: $ is not defined”, the jQuery library is not included or it is

                  referenced with the wrong path or URL.

                  Before you start looking into methods used for selectors and DOM traversing, refer to Appendix B for the list of

                  browsers I used for testing and for details about how to invoke the web console to identify script syntax errors and

                  runtime errors.

                  3-1. Examples

                  In order to illustrate various concepts of the jQuery library, this chapter uses the following simple applications:

                  human resources, a publishing house, and a photo album.



                  Chapter 3 ■ jQuery Selectors

                  3-1-1. Human Resources Example

                  For the human resources application, department and employee entities and their attributes will be displayed and

                  managed in the example code. The following tables contain human resources-related entities, their attributes, and

                  sample data. Table 3-1 has the department’s attributes and Table 3-2 includes the sample data for departments.

                  Table 3-1.  Department’s Attributes




                  Table 3-2.  Department’s Sample Data

                  Department Code

                  Department Name







                  Table 3-3 contains the employee’s attributes and Table 3-4 contains sample data for the employees. 

                  Table 3-3.  Employee’s Attributes









                  Table 3-4.  Employee Sample Data




                  Joining Date


                  Dept. Code


                  Jane Smith

                  Marketing Manager





                  Brian Adam

                  Sales Rep.






                  Manager ID


                  Chapter 3 ■ jQuery Selectors

                  3-1-2. Publishing House Example

                  For the publishing house application, the book entity and its attributes will be displayed and managed in the example

                  code. The following tables contain publishing house-related entities, the attributes, and the sample data. Table 3-5

                  contains the book’s attributes and Table 3-6 contains sample data for the books.

                  Table 3-5.  Book’s Attributes





                  Table 3-6.  Book Sample Data






                  Windows Phone Recipes



                  Visual C# 2010 Recipes



                  UML Applied



                  Sharepoint 2010 Designer Guide

                  This information is sufficient to use in this chapter’s examples. You’ll add more entities and attributes as you

                  progress through other chapters.

                  3-1-3. Photo Album Example

                  For the photo album application, album and photo entities and their attributes will be displayed and managed in

                  the example code. The following tables contain photo album-related entities, their attributes, and the sample data.

                  Table 3-7 contains the album attributes and Table 3-8 contains the sample data for the albums.

                  Table 3-7.  Album Attributes




                  Table 3-8.  Album Sample Data








                  Sea Animals





                  Chapter 3 ■ jQuery Selectors

                  Table 3-9 contains photo attributes and Table 3-10 contains the sample data for the photos. 

                  Table 3-9.  Photo Attributes






                  Table 3-10.  Photo Sample Data

                  Photo ID Album ID Filename


                  Photo ID Album ID Filename
















                  3-2. Selecting the HTML Element by its ID


                  You want to know how to select the HTML element by using its ID.


                  The following jQuery selector syntax selects the HTML element with the specified ID:


                  id is the value of the HTML element’s attribute “id” and the return value is a jQuery object.

                  For example, for , id is btnTestIt and its selector

                  is specified as "#btnTestIt". Listing 3-1 demonstrates the use of jQuery selector to select the HTML element by its ID.



                  Chapter 3 ■ jQuery Selectors

                  Listing 3-1.  jQuery selector to select element by id

                  1. Windows Phone Recipes

                  2. Visual C# 2010 Recipes

                  3. UML Applied

                  4. Sharepoint 2010 Designer Guide

                  5. Pro WPF in C# 2010

                  6. Zend Enterprise PHP Patterns

                  7. Web Designer's Reference

                  8. Practical Ajax Projects with Java

                  9. The Definitive Guide to HTML5 WebSocket

                  10. The Essential Guide to HTML5 and CSS3

                  How It Works

                  In the code, book titles are listed using
                  1. HTML tags. If you want to select a single node and then perform

                    an action on it, use the “#id” selector.

                    After the DOM is ready (i.e., all HTML elements are created and loaded in the browser memory), the following

                    code is executed as a result of the document-ready event handler.

                    $("#btnTestIt").click(function () {

                    $("#WEB-02").css("background-color", "yellow");




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