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There is a horse tied to a rope.
The rope is 10 feet long. There
is a bale of hay 23 feet in front
of the horse. The horse is able
to eat the hay, yet does not
The rope isn't is to anything!
break the rope. How tiedthat
After a man had been
blindfolded, someone hung up
his hat. The man walked 100
yards, turned around, and shot
a bullet through his hat. How
is such a feat possible?
His hat was hung over the
barrel of the rifle!
At a posh restaurant I was having dinner with
a noted historian. We were discussing the
relative merits of Woodrow Wilson, when my
friend turned to me and said, "I'll tell you all
you need to know about the character of
Woodrow Wilson. Why when he ran for
president, his own mother didn't even vote
Of course Woodrow Wilson's mother
did not vote for her son. She
couldn't. Women didn't have the
right to vote before 1920.
How is it possible to shave three
times a day and still grow a beard?
If you were a barber, you could
shave other men three times a day
and still grow your own beard
A man fell off a 20-foot ladder and
landed on the sidewalk, but he did
not get hurt. Why not?
He fell off the bottom rung!
Why are 1980 pennies worth
almost $20?
1,980 pennies equals $19.80,
which is almost $20.