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Big as a biscuit, deep as a cup, even a river can't fill it up. What is it?

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What goes up and never

comes down?

Your age.

What's the greatest

worldwide use of cowhide?

To cover cows.

What's long and thin, covered

in skin; red in parts, and put in



What has feet and legs, and

nothing else?


What is the moon worth?

$1, because it has 4 quarters.

What grows when it eats, but

dies when it drinks?

A candle.

What stays where it is when it

goes off?

An alarm clock

You heard me before, yet you hear

me again. Then I die, 'til you call me

again. What am I?

An echo

There is a man standing over a

dead body in a coffin, and another

man walks in and asks, who's in the

coffin. The first man replies,

brothers and sisters, I have none,

but this man's father is my fathers

son. Who's in the coffin?

His son

There are 2 guards. One tells the truth and

one lies. There are also 2 doors. One

leads to Heaven and the other leads to the

devils playground. One guard is in front

of each door. You can only ask the guards

ONE question and you have to ask the

same question to both guards. What you

are trying to find out is which door leads

to Heaven and which door leads to the

devil's playground.

Ask each one "What will the other one say is the

door to heaven?" They should answer the same.

Go in the opposite door they say.

Two boxers are in a boxing

match (regular boxing, not kick

boxing). The fight is scheduled

for 12 rounds but ends after 6

rounds, after one boxer knocks

out the other boxer. Yet no man

throws a punch. How is this


They were women boxing.

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