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The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?

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What book was once owned by

only the wealthy, but now

everyone can have it?

You can't buy it in a bookstore

or take it from a library.

A telephone book.

What gets whiter the dirtier

that it gets?

A chalkboard

What happened in the middle of

the twentieth century that will

not happen again for 4,000


The year 1961 can be read

upside down and that won't

happen again until 6009!

What has no beginning, end, or


A doughnut.

What has to be broken before it

can be used?

An egg.

What does no man want, yet

no man wants to lose?

Work - Employment

How many bricks does it take to

complete a building made of brick?

Only one, the last one.

What is everything to someone,

and nothing to everyone else?

Your mind.

Big as a biscuit, deep as a cup,

even a river can't fill it up. What

is it?

A kitchen strainer.

What goes up and never

comes down?

Your age.

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