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You can't keep this until you
have given it.
Your word.
There is $21.00 in 1 dollar bills that
has to be split evenly among the 2
fathers and 2 sons. How is this
There is only really three people...a
grandfather, the father, and the
father's son who each get $7.
A Man walked up to his house and he
heard his wife scream " John Don't do it!"
and the man ran inside and saw his wife,
dead on the floor. Around her was a
Baker, Milkman, and a Doctor. The man
goes up to the Milkman and says "U did
It!". How did the man know he did it?
The baker and the doctor were
both women and John the
milkman was the only guy.
What do you call a country,
where all the cars in it are
A pink carnation.
There is an ancient invention
still used in some parts of the
world today that allows people
to see through walls. What is
A Window
What question can someone
ask all day long, always get
completely different answers,
and yet all the answers could
be correct?
"What time is it?"
In a certain city, 5% of all the
persons in town have unlisted phone
numbers. If you select 100 names at
random from that city's phone
directory, how many people selected
will have unlisted phone numbers?
None. If their names are in the
phone directory, they do not
have unlisted phone numbers!
There is a horse tied to a rope.
The rope is 10 feet long. There
is a bale of hay 23 feet in front
of the horse. The horse is able
to eat the hay, yet does not
The rope isn't is to anything!
break the rope. How tiedthat