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Hawksworth and Mueller
impacted on mycology. There are many reasons for this, but the diversity of fungi* is so
great, and so much of it is as yet unknown, that a habitat or community approach has to
be a surrogate for species conservation in fungi. Yet we remain far from the point where
a community- or ecosystem-based system for fungi can be recommended for general use
in conservation criteria or legislation at international, regional, and national levels.
The issue requires a consensual and transparent approach that could in time be
adopted or endorsed by bodies such as IUCN–The World Conservation Union and the
Subsidiary Body for Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the
Convention on Biological Diversity. This vision is probably at least a decade to realization.
Here we can but point to constraints, provide an eclectic view of fungal diversity across
biomes and ecological niches, discuss correlations with plant and animal diversity and
forces driving and influencing fungal diversity, and point to ways we might proceed.
A key problem in a community approach to fungal diversity and distribution is their
interdependence with other organisms. With the exception of fungi that form lichens,
fungi are not primary producers; in consequence, they cannot form separate self-sustaining communities, and their occurrence is irrevocably linked with that of organisms on
which they depend for their nutrition. A further complication is that many fungi are found
outside natural vegetation systems, occurring on particular cultivated crops or garden
plants or as biodeteriogens and contaminants of foodstuffs and manufactured goods.
Consequently, any attempt to circumscribe fungal communities in an independent manner,
parallel to that used in botany, and without regard to the organisms on which they depend,
is surely unrealistic.
Mycosociology, the study and classification of fungal communities in their own right, has
had few advocates. Höfler (1938) and Hueck (1953) considered that fungal communities
could be named independently because they were dependent on factors other than those
that controlled the plant communities within which they occurred, but few have endeavored
to take this further. The problems have been aired by Apinis (1972) and Barkman (1973)
in particular and need not be repeated here.
In the case of macromycetes, the only author to assiduously endeavor to introduce
a formal system for naming fungal communities independently of the plants with which
they were associated was Darimont (1975), who attempted to lay down a formal system
of mycosociological nomenclature to apply to data he had collated from woodlands in
Belgium, for example, using the suffixes -ecea (class; e.g., Cortinario-Boletacea), -ecia
(order; e.g., Boleto-Amanitecia), -ecion (alliance; e.g., Boletacion scabri), and -ecium
(sociomycie, equivalent to the association of phytosociologists; e.g., Amanitecium muscariae). He recognized 24 sociomycies in the Belgian woodlands, 18 alliances, 8 orders, and
4 classes. The approach does not appear to have been taken up subsequently.
* The term fungi is used throughout this chapter to embrace all organisms that belong to the kingdom
Fungi together with others traditionally studied by mycologists, i.e., lichens, slime molds, straminiples (oomycetes), and yeasts, as well as mushrooms and molds.
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Fungal Communities: Their Diversity and Distribution
Some European lichenologists, however, enthusiastically adopted phytosociological
principles and developed systems for the formal naming of communities regardless of the
plant communities in which they occur (e.g., Barkman, 1958; Wirth, 1972). Consequently,
a staggering number of Latinized community names for lichen assemblages have been
proposed (Delzenne-van Haluwyn, 1976). This is not so surprising, as lichens are the
predominant biomass in some ecological situations, such as on rock surfaces and on the
ground in boreal and arctic-alpine situations, and those on bark can be more related to its
chemical characteristics and the ambient environment (e.g., relative humidity, temperature)
than the trees involved. Provided that a broad-brush approach is adopted, the use of a
hierarchy of Latinized names can provide both a useful framework for the description and
a shorthand method for communicating complex concepts of assemblages for lichenologists (James et al., 1977). Community names such as Lobarion and Xanthorion are
consequently in widespread use in the 21st century, even though few workers now devote
time to characterizing and describing lichen communities in the formal manner required
by the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (Barkman et al., 1986).*
The approach is unlikely to ever be fully implemented for nonlichenized fungi in
view of the problems in thoroughly recording what species may be present in a particular
site. However, as most other fungi are an integral functional part of plant-dominated
communities (Dighton, 2003), this is surely not an inappropriate outcome of the debate
as to whether fungal communities in general should be named in a formal manner. Because
of issues of differing spatial scale and processes of structuring species assemblages
between plants and fungi, invoking the concept of synusia (a grouping, within one layer
of a community, of species characterized by similar life-forms and similar ecological
requirements), or assemblage, may be of use in describing fungal species assemblages,
e.g., epiphyllous ascomycetes of oak leaves, soil microfungi in particular microhabitats,
and gallery beetle associate fungi.
The first issue to be considered in endeavoring to survey the fungi in a particular site is
the number of different ecological niches in which they can occur and that have to be
searched if a total inventory is to be attained. This is a major constraint in view of both
the number of niches meriting scrutiny (Table 2.1) and the different expertise and methodologies required to examine the species present in many of those niches (Rossman et
al., 1998; Mueller et al., 2004). The problem is then compounded by seasonality or
periodicity in the production of visible fruiting bodies. In some cases fruit bodies are
ephemeral and may last for only a few hours, while in others the same species may not
produce fruit bodies every year, or even decade. For example, in a 21-year study of forest
plots in Switzerland, Straatsma et al. (2001) encountered fruit bodies of 408 species.
However, the number recorded in each year, even after repeated visits, ranged from 18 to
194, with 19 species not previously encountered at all found in the last year of study.
The time necessary to produce a definitive list requires long-term commitment and
investment. The two most intensively studied sites to date are Esher Common (Surrey,
U.K.) and the Slapton Ley Nature Reserve (Devon, U.K.), with 2900 and 2500 species
recorded, respectively (Cannon et al., 2001). Yet while both sites have been studied for
* For a brief introduction to the complex procedures and history of the formal naming of communities
in a mycological (and lichenological) context and further early references on this topic, see
Hawksworth (1974).
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Hawksworth and Mueller
Table 2.1 Principle Niches and Microhabitats Occupied by Fungi
Living Vascular Plants
Biotrophs and necrotrophs of leaves, stems, flowers, fruits, seeds, roots, etc.
Commensals on bark and leaves (especially lichen-forming fungi)
Endophytes of leaves, stems, bark, and roots
Secondary colonizers of dead attached tissues and leaf spots, etc.
Mycorrhizas (endo-, ecto-, ericoid, orchid, etc.)
Leaf surfaces
Dead Vascular Plants
Saprobes on wood, bark, and litter
Burnt plant tissues
Saprobes on submerged and inundated plants
Pollen in water samples
Nonvascular Plants
Algae (marine, terrestrial, and freshwater)
Biotrophs, necrotrophs, and saprobes of other fungi
Lichenicolous fungi
Myxomyceticolous fungi
Skin, feathers, hair, bone, etc.
Nests, lairs, etc.
Ruminant guts
Fish scales and guts
Biotrophs and nectrotrophs
Arthropod exoskeletons
Arthropod and annelid guts
Insect nests
Epilithic fungi
Endolithic fungi
Soil cores
Streams, permanent and temporary ponds
Litter and wood immersed in sea- and freshwater
Plants (e.g., bromeliads)
Adapted from Hawksworth et al. (1997) and Hyde and Hawksworth (1997).
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Fungal Communities: Their Diversity and Distribution
over 25 years by numerous mycologists to reach these figures, only 40% of the species
are in common despite many similarities between the localities, and additional species
are added each year. The actual number of species of fungi present in these sites could
easily be around 4000, but both are much disturbed and neither has a long history of
ecological continuity.
In the case of the Guanacaste Conservation Area in Costa Rica, an international
working group estimated that the number of fungi to be found would be around 50,000
species and that an inventory would cost U.S.$10 to 30 million over 7 years, depending
on the level to which identifications were made (Rossman et al., 1998). However, even if
ample funds were available, the shortage of available specialists in many groups of fungi
would pose a major hurdle to such an intensive recording project.
Data quality of records is also a problem, as a significant proportion of reports of
species from a particular community made by nonspecialists may be unreliable due to
insufficiently critical determinations being made. Further, in many cases dried or cultured
voucher material is not preserved in institutions such as herbaria, museums, and collections
of fungus cultures, rendering many records of questionable long-term value (Agerer et al.,
2000). Additionally, many countries do not yet have fungus recording schemes in place,
and those that do are generally underfunded.
Finally, until the recent publication of recommended standardized sampling methodologies (Mueller et al., 2004), there had been little progress toward the adoption and
universal use of recommended and internationally accepted standard protocols for sampling fungi in particular ecological niches, thus making comparisons of data sets from,
for example, soil and leaf isolations, difficult. Similarly, suggestions to focus on target
groups of fungi as surrogates for overall species richness (Hawksworth et al., 1997) have
hardly progressed.
The suggestion that fungi are an exceptionally diverse and poorly known group of organisms with around 1.5 million fungi on Earth, of which only 74,000 to 120,000 have so
far been identified (Hawksworth, 2001), continues to be supported by fresh analyses
(Heykoop et al., 2003; Mueller et al., in press). Schmit and Mueller (in press) conservatively estimate a minimum of 600,000 species worldwide based on the ratios of fungalto-plant species in well-studied regions and taking into account data on endemism. This
conservative figure was calculated to establish a lower boundary for the number of fungal
species, which will be revised upward as more information becomes available. Whatever
the final figure may prove to be, there is no doubt that the magnitude of the species numbers
present in any detailed community study poses special problems, in that species that are
as yet unnamed are likely to be encountered, especially when working in hitherto littleexplored ecological niches or geographical locations.
Further, there is a lack of modern monographic revisions and keys for many groups
of fungi, which makes the identifications necessary for community characterization particularly time-consuming.
Species Concepts
The species concepts traditionally used in different fungal groups vary, depending on which
characteristics are considered important. However, incompatibility studies and the advent
of molecular phylogenetic approaches are increasingly showing that in many cases, what
has traditionally been interpreted as a single species on morphological criteria alone is in
reality a complex of biologically and evolutionary distinct species. This is as true for lichenforming fungi (Grube and Kroken, 2000) as it is for macromycetes (Petersen and Hughes,
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Hawksworth and Mueller
1999) and plant pathogens (O’Donnell et al., 2000). At the extreme end of changes in a
group’s species richness based on molecular data are suggestions that the diversity of
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi may be closer to hundreds of thousands of species rather than
the traditional view of hundreds of species (Fitter, 2003). It is clear that the formal recognition of such species will increasingly become the norm in mycology (Taylor et al., 2000).
While these so-called cryptic species are evidently a major component of the estimated
unrecognized global species numbers of fungi, their existence poses major problems for
the documentation of fungal communities. The need to distinguish species that are so similar
morphologically that they cannot be conclusively identified without cultural or molecular
studies will inevitably hinder critical survey work of all kinds in mycology.
Several fallacies impinge on endeavors to characterize fungal communities, three of which
are deeply embedded in the minds of many biologists:
“Everything is everywhere and the environment selects” (Baas-Becking, 1934).
While this may be true for some saprobic, soil, and opportunistic spoilage microfungi with enormous potential for dispersal (Gams, 1992), it clearly does not
apply to the huge numbers of host-specific fungi, many macrofungi (see below),
or lichen-forming species. This is especially so when species are studied at the
cryptic species and population levels, where species thought to have widespread
distributions prove to be complexes of two or more distinct taxa (see above).
Most fungi occur in damp places (countries). May (1994) cautioned against
extrapolations based on data from countries such as the U.K., which were “damp
and fungal place[s]” from an Australian viewpoint. This may apply to some
groups of fungi, but cannot be supported as a general rule as the most speciesrich habitats may vary from region to region. For example, in Australia huge
numbers of microfungi are found associated with native species (e.g., Eucalyptus; Sankaran et al., 1995), macrofungal diversity is high (T.W. May, personal
communication), and the continent appears to be a gold mine for undescribed
hypogeous macromycetes (Claridge et al., 2000; J. Trappe, personal communication) and certain groups of rock-inhabiting lichens (e.g., Xanthoparmelia; Elix
et al., 1986; Elix, 2003).
Yeasts and lichens are not fungi. Old concepts die hard, and even to this day it
is not uncommon to see phrases such as “yeasts and fungi” and “lichens and
fungi,” which are oxymorons.* Yeasts are firmly part of the kingdom Fungi,
and strictly lichens have no names; the names used are those ruled as applying
to the fungal partner (the photosynthetic symbionts maintaining independent
names; Hawksworth, 1997a). It is especially surprisingly to find lichens treated
in a series of floras (e.g., Flora of Australia), while the “other” fungi have an
independent sister series (e.g., Fungi of Australia).
In addition, the historical inclusion of mycology within botany, and also the treatment
of fungi as a kind of cryptogam or lower plant, has been deeply damaging to the perception,
organization, and development of the subject (Hawksworth, 1997b).
* Oxymoron: “A figure of speech by means of which contradictory terms are combined,” literally
“pointedly foolish” (Kirkpatrick, 1983).
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Fungal Communities: Their Diversity and Distribution
Fungi are so diverse that it is difficult for any single person to address the issue of diversity
across biomes. However, Lodge et al. (1995) approached this by soliciting the opinions
of a range of mycologists with experience in more than one continent or hemisphere. Most
of those consulted who worked on basidiomycetes felt diversity was more correlated with
host and habitat than resource abundance, while those whose expertise was with ascomycetes (and their hyphomycete anamorphs) considered all three factors important. The
areas most frequently mentioned as sources of novel unknown taxa were humid forests
on islands, tropical mountaintops, and large tropical river basins. However, some hostrestricted heterobasidiomycetes occurred in all areas and habitats with the hosts, while
ranges in many agarics appeared to be limited regardless of the region. Overall, diversity
in most groups, except rusts and smuts, was judged to be greatest in the tropics and
subtropics and most strongly related to habitat and host diversity. While this was a
refreshing way to visit the overall issue, it was essentially qualitative rather than quantitative, a valuable source of hypotheses based on impressions that merit testing by substantial data sets. Mueller et al. (in press) pooled data on diversity and distribution patterns
for macrofungi from different geographical regions. They compiled 21,679 names during
this study and found that the percentage of unique names varied from 37% for temperate
Asia to 72% for Australasia. No comparable data set for other fungal groups has been
compiled and analyzed, and fresh and broader studies on the lines of those undertaken by
Pirozynski and Weresub (1979) are to be commended.
A different approach was taken by Schmit et al. (2005). They undertook a metadata
analysis of published and available unpublished point diversity studies of macrofungi that
included species lists of the plants in the sampled plots. Macrofungal species included in
the analyzed studies displayed neither larger nor smaller species ranges than the plants in
the data set, and not surprisingly, the diversity of macrofungi in each site was high. While
this study documented that tree diversity proved to be a good predictor of macrofungal
diversity at each site, plant community data could not be used as a surrogate to predict
macrofungal community composition.
Nevertheless, it appears from casual studies of the available information that some
generalizations as to the major differences in the diversity of fungi and the communities
developed in different biomes can be made (Table 2.2). Estimating species numbers has
been attempted by extrapolation from the numbers of vascular plant species present
(Rodríguez, 2000). While such approximations are open to debate, they do suggest that
much of the species diversity in fungi is in the tropics and remains to be discovered
(Table 2.3).
Such broad-brush approaches clearly mask differences in the diversity of fungal
communities on a niche-by-niche (cf. Table 2.1) basis. For example, despite the considerable uniformity reported among soil microfungi (Gams, 1992), studies of communities
in soils subject to different degrees of climatic stress suggest that the proportion of sexually
reproducing species is positively correlated with increasing stress (Grishkan et al., 2003).
The study of fungi as an integral part of plant communities and ecosystems, or as associates
of particular animal or plant hosts and providers of essential ecological services, rather
than in isolation, should be the underlying feature of future studies in fungal ecology; the
approach of Dighton (2003) is commendable in this respect. The issues of diversity and
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Table 2.2 Examples of Ecological Fungal Groups Predominating in Major Biomes
Fungal Groups
Arctic, Antarctic, arctic-alpine,
montane, northern tundra
Mediterranean and hot desert
Lichen-forming fungi
Lichen-forming and ectomycorrhizal fungi
Plant-specific (especially rusts and smuts) and
ectomycorrhizal fungi; also slime molds
Lichen-forming and soil fungi (including hypogeous
Foliicolous fungi (including sooty molds, asterines,
meliolines, fungicolous spp., foliicolous lichens), ostropalean
lichen-forming fungi (including graphids and thelotremes),
entomogenous fungi, endomycorrhizal fungi, and endophytic
Table 2.3 Approximate Numbers of Fungi (including Slime Molds, Lichen-Forming
Fungi, Straminipilous Fungi, and Yeasts) and Plantsa (Seed Plants and Ferns) Known
from Different Regions of the World
North America
Central and South America
Estimated Total
600,000 (77,000)
65,000 (12,000)
450,000 (67,000)
250,000 (18,000)
500,000 (100,000)
250,000 (21,000)
1,750 (2)
>95 (10)
60 (>1)
>95 (10)
>90 (1)
>95 (15)
>95 (20)
55 (0)
Plant figures are in parentheses.
Adapted from Rodríguez (2000).
complexity in communities are so immense, however, that small-scale case studies
designed to test particular hypotheses are likely to be keys to the understanding of patterns
and interrelationships on a global scale. Ideally, such studies should employ similar
protocols in different biomes and communities across wide geographical regions, and also
be integrated with more holistic ecosystem studies by broad-based plant and animal
ecologists. Since the mid-1990s there has been a heightened awareness of the need for
multidisciplinary approaches to ecosystem functioning, and fungal data have been taken
note of in key debates and syntheses (Schulze and Mooney, 1994; Brussaard et al., 1997;
Freckman et al., 1997). Regrettably, the funds to conduct large-scale new studies to address
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Fungal Communities: Their Diversity and Distribution
key issues of the structure and maintenance of ecosystem function at the international
level have remained elusive. In the interim, mycologists with an interest in the diversity
of fungi and their roles in communities should endeavor to collaborate with one another
wherever possible, in order to maximize the potential inputs that can be made to the
elucidation of our understanding of fungal community ecology. The synthesis of issues
and protocols by Mueller et al. (2004) should be a major stimulus to such an approach.
Support to David L. Hawksworth from the Programa Ramón y Cajal of the Ministerio de
Ciencia y Tecnología through the Facultad de Farmacia of the Universidad Complutense
de Madrid is gratefully acknowledged. Gregory M. Mueller acknowledges the financial
support of the U.S. National Science Foundation.
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Fungal Communities: Their Diversity and Distribution
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