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Laboratory Exercises in
Microbiology, Fifth Edition
IV. Biochemical Activities
of Bacteria
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
24. Proteins, Amino Acids,
& Enzymes I: Hydrogen
Sulfide Production &
Figure 24.1 Hydrogen Sulfide Production. It should be noted that not all bacteria are either H2S positive with motility or H2S
negative and no motility. Many other possible combinations exist.
Biochemistry within bacteria
H2O + H2N
2S2O3 + 4H
Pyruvic acid
NH3 +
Ammonia Hydrogen
sulfide gas
2SO3 + 2H2S
sulfide gas
Biochemistry within tubes
Fe (NH4 )2SO4 + Bacterial acids
H2S + Fe
No H2S + Fe
No black
Growth not
restricted to stab line
Growth restricted
to stab line
H2S (+) plus motility
Biochemical Activities of Bacteria
H2S (–) and no motility
Laboratory Exercises in
Microbiology, Fifth Edition
IV. Biochemical Activities
of Bacteria
24. Proteins, Amino Acids,
& Enzymes I: Hydrogen
Sulfide Production &
In this exercise, the SIM medium (named after
J. S. Simmons in 1926) contains peptones and sodium
thiosulfate as substrates, and ferrous ammonium sulfate, Fe(NH4)SO4, as the H2S indicator. Cysteine is a
component of the peptones used in SIM medium. Sufficient agar is present to make the medium semisolid.
Once H2S is produced, it combines with the ferrous
ammonium sulfate, forming an insoluble, black ferrous
sulfide precipitate that can be seen along the line of the
stab inoculation. If the organism is also motile, the entire tube may turn black. This black line or tube indicates a positive H2S reaction; absence of a black precipitate indicates a negative reaction (figure 24.1c).
SIM agar may also be used to detect the presence
or absence of motility in bacteria as well as indole
production. (See exercise 25 for a discussion of indole
production.) Motility is present when the growth of
the culture is not restricted to the stab line of the inoculation. Growth of nonmotile bacteria is confined to
the line of inoculation.
One can also use semisolid media (motility test
medium deeps) to determine whether a bacterial strain
is motile. During growth, motile bacteria will migrate
from the line of inoculation to form a dense turbidity
in the surrounding medium; nonmotile bacteria will
grow only along the line of the inoculation.
First Period
1. Label each of the SIM agar deep tubes with the
name of the bacterium to be inoculated, your
name, and date.
2. Using aseptic technique (see figure 14.3),
inoculate each tube with the appropriate
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
bacterium by stabbing the medium f of the way
to the bottom of the tube. Do the same for the
three motility test medium deeps.
3. Incubate the cultures for 24 to 48 hours at 35°C.
Second Period
1. Examine the SIM cultures for the presence or
absence of a black precipitate along the line of the
stab inoculation. A black precipitate of FeS
indicates the presence of H2S.
2. Based on your observations, determine and record
in the report for exercise 27 whether or not each
bacterium was capable of H2S production, and the
presence (+) or absence (–) of motility.
3. If desired, one can also test for indole production
by adding 5 drops of Kovacs’ (named after the
German bacteriologist, Nikolaus Kovacs, in the
early 1900s) reagent to the SIM cultures and
looking for the development of a red color at the
top of the deeps (see exercise 25).
(1) Be careful when inoculating the deeps to withdraw
the needle from the agar in a line as close as possible to
the line used when entering the agar. (2) Another aid in
visualizing motility is to slowly rotate questionable tubes
containing small amounts of growth around the stab line.
When this is done, the growth appears much wider on
the two opposite sides and narrower on the other two
sides on which the bacteria is not motile. (3) To observe
motility, make sure the outside of your tubes are clean
by wiping them with a Kimwipe. (4) Any blackening of
the medium is considered a positive test for H2S.
Proteins, Amino Acids, and Enzymes I: Hydrogen Sulfide Production and Motility
Laboratory Exercises in
Microbiology, Fifth Edition
IV. Biochemical Activities
of Bacteria
Laboratory Report
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
24. Proteins, Amino Acids,
& Enzymes I: Hydrogen
Sulfide Production &
Name: ———————————————————————
Date: ————————————————————————
Lab Section: —————————————————————
Proteins, Amino Acids, and Enzymes I:
Hydrogen Sulfide Production and Motility
1. Complete the following table on hydrogen sulfide production and motility.
Motility (+) or (–)
H2S Production (+) or (–)
Motility Test Medium
K. pneumoniae
S. typhimurium
P. vulgaris
2. Sketch and describe what is happening in each tube with respect to H2S production and motility.
K. pneumoniae
S. typhimurium
P. vulgaris
Laboratory Exercises in
Microbiology, Fifth Edition
IV. Biochemical Activities
of Bacteria
24. Proteins, Amino Acids,
& Enzymes I: Hydrogen
Sulfide Production &
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
Review Questions
1. Of what use to bacteria is the ability to produce H2S?
2. How is SIM medium used to detect motility?
3. What substrates are acted on in SIM medium in order for H2S to be produced?
4. In addition to H2S production and motility, for what other test can SIM medium be used?
5. How does a black precipitate of FeS indicate the production of H2S?
6. What does cysteine desulfurase catalyze? Show the reaction.
7. What does thiosulfate reductase catalyze? Show the reaction.
Biochemical Activities of Bacteria
Laboratory Exercises in
Microbiology, Fifth Edition
IV. Biochemical Activities
of Bacteria
25. Proteins, Amino Acids,
and Enzymes II: The IMViC
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
Proteins,Amino Acids, and Enzymes II:
The IMViC Tests
Be careful with the Bunsen burner flame. No mouth
pipetting. Barritt’s reagent contains naphthol, which is
toxic and may cause peeling of the skin; thus, wear
gloves when using this reagent. Kovacs’ reagent is also
caustic to the skin and mucous membranes due to the
concentrated HCl and p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde.
In case of contact with either reagent, immediately flush
eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.
Keep all culture tubes upright in a test-tube rack or can.
Materials per Student
24- to 48-hour tryptic soy broth cultures of
Enterobacter aerogenes (ATCC 13048),
Escherichia coli (ATCC 11229), Klebsiella
oxytoca (ATCC 13182), and Proteus vulgaris
(ATCC 13315)
4 SIM agar deep tubes
Kovacs’ reagent, KEY Indole Test Tablets, or
Difco’s SpotTest Indole Reagent Kovacs
Bunsen burner
inoculating loop and needle
4 MR-VP broth tubes each containing 5 ml of
methyl red indicator
Barritt’s reagent (solutions A and B) or Difco’s
SpotTest Voges-Proskauer reagents A and B
4 Simmons citrate agar slants
4 empty test tubes
4-ml pipettes with pipettor
wax pencil
disposable gloves
Learning Objectives
Each student should be able to
2. Determine the ability of some bacteria to oxidize
glucose with the production of acid end products
3. Differentiate between glucose-fermenting enteric
4. Explain the purpose of the Voges-Proskauer test
5. Differentiate among enteric bacteria on the basis
of their ability to ferment citrate
6. Perform the IMViC series of tests
Suggested Reading in Textbook
1. Catabolism of Carbohydrates and Intracellular
Reserve Polymers, section 9.7, see figure 9.10.
2. The Enterobacteriaceae, section 22.3, see
table 22.7.
Pronunciation Guide
Enterobacter aerogenes (en-ter-oh-BAK-ter a-RAHjen-eez)
Escherichia coli (esh-er-I-ke-a KOH-lee)
Klebsiella oxytoca (kleb-se-EL-lah ok-se-TO-se-ah)
Proteus vulgaris (PRO-te-us vul-GA-ris)
Salmonella (sal-mon-EL-ah)
Shigella (shi-GEL-la)
Enterobacter aerogenes
Escherichia coli
Klebsiella oxytoca
Alcaligenes faecalis
Proteus vulgaris
Salmonella typhimurium
Shigella dysentariae
1. Understand how some bacteria degrade the amino
acid tryptophan
Laboratory Exercises in
Microbiology, Fifth Edition
IV. Biochemical Activities
of Bacteria
25. Proteins, Amino Acids,
and Enzymes II: The IMViC
Why Are the Following Bacteria
Used in This Exercise?
In this exercise the student will learn how to perform the
IMViC series of tests that distinguish between different enteric (pertaining to the small intestine) bacteria. To illustrate
the various IMViC reactions, the authors have chosen four
enteric bacteria. Enterobacter aerogenes (Gr. aer, air) is a
facultatively anaerobic gram-negative rod that has peritrichous flagella. It is a motile lactose fermenter. E. aerogenes
is widely distributed in nature, occurring in fresh water, soil,
sewage, plants, vegetables, and animal and human feces. It is
indole negative, MR negative, VP positive, and Simmons citrate positive. Escherichia coli (Gr. colon, large intestine) is
a facultatively anaerobic gram-negative rod that is motile
with peritrichous flagella or nonmotile. It is a lactose fermenter. E. coli occurs as normal flora in the lower part of the
intestine of warm-blooded animals. It is indole positive, MR
positive, VP negative, and Simmons citrate negative. Klebsiella oxytoca is a facultatively anaerobic gram-negative rod.
It is nonmotile and a lactose fermenter. K. oxytoca occurs in
human feces and clinical specimens, soil, water, grain, fruits,
and vegetables. It is indole positive, often MR negative, VP
positive, and Simmons citrate positive. Proteus vulgaris (L.
vulgaris, common) is a gram-negative facultatively anaerobic rod that occurs in the intestines of humans and a wide variety of animals, in manure, and in polluted waters. It has
peritrichous flagella, is motile, and does not ferment lactose.
P. vulgaris is indole positive, MR positive, VP negative, and
sometimes Simmons citrate positive.
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
found in the intestines of humans and other mammals
belong to the family Enterobacteriaceae. These bacteria are short, gram-negative, nonsporing bacilli. They
can be subdivided into lactose fermenters and nonfermenters. Examples include pathogens (Salmonella and
Shigella, lactose nonfermenters), occasional pathogens
(Klebsiella and Escherichia, lactose fermenters; and
Proteus, lactose nonfermenter), and normal intestinal
microbiota (Enterobacter, lactose fermenter).
The differentiation and identification of these enteric bacteria can be accomplished by using the
IMViC test (indole, methyl red, Voges-Proskauer,
and citrate; the “i” is for ease of pronunciation).
Indole Production
The amino acid tryptophan is found in nearly all proteins. Bacteria that contain the enzyme tryptophanase
can hydrolyze tryptophan to its metabolic products,
namely, indole, pyruvic acid, and ammonia. The bacteria use the pyruvic acid and ammonia to satisfy nutritional needs; indole is not used and accumulates in the
medium. The presence of indole can be detected by the
addition of Kovacs’ reagent. Kovacs’ reagent reacts
with the indole, producing a bright red compound on
the surface of the medium (figures 25.1, 25.2). Bacteria
producing a red layer following addition of Kovacs’
reagent are indole positive; the absence of a red color
indicates tryptophan was not hydrolyzed, and the bacteria are indole negative.
Methyl Red Test
Medical Application
The following medically important bacteria are MRϩ: Escherichia coli (opportunistic urinary tract infections), Salmonella typhi (typhoid fever), Shigella dysenteriae (bacterial dysentery), and Yersinia pestis (plague). The following
is MRϪ: Enterobacter aerogenes (urinary tract infections).
Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough) is citrate negative whereas all other Bordetella species are citrate positive. The enteric bacteria such as Klebsiella pneumoniae
(pneumonia) and Enterobacter are citrate positive and can
be distinguished in the clinical laboratory from the opportunistic pathogen Escherichia coli (urinary tract infections)
which is citrate negative.
The identification of enteric (intestinal) bacteria is of
prime importance in determining certain food-borne
and waterborne diseases. Many of the bacteria that are
Biochemical Activities of Bacteria
All enteric bacteria catabolize glucose for their energy
needs; however, the end products vary depending on
the enzyme pathways present in the bacteria. The pH
indicator methyl red (see appendix E) detects a pH
change to the acid range as a result of acidic end products such as lactic, acetic, and formic acids. This test is
of value in distinguishing between E. coli (a mixed
acid fermenter) and E. aerogenes (a butanediol fermenter). Mixed acid fermenters such as E. coli produce a mixture of fermentation acids and thus acidify
the medium. Butanediol fermenters such as E. aerogenes form butanediol, acetoin, and fewer organic
acids. The pH of the medium does not fall as low as
during mixed acid fermentation. As illustrated in figure 25.3, at a pH of 4, the methyl red indicator turns
red—a positive methyl red test. At a pH of 6, the indicator turns yellow—a negative methyl red test.
Voges-Proskauer Test
The Voges-Proskauer test (named after Daniel Voges,
German physician, and Bernhard Proskauer, German