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Laboratory Exercises in
Microbiology, Fifth Edition
IV. Biochemical Activities
of Bacteria
27. Proteins, Amino Acids,
and Enzymes IV: Gelatin
hydrolyzed gelatin is no longer able to gel, it is a liquid.
The ability of some bacteria to digest gelatin is an important characteristic in their differentiation. For example, when grown on a gelatin medium (Thiogel),
Clostridium perfringens causes liquefaction, whereas
Bacteroides fragilis does not. Gelatin hydrolysis can
also be used to assess the pathogenicity of certain bacteria. The production of gelatinase can often be correlated
with the ability of a bacterium to break down tissue collagen and spread throughout the body of a host.
Gelatin liquefaction (the formation of a liquid) can
be tested for by stabbing nutrient gelatin deep tubes. Following incubation, the cultures are placed in a refrigerator or ice bath at 4°C until the bottom resolidifies. If
gelatin has been hydrolyzed, the medium will remain liquid after refrigeration. If gelatin has not been hydrolyzed,
the medium will resolidify during the time it is in the refrigerator (figure 27.1). Nutrient gelatin may require up
to a 14-day incubation period for positive results.
Another way to test for gelatinase is by the use of
KEY Rapid Test Strips. These strips are used in the
rapid test (within 24 to 48 hours) for gelatin liquefaction. Liquefaction is demonstrated by the bacterium’s
ability to remove, with gelatinase, the outer layer of
the strip when the gelatin test strip is immersed in a
suspension of bacterial cells. If gelatin is removed, the
strip changes to a blue color, and the test is positive; if
there is no color change, the test is negative.
First Period
1. Label three nutrient gelatin deeps with your name,
date, and the bacterium to be inoculated. Label
the fourth tube “control.”
2. Using aseptic technique (see figure 14.3),
inoculate three of the deeps with the appropriate
bacterium by stabbing the medium f of the way
to the bottom of the tube.
3. Incubate the four tubes for 24 to 48 hours or
longer at 35°C. The incubation time depends on
the species of bacteria; some may require
incubation for up to 2 weeks. If the latter is the
case, observe on days 7 and 14.
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
Figure 27.1 Hydrolysis of Gelatin. If gelatin is hydrolyzed by
the enzyme gelatinase, it does not gel when cooled but remains a
liquid. Thus it flows when the culture is tilted backward (right
tube). A negative control tube is on the left. Notice that the solid
gelatin does not flow when the tube is tilted.
2. Drop one gelatin test strip into each tube.
3. Incubate for 24 to 48 hours at 35°C.
Second Period
1. Remove the nutrient gelatin deep tubes from the
incubator and place them in the refrigerator at
4°C for 30 minutes or in an ice bath for 3 to 5
2. When the bottom resolidifies, remove the tubes
and gently slant them. Notice whether or not the
surface of the medium is fluid or liquid. If the
nutrient gelatin is liquid, this indicates that gelatin
has been hydrolyzed by the bacterium. If no
hydrolysis occurred, the medium will remain a
gel. The uninoculated control should also be
KEY Rapid Test
1. Observe the color of the three gelatin test strips.
Liquefaction will appear first along the surface of
the suspension. A blue color is a positive test; no
color change is a negative test.
2. Based on your observations, determine and record
in the report for exercise 27 which of the three
bacteria were capable of hydrolyzing gelatin.
KEY Rapid Test
1. Into three small test tubes, pipette d ml (or about 2025 drops with a Pasteur pipette) of a heavy bacterial
suspension or suspend paste in d to 1 ml of water.
With a wax pencil, label each of the tubes with the
appropriate bacterium, your name, and date.
Biochemical Activities of Bacteria
Do not shake the tubes when moving them to a refrigerator; gelatin digestion may have occurred only at the
Laboratory Exercises in
Microbiology, Fifth Edition
IV. Biochemical Activities
of Bacteria
Laboratory Report
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
27. Proteins, Amino Acids,
and Enzymes IV: Gelatin
Name: ———————————————————————
Date: ————————————————————————
Lab Section: —————————————————————
Proteins, Amino Acids, and Enzymes IV: Gelatin Hydrolysis
1. Complete the following table on gelatin hydrolysis.
Gelatin Hydrolysis (+ or –)
Tube Results
KEY Strips
E. aerogenes
E. coli
P. vulgaris
2. Sketch and describe what is happening in each tube with respect to gelatin hydrolysis.
E. aerogenes
E. coli
P. vulgaris
Laboratory Exercises in
Microbiology, Fifth Edition
IV. Biochemical Activities
of Bacteria
27. Proteins, Amino Acids,
and Enzymes IV: Gelatin
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
Review Questions
1. How can gelatin hydrolysis be beneficial to certain bacteria?
2. What is gelatin?
3. What is unique about gelatin at 35°C versus 5°C?
4. Why did you refrigerate the gelatin cultures before observing them for liquefaction?
5. Can gelatin hydrolysis be correlated with the pathogenicity of a bacterium? Explain your answer.
6. Why is gelatin liquefied in the presence of gelatinase?
7. How does a KEY Rapid Gelatin Test Strip work?
Biochemical Activities of Bacteria
Laboratory Exercises in
Microbiology, Fifth Edition
IV. Biochemical Activities
of Bacteria
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
28. Proteins, Amino Acids,
and Enzymes V: Catalase
Proteins,Amino Acids, and Enzymes V:
Catalase Activity
Be careful with the Bunsen burner flame. No mouth
pipetting. Three percent hydrogen peroxide is caustic to
the skin and mucous membranes. Keep all culture tubes
upright in a test-tube rack.
Pronunciation Guide
Enterococcus faecalis (en-te-ro-KOK-kus fee-KAL-iss)
Micrococcus luteus (my-kro-KOK-us LOO-tee-us)
Staphylococcus aureus (staf-il-oh-KOK-kus ORE-ee-us)
Why Are the Above Bacteria Used
in This Exercise?
Materials per Student
18- to 24-hour tryptic soy broth cultures of
Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923),
Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 19433), and
Micrococcus luteus (ATCC 9341)
tryptic soy agar slants
3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)(caustic) or Difco’s
SpotTest Catalase Reagent
Bunsen burner
inoculating loop
Pasteur pipette with pipettor
incubator set at 35°C
test-tube rack
wax pencil
clean glass slides
wooden applicator stick (or Nichrome wire loop)
In this exercise, the student will learn to perform the catalase
test. The catalase test is very useful in differentiating between groups of bacteria. The authors have chosen the following three bacteria to accomplish the above objective.
Staphylococcus aureus (L. aureus, golden) is a grampositive coccus that is catalase positive when grown in an
aerobic environment. S. aureus is mainly associated with the
human skin and mucous membranes of warm-blooded vertebrates, but is often isolated from food products, dust, and
water. Enterococcus faecalis (L. faecium, of the dregs, of
feces) is a catalase negative, gram-positive coccus. E. faecalis occurs widely in the environment, particularly in feces
of vertebrates. Micrococcus luteus (L. luteus, golden yellow)
is another gram-positive coccus that also is catalase positive.
M. luteus occurs primarily on mammalian skin and in soil,
but commonly can be isolated from food products and air.
Learning Objectives
Each student should be able to
Some bacteria contain flavoproteins that reduce O2,
resulting in the production of hydrogen peroxide
(H 2 O 2 ) or superoxide (O 2 – ). These are extremely
toxic because they are powerful oxidizing agents and
destroy cellular constituents very rapidly. A bacterium
must be able to protect itself against such O2 products
or it will be killed.
Many bacteria possess enzymes that afford protection against toxic O2 products. Obligate aerobes and
facultative anaerobes usually contain the enzymes superoxide dismutase, which catalyzes the destruction
1. Understand the biochemical process of hydrogen
peroxide detoxification by aerobic bacteria
through the production of the enzyme catalase
2. Describe how catalase production can be
3. Perform a catalase test
Suggested Reading in Textbook
1. Oxygen Concentration, section 6.4.
Laboratory Exercises in
Microbiology, Fifth Edition
IV. Biochemical Activities
of Bacteria
of superoxide, and either catalase or peroxidase,
which catalyze the destruction of hydrogen peroxide as
2O– + 2H+ superoxide
2H2O2 catalase or
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
28. Proteins, Amino Acids,
and Enzymes V: Catalase
Figure 28.1 Catalase Test on Slants. (a) Staphylococcus aureus,
catalase positive. Notice the bubbles of oxygen (tube on the left).
(b) Enterococcus faecalis, catalase negative; note the absence of
bubbles (tube on the right).
Hydrogen peroxide
Free oxygen
Most strict anaerobes lack both enzymes and therefore
cannot tolerate O2.
Catalase production and activity can be detected
by adding the substrate H2O2 to an appropriately incubated (18- to 24-hour) tryptic soy agar slant culture. If
catalase was produced by the bacteria, the above
chemical reaction will liberate free O2 gas. Bubbles of
O2 represent a positive catalase test; the absence of
bubble formation is a negative catalase test.
Catalase activity is very useful in differentiating
between groups of bacteria. For example, the morphologically similar Enterococcus (catalase negative) and
Staphylococcus (catalase positive) can be differentiated using the catalase test (figure 28.1).
Figure 28.2 Catalase Test on Slides. A positive catalase
reaction (left slide) shows gas bubbles; a negative catalase reaction
reveals an absence of gas bubbles (right slide).
First Period
1. Label each of the tryptic soy agar slants with the
name of the bacterium to be inoculated, your
name, and date.
2. Using aseptic technique (figure 14.3), heavily
inoculate each experimental bacterium into its
appropriately labeled tube by means of a streak
3. Incubate the slants at 35°C for 18 to 24 hours.
Second Period
1. To test for catalase, set the slant in an inclined
position and pipette several drops of a 3% solution
of H2O2 over the growth on the slant or use 3 to 5
drops of Difco’s SpotTest catalase reagent.
2. The appearance of gas bubbles (figure 28.1a)
indicates a positive test; the absence of gas
bubbles is a negative test (figure 28.1b).
3. Based on your observations, determine and record
in the report for exercise 28 whether or not each
bacterium was capable of catalase activity.
4. Note: An alternative procedure for doing the
catalase test is to remove growth from a slant
using a wooden applicator stick or Nichrome wire
loop and place the growth on a glass slide. The
cells are then mixed in a drop of 3% H2O2 or a
Biochemical Activities of Bacteria
drop of Difco’s SpotTest catalase reagent.
Immediate bubbling indicates a positive catalase
test (figure 28.2).
(1) Dispose of the hydrogen peroxide slides in the appropriate container filled with disinfectant. (2) When using
a slant for other purposes in the same laboratory period,
it is possible to save material by adding H2O2 to the slant
after finishing with it. (3) Extreme care must be exercised if a colony is taken from a blood agar plate. Erythrocytes contain catalase, and a transfer of only a few
blood cells can give a false-positive reaction. (4) Always
use fresh hydrogen peroxide, since it is unstable.