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Table 13.1 Possible Outcomes from Bilateral Interactions
Effect of Species B on Species A
Effect of A on B
Adapted from Burkholder, Am. Sci., 40, 601–631, 1952.
interaction terminology, though some have been reviewed previously (Abrams, 1987).
Because terms have been applied differently in different fields, comparison of interactions
across fields in ecology is difficult. It is intended for this chapter to clarify the sources
of the inconsistencies, which are discussed in separate sections for general and fungal
ecology, and to describe particular problems with application of general ecology terminology to fungi due to their growth form and life histories. I discuss temporal dynamics
of interactions and measures best used to describe outcomes. I discriminate between
interactions involving nutrient acquisition and those not involving nutrient acquisition
and propose a revised set of terms. It is anticipated that this chapter will raise questions
and generate discussions about the best use of interspecific interaction terms. For that
reason, it is hoped that this paper will facilitate discussions among ecologists by categorizing terms according to mode of nutrient acquisition and by making terms that are
currently in use commensurate.
Description of interspecific interactions began when deBary (1887) first described close
relationships between two organisms as symbioses, regardless of positive or negative
outcome of interaction. He divided these symbioses into saprophytic and parasitic interactions. These categorizations were based on mode of nutrient acquisition and were
adequate descriptors because they were the only ones. Burkholder (1952) subsequently
made progress by characterizing biological interactions according to outcomes (Table
13.1), which was useful because it is practical to measure a population’s size in many
instances. However, he initiated a long history of the confusing use of the terms symbiosis
and parasitism by equating them with outcomes and by describing “symbiosis” as only a
mutually beneficial interaction. Odum (1959) modified Burkholder’s description by differentiating between the effects on organisms when they did and did not interact (Table
13.2), though this distinction is not always practical. Harper (1961), Schoener (1983), and
Hodge and Arthur (1996) have all described alternate terms for antagonistic interactions,
with Schoener dividing competition according to the particular mechanisms involved. In
the more than a century since deBary’s report of types of interactions, we have had many
contributions to the pool of terms available to describe interspecific interactions, but little
consistency across the sets of terms.
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Interspecific Interaction Terminology: From Mycology to General Ecology
Table 13.2 Effects on Organisms When They Are and Are Not Interacting
When Not Interacting
When Interacting
Type of Interaction
Result of Interaction
Obligatory for A
Facultative for both
Obligatory for both
Obligatory for A
Adapted from Odum, Fundamentals of Ecology, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1959.
Mycologists have employed some terms previously used to describe interspecific interactions based on outcome (Cooke and Rayner, 1984; Rayner and Webber, 1984; Rayner and
Boddy, 1988b; Zabel and Morrell, 1992). Not all terms that are available apply to fungi,
and some definitions have to be changed slightly in order to be more accurate in their
application to fungi. In addition, terms were developed by mycologists to describe specific
mechanisms exhibited by fungi during interactions (Rayner and Boddy, 1988a, 1988b;
Table 13.3) and mechanisms for competitive or antagonistic interactions in detail (Lockwood, 1992; Wicklow, 1992; Boddy, 2000), adding to the pool of available terms. Because
mycologists have tried to use some available terms, but required additional descriptors for
Table 13.3 Descriptions of Bilateral Fungal Interactions
Primary resource capture
Defense (antagonism at a distance, hyphal interference,
mycoparasitism, gross mycelial contact, deadlock)
Secondary resource capture (replacement)
0/0, 0/+, +/0
0/–, –/0, –/–
Note: Various outcomes may occur for interactions that are considered a subdivision of
competition. However, these terms actually describe the mechanism involved in the
Adapted from Rayner and Boddy, Fungal Decomposition of Wood, John Wiley & Sons,
New York, 1988b, with information from Boddy, FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 31, 185–194,
2000, added.
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specific types of fungi (e.g., wood decomposers), we now have a set of terms with slightly
different meanings in fields of ecology, plus a combination of some terms describing
outcomes and others describing mechanisms. Mycologists, in their effort to reduce the
number of new terms by borrowing some from general ecology, yet requiring additional
terms for specific circumstances particular to fungi, have compounded the confusion
arising around a clear description of interspecific interactions.
While Burkholder’s (1952) characterization helped clarify ecological concepts, some of
Burkholder’s terms do not apply to fungi and some are redundant. The terms allotrophy,
defined as feeding another organism, and allolimy, defined as starving another organism,
appear to be associated with higher organisms than fungi because fungi cannot actively
feed or starve other organisms. Burkholder used symbiosis to describe only mutualistic
interactions, whereas deBary’s original use of symbiosis referred to any close relationship
between two or more organisms (deBary, 1887), whether harmful or beneficial. Burkholder
used synnecrosis to refer to interactions that are negative for both organisms, implying
that both organisms in a mutually antagonistic relationship will die; however, death is not
inevitable. Burkholder’s categorization of interactions according to outcome was useful,
but some of his terms, such as allotrophy, allolimy, symbiosis, and synnecrosis, are not
generally applicable, especially to fungi.
Odum’s modification enabled ecologists to describe interactions as facultative or
obligate. Odum also adopted some new terms for outcomes described by Burkholder and
added some categories. According to Odum, the difference between protocooperation and
mutualism is whether both organisms are not affected (0/0, protocooperation) or are
negatively affected (–/–, mutualism) in the absence of the interaction. This distinction is
difficult to assess because comparative measurements can only be made relative to the
interaction. Both the null effect and any negative effect will appear negative relative to
any positive effect of the interaction. Odum also replaced Burkholder’s term synnecrosis
with competition, which is equally misleading, because it describes only one possible
mechanism leading to an outcome in which both organisms are inhibited (–/–) (see Abrams,
1987). Other mechanisms, such as allelopathy, may also result in mutual inhibition.
Odum’s use of parasitism and predation to describe outcomes that are positive for one
organism and negative for the other (+/–) is also confusing. Parasitism and predation are
modes of nutrient acquisition, or nutritive interactions, which should be considered separately from nonnutritive interspecific interactions (see below).
Harper (1961) used the term interference rather than competition to describe antagonistic interactions in plant ecology. He maintained that this term, rather than competition,
could be applied more uniformly to all fields because of the many different connotations
that exist within different fields concerning competition. Interference was later used in
fungal ecology to describe a subdivision of competition, together with exploitation (see
below, also Tinnin, 1972; Lockwood, 1992; Wicklow, 1992). Both interference (whether
used as a synonym or as a subdivision of competition) and exploitation describe mechanisms involved in antagonistic behavior.
Schoener (1983) used a set of six terms to describe the mechanisms of competition:
consumptive, preemptive, overgrowth, chemical, territorial, and encounter. His terms may
be appropriate in some situations to describe antagonistic interactions, but they describe
only mechanisms for one type of outcome. These mechanisms of antagonism should be
treated separately from the outcomes.
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Interspecific Interaction Terminology: From Mycology to General Ecology
Arthur and Mitchell (1989) used similar terms: competition (–/–), amensalism (–/0),
contramensalism (+/–), commensalism (+/0), and mutualism (+/+). However, they do not
distinguish mechanism from effect, nor nutritive from nonnutritive interactions. They
suggested that mechanism should be separated from outcome, but their system is not
structured to do so.
Problems in describing interspecific interactions also arise from variability in
responses due to temporal, spatial, and environmental variability. In addition, for all of
these schemes of interactions, more than one mechanism of interaction may be occurring
simultaneously. Each of these schemes relies upon an average of outcomes to determine
the net effect, and the length of time of observation may affect the observer’s determination
of type of interaction (Arthur and Mitchell, 1989). Interactions are likely to vary spatially
and change over time (Hodge et al., 1999). These interactions are dynamic and are
conditional upon the abiotic and biotic environment in which they occur (Bronstein, 1994).
For instance, pH affected the ability of nematodes to antagonize root pathogenic fungi
(El-Borai et al., 2002). Aspergillus ochraceus was most effective at antagonizing six other
species of maize spoilage fungi under moderate water availability at 18°C (Lee and Magan,
1999, 2000). When water was freely available, Alternaria alternata and Aspergillus niger
became dominant (Lee and Magan, 1999). At 30°C and moderate water availability, A.
ochraceus was dominated by other fungi except A. alternata (Lee and Magan, 2000). So
the outcome of the interaction between A. ochraceus and A. alternata is highly dependent
upon water availability and temperature. Water potential also affected outcome of interactions between fungi colonizing ash twigs (Griffith and Boddy, 1991), and water activity
and temperature affected interactions of fungi isolated from maize (Sanchis et al., 1997).
Environmental factors affect parasites (Michalakis et al., 1992) and mycoparasitism
(reviewed in Lumsden, 1992). Nutritional differences in the environment may also regulate
outcomes. Nutritional or structural differences between agar and wood caused outcomes
of interactions between fungi grown on wood discs to be different from interactions on
nutrient agar (Holmer and Stenlid, 1993). Interactions between Ceratocystis ulmi and elm
bark saprotrophs were different on malt extract agar (MEA) in petri dishes than in elm
logs (Webber and Hedger, 1986) as well. However, outcomes of interactions between wood
decay fungi plated against Armillaria luteobubalina on MEA did correspond to interactions
in Eucalyptus wood (Pearce, 1990). For this reason, conditions in which observations of
interactions are made should be made clear along with timing of “stage-specific phenomena” (Bronstein, 1994) to more fully understand the nature of the interaction.
In addition to abiotic environmental effects, biotic components can affect interactions
between organisms. For example, Dendroctonus bark beetles do worse in the presence of
phoretic Tarsonemus mites because Ophiostoma carried as a food source by the mites
antagonizes the mycangial fungi of the bark beetle, reducing the food source of the bark
beetle (Lombardero et al., 2003). This agonistic (–/+) interaction between the beetle and
the mites is the result of indirect effects of the biotic environment, whereas the direct
effect is a commensal (0/+) relationship between the mites and the beetles. Therefore, it
should be made clear whether the results of an interaction are direct or indirect (see also
Callaway and Walker, 1997). Tritrophic interactions ultimately can affect the outcome of
interactions between organisms distantly related, such as the cereal aphid parasitoid
(Aphidius rhopalosiphi) and an entomopathogenic fungus (Erynia neoaphidis), which
utilize the same food source (the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae; Fuentes-Contreras et al.,
1998). Timing of arrival of the parasitoid relative to fungal spore arrival will affect the
outcome of the interaction. Similarly, single-genet isolates of Marasmius androsaceus
were identified in younger plots, whereas discontinuous distribution was observed in older
plots (Holmer and Stenlid, 1991). Successional changes in species distributions and abun-
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dances likely affect the interactions between species within the environment (Connell and
Slatyer, 1977). Spatial patterning of 60 taxa of mycophagous insects on 66 mushroom
taxa were more closely related to aggregates of the insect species than to species of food
source, indicating dispersal as the reason for existence on a particular fruit body, rather
than niche differentiation by food type (Wertheim et al., 2000). Insects were cohabiting
(0/0) the mushrooms rather than coantagonizing (–/–) one another and eliminating each
other from the resource. Consequently, measures of biotic environmental conditions can
be affected by the temporal and spatial scales in which measures are taken and can influence
interpretation of outcomes. Size of population is known to affect outcomes of interactions
(Holmer and Stenlid, 1993) as well as other factors inherent in measure of population
growth rate. Therefore, type of measurement taken (growth, birth rate, death rate, reproductive success) can influence conclusions from interspecific interactions (Abrams, 1987).
A comprehensive terminology should account for these variables.
Application of General Ecology Terminology to Fungi:
Distinguishing Features of Fungi
Fungi are sedentary microscopic organisms with an indeterminate growth form. Although
fungal hyphae are microscopic, population distribution and dispersal of spores often cover
large geographic areas (e.g., see Smith et al., 1992). Likewise, the functions performed
by fungi are often related to an ecosystem or landscape scale (e.g., see Kuyper and Bokeloh,
1994). Hence, interactions at the microscale may have broad effects. The indeterminate
growth form allows fungi to interact with different organisms at different places across a
mycelial network. Each interaction may simultaneously have different effects. This growth
form allows an individual fungus to wall off an area in the event of antagonism (–/0),
which may result in two individuals plus a senesced portion of mycelium. Hence, quantification of populations is difficult and populations may not be reduced as a result of
Fungi, along with many other microorganisms, are not large enough to take in many
molecules that would be valuable sources of carbon and nutrients, so they release extracellular compounds to decompose substances prior to uptake (Bruce et al., 1984; Ghisalberti and Sivasithamparam, 1991; Dandurand and Knudson, 1993; Score et al., 1997).
Production and release of oxalic acid, known to aid in weathering of minerals and thereby
increase nutrient availability, by the mycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus was affected
by a form of nitrogen in media and the concentration of calcium and bicarbonate ions
(Lapeyrie et al., 1987). Oxalic acid was also produced by brown-rot fungi, though not in
the same quantities by all species (Espejo and Agosin, 1991). Oxalic acid reduced pH in
brown-rot cultures (Dutton et al., 1993), consequently increasing favorable conditions for
enzyme activity. In the study by Espejo and Agosin (1991), oxalic acid that was produced
was then oxidized to CO2 during the process of cellulose depolymerization. Release of
oxalic acid by one fungus may benefit many others in the vicinity. Other extracellular
substances released by fungi (whether enzymes or waste) could be used by other microorganisms as a nutrient source or may enhance or be inhibitory to their growth (Garbaye,
1991; Score et al., 1997).
These particular features make application of some of the previously used general
ecology terminology for interspecific interactions to fungi not completely appropriate. For
instance, Burkholder’s use of allotrophy and allolimy do not apply to sedentary organisms,
and his synnecrosis has an outcome (–/–) that might occur in hyphal tips in fungi but will
not kill the organism, as implied by the term. Odum uses mechanisms for antagonism that
confuse nutrient acquisition. This distinction is particularly important for microorganisms
because nutrient acquisition occurs extracellularly, will nearly always impact other organ-
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Interspecific Interaction Terminology: From Mycology to General Ecology
isms, and may not always do so in a negative manner (such as in the case where one
organism releases extracellular enzymes to decompose a substrate and another organism
benefits by using the enzymes or the products of the reaction as a nutrient source; Garbaye,
1991). Consequently, mycologists have adopted slightly different terms to describe antagonistic (–/0) interactions (exploitation and interference) that begin to differentiate nutritive
from nonnutritive interactions but do not do so explicitly. General ecology terms should
be selected and applied carefully to describe microbial interspecific interactions to ensure
that the connotation is correct and that the meaning of a single term is not required to
change among fields for proper application.
Rayner and Boddy (1988a, 1988b) and Boddy (2000) modified Burkholder’s schema (Table
13.3), but included only competitive, neutralistic, and mutualistic interactions. These three
main categories are similar to previous definitions in that they are based on outcomes of
interactions. Their divisions within competition — primary resource capture, combat
(antagonism at a distance, hyphal interference, mycoparasitism, or gross mycelial contact),
defense, and secondary resource capture — however, pertain to the biology and action of
the organisms and, thus, refer to mechanisms.
In this system, the subdivisions of competition are actually mechanisms of interactions with various outcomes, some of which are not the result of competition, and therefore
should not be described as subdivisions of competition. Primary resource capture describes
colonization of a resource by one organism but may not result in competition for resources
(ruderals generally do not exhibit competition). There is no interaction in primary resource
capture, so no outcome can be identified. Combat refers to “interference competition,”
according to Rayner and Webber (1984). This is particularly confusing because their
subdivisions of combat (defense, defending a resource through interference; secondary
resource capture, replacement by competing for resources and using interference) refer
to both interference and resource competition. Additional confusion arises because defense
only describes an interaction from the perspective of one organism. The outcome of the
interaction depends on the effects of the second organism. For instance, fungus A may
defend its territory through the production of allelochemicals. However, if fungus B is
involved in secondary resource capture, and the allelochemicals produced by fungus A
did not result in complete inhibition of fungus B, then fungus A would be harmed regardless
of its defense mode (–/+) because fungus B would acquire resources from A. Alternatively,
if both fungus A and fungus B were involved in defense only, the result might be a deadlock
in which both organisms might be harmed (–/–) because they have expended resources.
Although the attempt made by Rayner and Boddy to describe fungal interactions with
underlying mechanisms is a much needed addition to fungal ecology, it is a very specific
set of terms that are mainly applicable to wood decomposer fungi. The mixture of terms
within their schema is cumbersome, and the descriptions of mechanisms are not broadly
applicable to diverse organisms in other disciplines in ecology.
Within fungal ecology, interference competition has been used to describe indirect
inhibition (e.g., allelopathy or antibiosis) (Lockwood, 1992; Wicklow, 1992). This contrasts with exploitation competition or resource competition, where organisms compete
directly for a resource such as nutrients or space (Lockwood, 1992). While some argue
that interference and exploitation do not accurately describe coantagonistic (–/–) fungal
interactions (Cooke and Rayner, 1984; Boddy, 2000), any of these terms, along with the
terms proposed by Rayner and Boddy that were discussed above, could be used to describe
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Table 13.4 Distinction between Fungal Interactions Involving Nutrient Acquisition and Those
That Do Not Involve Nutrient Acquisition
Nutritive Interactions
(Interactions between a fungus and another
organism from which the fungus receives
Nonnutritive Interactions
(Interactions between a fungus and another
organism from which the fungus does not
receive nutrients)
Note: Each nutritive interaction may occur simultaneously with any nonnutritive interaction in one organism,
but the interactions are distinct. Terms used for nonnutritive interactions are described in more detail in Table
mechanisms of antagonistic or coantagonistic behavior. When mechanisms specific to a
group of organisms are used in combination with general outcome-derived terms, a more
complete description of the interspecific interaction (described further below) is possible.
Ecological terms describing interspecific interactions incorporate a mixture of mechanisms
of interaction involving nutrient acquisition and not involving nutrient acquisition. For
instance, interactions involving organisms that feed on other organisms directly should be
separated from interactions in which organisms interact directly with one another for a
pool of nutrients that is indirectly depleted as a result of the interaction. I propose that two
types of interactions be considered: (1) interactions between an organism and any organism
from which it directly receives nutrients, nutritive interactions, and (2) interactions between
an organism and any organism from which it does not directly receive nutrients, nonnutritive interactions (Table 13.4). These interactions should be considered separately because
the underlying mechanisms are different and are not directly comparable.
Nutritive Interactions
Nutritive interactions were described by deBary in 1887 as saprophytic and parasitic.
Contemporary terms result from refinement of deBary’s concepts to include biotrophy
(obtaining nutrients from the living cells of the host, e.g., parasitism; Barak and Chet,
1986; Figure 13.1), necrotrophy (acquiring nutrients by killing an organism, e.g., predation), and saprotrophy (acquiring nutrients from dead material, e.g., decomposition)
(Lewis, 1973; Luttrell, 1974; Cooke and Rayner, 1984; Douglas, 1994). DeBary’s concept
of classifying organisms, and fungi in particular, according to type of nutritive interaction
persists in these schemes and in current use.
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Interspecific Interaction Terminology: From Mycology to General Ecology
( )
Figure 13.1 Example of potential biotrophic nutritive interactions. Fomitopsis pinicola (Swartz:
Fr.) Karst encounter with Cenococcum geophilum Fr. on modified Melin-Norkrans medium (MMN)
at 20°C.
DeBary originally suggested that the classes of nutrient acquisition that he proposed
were not mutually exclusive categories, but overlapped, and this continuum has been
suggested by others (Lewis, 1973; Harley and Smith, 1983). Under this classification, the
often cited example of mycorrhizae (see also below) would be an example of bilateral
biotrophism, not mutualism. This removes the frequently discussed problem of mycorrhizal
interactions not always having a positive outcome for both the host and the symbiont. The
cost and benefit to each organism are independent of the categorization of the interaction.
Biotrophisms may be facultative or obligate. Organisms may alternate between nutritional
modes throughout their lives (Luttrell, 1974; Cooke and Rayner, 1984; Douglas, 1994),
or among stages in their life cycles. For example, an organism may be saprotrophic in
one stage of its life cycle and become biotrophic in another (Bateman, 1978). The ability
to adjust the mode of nutrient acquisition in response to changes in resource availability
might allow organisms to avoid direct competition for a particular resource with another
organism (Cooke and Rayner, 1984). Knowing the mode of nutrient acquisition of organisms can help to predict the types of nonnutritive interspecific interactions that may occur
(e.g., two saprotrophs might be more likely to compete than would a saprotrophic and a
necrotrophic fungus).
Nonnutritive Interspecific Interactions
Nonnutritive interspecific interactions are abundant in nature and important to population
structure (Hairston et al., 1960). However, few nonnutritive fungal interactions have been
documented. The few investigations reported have focused on competition (Rayner and
Boddy, 1988b; Shearer and Zare-Maivan, 1988; Lockwood, 1992; Wicklow, 1992; Wardle
et al., 1993; Shearer, 1995; Holmer and Stenlid, 1997a). Dodds (1997) attributes this bias
toward reporting of competitive interactions to error in experimental design (but see Wardle
et al., 1993; Hodge et al., 1999). Even when a null hypothesis of no interaction is tested
statistically, as recommended by Dodds (1997), careful attention must still be paid to
DK3133_C013.fm Page 274 Monday, April 18, 2005 12:58 PM
experimental design. Attributing colonization of a substrate to only one organism (all or
nothing) can lead to conclusions of antagonism (–/0), when cohabitation (0/0) of the
substrate may have existed (Holmer et al., 1997).
In the sense used by deBary, symbiosis refers to any close relationship, whether positive
or negative, between two organisms, involving nutrient acquisition or not. Mycorrhizae
would be symbiotic biotrophisms — close relationships involving nutrient acquisition.
In mycorrhizae, fungi acquire carbon from and exchange nutrients with host plants
(Allen, 1991; Smith and Read, 1997). Other examples of nutritive symbioses would
include gut parasites extracting nutrients from hosts and necrotrophism of, or feeding
on, mycangial fungi by bark beetles (Lombardero et al., 2003). These would also be
biotrophic symbioses. Ant–membracid interactions would be mutualistic symbioses —
close relationships with positive effects on the population size of both organisms
involved, but not involving direct nutrient acquisition (Cushman and Whitham, 1989).
The membracid nymphs receive protection from predators by the ants and the ants use
a waste product of the membracids, not directly feeding on the membracids. Other
examples of nonnutritive symbioses include a commensal symbiosis — coprophilous
fungi that require passage of spores through an animal gut to germinate but neither
contribute to nor extract nutrients from the host. Both nutritive and nonnutritive interactions can be symbiotic, following from deBary’s (1887) definition of symbiosis, a
close relationship between two organisms.
DeBary (1887) only used symbiosis to refer to modes of nutrient acquisition.
Burkholder (1952) originated the description of interspecific interactions by outcome and
used the term symbiosis more narrowly to describe a mutually beneficial outcome in
interspecific interactions; this use continues to be popular in some countries. However,
the common use of the term mutualism synonymously with symbiosis has led to the blurring
of the nutritive and nonnutritive interactions. Because symbiosis encompasses both nutritive and nonnutritive interactions, careful attention must be made to distinguish among
them when describing a symbiosis; otherwise, more descriptive information for these
interactions may be lost. A description of the specific nature of symbioses can be more
clear by adding nutritive or nonnutritive descriptors rather than using symbiosis synonymously with one type of nonnutritive interaction (mutualism). To aid future studies, the
remainder of this discussion will focus on nonnutritive interspecific interactions because
the terminology used to describe them requires further refinement, whereas terms used to
describe nutrient acquisition interactions are adequate.
Outcomes of nonnutritive interspecific interactions are more readily compared across
disciplines in ecology than are mechanisms, although both categories are necessary for
full understanding of the interaction. Information regarding mechanism can be used to
modify descriptions, but terms based on mechanism alone will not clarify terminology.
Measures taken to evaluate outcome are dependent upon the purpose of the investigation
(Figure 13.2). Definitions of nonnutritive interspecific interactions are given below with
examples from fungal ecology.
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Interspecific Interaction Terminology: From Mycology to General Ecology
Purpose of Investigation
1. Determine resource use
2. Predict species presence (community structure) given changes in
3. Determine conditional outcomes/hierarchies
4. Predict evolutionary changes in populations based on determined
Type of Analysis
Long-term analyses
(population size and measures of fitness)
Short-term +/− effects
(growth measures on individuals or populations)
Figure 13.2 Key for determination of type of measures to take to determine outcomes of interspecific interactions.
Coantagonism refers to any interaction that results in a negative outcome for both members
(–/–; Figure 13.3a and Figure 13.4a). Mechanisms of antagonism may be different for
either fungus, however, and the outcome may not be equally strongly negative for each
fungus (Holmer and Stenlid, 1997a). It is the combination of effects, with mainly negative
effects for each, that results in coantagonism. The term coantagonism is preferable to
competition to describe bilateral mutually antagonistic interactions because competition
describes only one mechanism of antagonistic interactions. Coantagonism is more consistent with terms currently used to describe other outcomes of interspecific interactions.
In studying fungal interactions in culture, three ways to identify antagonism follow.
If fungus A is antagonized by fungus B, fungus A may respond by (1) asymmetrical
inhibition only in the direction of B; (2) general decrease in overall colony size, irrespective of direction; or (3) increased radial colony diameter, but decreased hyphal diameter
and mycelial density. The latter may not actually have a negative effect on the antagonized
fungus. In this discussion, coantagonism refers to the joint action of the first two types
of antagonism.
Examples of coantagonism are relatively abundant in the mycological literature.
Nine species of brown-rot fungi coantagonized one another in plate pairings on malt extract
agar (Owens et al., 1994), though some species combinations were likely involved in
antagonism (–/0) rather than coantagonism (–/–). The same is true for seven species of
white-rot fungi and for interactions between species of brown-rot and white-rot fungi.
These interactions are further described by the mechanisms resulting in this outcome,
replacement or deadlock (see Table 13.5 and Section 13.8). Coniophora puteana and
Scytalidium spp. produced laccase (a widespread phenol-oxidizing enzyme that can cause
mycelial morphogenesis) in the presence of one another (Score et al., 1997), as did Serpula
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Figure 13.3 Possible interactions between two fungal cultures on petri dishes based on measurement of radial growth. Fungus A is the shaded colony and fungus B is the white colony.
Figure 13.4 Examples of nonnutritive interspecific interactions. (a) Coantagonism (–/–) (Trametes versicolor (L.: Fr.) Pilat) + (Paxillus involutus (Fr.) Fr. on water agar at 20°C. (b) Antagonism
(–/0) (T. versicolor (L.: Fr.) Pilat + Laccaria bicolor (Maire) Pat.) on water agar at 20°C. (c) Agonism
(+/–) (Fomitopsis pinicola (Swartz: Fr.) Karst + Paxillus involutus (Fr.) Fr.) on MMN at 20°C. (d)
Cohabitation (0/0) (T. versicolor (L.: Fr.) Pilat + Thelephora americanus Lloyd) on MMN at 20°C.