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Chapter 15. Somnambulism, Somniloquy, and Sleep Terrors

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arousal), but may go as far as running or driving miles after getting out of bed. Agitation and aggressive behavior occur rarely, only when prompted by people

attempting to restrain the subjects by limiting their free movements. Subjects are

difficult to awaken and generally confused upon forced awakening. Different

grades of amnesia follow in the morning, depending on the time elapsed from

the episode. Episodes usually occur during the first third of the night, and many

occur from several times per night to a weekly or even monthly frequency,

especially when children are outgrowing them. Additional features may include

staring with open “glassy” eyes, occasionally routine behaviors such as eating

[sleep-related eating disorder (SRED)], involving in sexual intercourse, urinating

or, most dramatically, climbing out a window or injuring oneself or others (homicidal behavior).

SW prevalence is high in childhood (17%), peaking by age 12 with no substantial gender difference in childhood. Adult sleep-walkers (4% prevalence) are most

often men who usually presented with other DOA previously in life. The incidence

of SW and related arousals increase proportionally to the number of affected first

grade relatives up to 60% with two parents affected (8). Concordance for monozygotic twins was reported as six times higher than dizygotics (9). Co-occurrence of

enuresis and ST is high in SW familiars (10).

Parasomnias including SW seem to decrease during pregnancy (11).

There is a high prevalence of DOA in some neurological disorders. These

include benign focal epilepsies of childhood (12), nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy

(13), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (14), and migraine patients

(15). There is no link with other types of headache (16), suggesting a possible implication of the serotoninergic system (17). Also, vascular insufficiency, often myocardial infarction, has been linked to SW as well as to cocaine or alcoholic abuse (18).

Antiarrhythmic medications and, to a lesser extent, benzodiazepines and tricyclic

agents have also been reported as possible triggering factors (19,20). Recently, zolpidem has been specifically involved as a possible inducer of SW episodes in people

with SRED (21).

Polygraphic Recordings

Classically, DOA occurs out of SWS (stage 3 –4) during the first part of the night

(Fig. 1) but, especially in adults, may start out of non-REM (NREM) stage 2.

The actual “arousal” usually consists of hypersynchronous delta waves different from the immediately preceding stage 3 to 4 electroencephalogram (EEG)

pattern. It is debatable whether this pattern corresponds to sleep or partial

arousal, as it often persists to the end of the episode. Associated heart and respiratory frequency may also increase, signaling an autonomic arousal, more so in ST.

EEG polygraphic patterns are less clear and defined in adult onset SW episodes

(22); NREM sleep instability has been evoked as a predisposing factor to recurrent

SW in prepubertal children (23).

The macrostructure of sleep appears generally preserved, but there is an

increase of cyclic alternating pattern, probably related to other associated sleep disorders, in particular OSAS. Recently, Zadra et al. (24) suggested that sleep deprivation (SD) could be a safe precipitating maneuver to increase the yielding

power of polysomnographic recordings.

There was in fact no difference between SW episodes recorded on baseline

versus recovery sleep. Three patterns of arousal have been described in adults by

Somnambulism, Somniloquy, and Sleep Terrors






















EMG subm

EMGs tib R

EMGs tib L

O-N flow

Thoracic PNG

Abdominal PNG

10mm/sec. The patient sits up in the bed fumbling with sheets and blankets, ready to get

up. Note abrupt change in sleep recording morphology.

FIGURE 1 Non-rapid eye movement stage 4. Abrupt somnambulism. 10 mm/sec. The patient sits

up in the bed ready to get up. Note the abrupt change in sleep recording morphology. Abbreviations:

EKG, electrocardiogram; EOG, electroocillogram; EMG, electromyogram; PNG, pneumogram.

type 1 or continuous delta activity, type 2 or delta and theta waves admixed with

fast activity, and type 3 low voltage fast frequencies, generally associated with more

violent behavior.

According to Zadra (24), overall delta activity during SW precipitating arousals was detected in 48% of behavioral episodes from SWS and in 22% of these

recorded in adults from stage 2.


Clinical Features and Demographic Aspects

ST consists of brisk arousals from SWS accompanied by a cry or scream with autonomic nervous system activation and behavioral manifestations of intense fear.

Increased heart and respiratory frequency, diaphoresis, mydriasis, and

increased muscle tone are typical reported features. The person sits up in bed confused and inconsolable, unaware of external environment and stimuli. Similar to

SW characteristics are confusion, retrograde amnesia, occurrence during the first

part of the night, and precipitation by spontaneous or other SD-related disorders

(Table 1).

TABLE 1 Disorders of Arousal Typical Features

Prevalent in childhood

Familial predisposition

First third of the night

Mostly out of slow-wave sleep

Sleep deprivation and sleep disruption precipitating factors

Mostly nonstereotypical, nonaggressive behavior

Retrograde amnesia



There is no sex difference in incidence or prevalence ranges from 1% to 6.5%

during childhood and is reported around 2% in adults, falling to 1% in the over

65-year-old group (25).

Genetic factors play a role, as well as psychopathology, but only in the adult

population. Epidemiologic studies have found, in fact, a prevalence of bipolar

depression and anxiety disorders, and co-occurrence of these disorders needs

symptom-specific therapy (26).

A familial pattern of occurrence has been described, although it not as clearcut as in SW. ST usually peaks at age 12 and tends to resolve spontaneously after

adolescence, as for all DOA. Serious or even lethal injuries have been rarely

reported. Occasionally, ST, as do all DOA, may overlap in children or young

adults with RBD as a less serious syndrome than status dissociatus (27), in the

overlap parasomnias disorder.

Sleep Recording

Patterns observed in SW are also seen in ST. Episodes tend to be more spread out

across the night and differ in NREM stages including stages 1 and 2, even if the

number of episodes in delta sleep is higher(28). Autonomic activation is definitively

more pronounced.


SW episodes can be confused with nocturnal wandering and nocturnal temporal

lobe epilepsy (NTLE), with which they may often co-occur, especially in adults

(29). Also, NTLE seizures may be confused with SW or ST episodes (30). Single

photon emission computed tomography studies have recently documented a dissociation of metabolic activation that is increased in the anterior cingulate and

demoded in the dorso-lateral-prefrontal-cortex.

ST needs to be differentiated from nightmares that occur out of REM sleep,

usually in the last part of the night and are remembered by the subject upon “complete” sudden awakening during the night. RBD is also often associated with

violent motor behavior and sleep talking or vocalization, and is similar to SW precipitated by respiratory events in OSAS. RBD is also a parasomnia, typical of REM

sleep with dissociated physiological features (loss of muscle atonia and presence of

phasic muscle activity co-occurring with desynchronized EEG activity and clusters

of REMs). Sundowning in demented patients resembles DOA, but involves chronobiological alterations. Psychiatric or organic confusional states and malingering

should also be considered, especially in forensic medicine when patients have

been involved in criminal behaviors (31).

Disorders of Arousal Treatment

“First aid” treatment involves providing a safe environment for the SW subject.

Precautionary measures include locking windows and doors, choosing to live on

the ground floor, and removing all loose objects from the bedroom.

Treatment of all related sleep disorders seen as a possible precipitating factor

has also been addressed. In particular continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) has

been successful in adult chronic sleepwalkers co-diagnosed with OSAS (32).

Medications have been used in children when disruptive or serious autoinjurious behaviors have occurred. Preferably, benzodiazepines such as Diazepam

Somnambulism, Somniloquy, and Sleep Terrors


2 to 5 mg or Clonazepam 0.5 mg at bedtime have been used (33). Alternatively, trazodone and selective reuptake inhibitors have been successfully employed (34,35).

Psychotherapy has been proposed by several authors (36), mostly with undocumented, unencouraging results. Cognitive-behavioral treatment (37) holds more

promising results, especially for children. Muscle biofeedback or relaxation training

has been useful in 25% of treated adults (38). Hypnosis has proven helpful and safe

on a short-term basis with or without psychotheraphy (22,38). Treatment may pose

some problems in the elderly population, given their specific vulnerability to

benzodiazepines and many psychotropic drugs that could, as in elderly, demented

patients, induce or worsen confusion at night-time.

Recently, Levetiracetam has been successfully employed to manage sleep disruption in ADHD children with suppression of DOA, besides having a positive

effect on RLS, seizures, and interictal EEG abnormalities in the same group (14).


Sleeptalking is essentially viewed as a commonly occurring behavior at night-time

in normal as well disrupted sleep. It consists of generally brief, infrequent utterances ranging from vocalization to fully elaborated conversational discourse, occurring during REM, NREM, or during arousal. Speech content may reflect sleep or

dream mentation, often emotionally loaded. It can be make sense or be nonsensical,

and may be precipitated by all factors inducing a temporary arousal (noise, apneic

event, and periodic leg movement). It is often associated with atypical sexual behavior during sleep or SRED during confusional arousals or SW episodes. Sleep loss,

stress, and psychopathology have all been evoked as possible precipitating factors.

Sleep talking is common especially among children; however, the exact prevalence,

depending on the frequency of experienced behavior, is difficult to ascertain. In a

recent survey, prevalence has been estimated as 4.9% in China (39). Approximately

10% of children of the age three to 10 years would sleep talk on a nightly basis. Cooccurrence with SW and nightmares has been described (40), but not with enuresis.

Genetic factors seem to be involved, according to studies in mono and dizygotic

twins (41), where co-occurrence with other parasomnias has also been examined.

No candidate gene, however, has been so far proposed. Diagnostic work-up is

required only when the sleep disorders co-occur, such as OSAS or RBD. No specific

treatment exists unless it is part of other sleep disorders. Sleep talking is considered

a benign condition potentially resolving spontaneously. No complications are

described besides annoyance to the bed partner or undesired disclosure of embarrassing conditions. Sleep talking is not considered as a symptom of psychopathology. Avoidance of stressful conditions and good sleep hygiene (42) may help

symptomatic management.


This parasomnia is characterized by recurrent involuntary urination during sleep.

It may be classified as primary (80% of all cases) when nocturnal bladder control

has never been achieved from infancy or secondary occurring after a period of

dryness of at least three months. The reported prevalence varies according to the

definition and age groups, with a general prevalence of 8% in healthy children

age 7 to 15 years (43) with boys being affected more than girls, and black more

than white children. There is a strong familial trait with a suggested incidence of



77% for both, 44% for one enuretic parent. Enuresis is more represented among

institutionalized children and highly prevalent, co-morbid, with ADHD (44),

OSAS (45), and sickle cell anemia.

Diagnostic work up includes urinalysis and a comprehensive sleep and enuresis history. If symptoms persist after 12 weeks of treatment, further work up will

include radiographic and cystoscopic examination, cystometric and sphincter EMG

studies. Video-PSG is recommended when snoring or sleep breathing disorders

(SBD) are suspected.

Therapeutic options include behavioral techniques such as enuresis alarm

(46) variably combined with positive reinforcement and retention control.

Medications include antidepressants (Imipramine 25 mg prior to bedtime),

antidiuretics (desmopressine 200 –600 mg orally), antispasmodics (tolterodine or

oxybutynin) especially in children with detrusor instability, alone or in combination

with desmopressin (47). Some success has been reported with either psychotherapy

or hypnotherapy.


This rare disorder also known as “nocturnal groaning” or “expiratory vocalization”

refers to an unusual expiratory noise occurring in bursts during NREM sleep stage

2 and especially REM sleep with normal SaO2 and without associated motor

phenomena (48). Orem (49) suggests that typical REM bradypnea may play a favoring role through the erratic activation of the internal drive system neurons. Patients

are often unaware of it, and the disorder is generally reported by bed partners,

representing a potential familial and social source of concern. Differential diagnosis

includes stridor, OSAS, snoring, and nocturnal seizures. Symptoms are usually long

lasting and may have a familial trait. No specific therapy is advised. CPAP treatment has been explored as an option (50) in a patient with respiratory dysrhythmia,

however, atypical for catathrenia.


Sleep related eating disorder (SRED) refers to repetitive eating episodes occurring

during sleep or during partial arousal from sleep often associated with other sleep

related motor disorders such as PLMs, RLS, or SW (51). It may respond to dopamine agonists such as pramipexole (52). Precipitating factors may include sleep

deprivation and drugs such as zolpidem (53). An important distinction refers to

the nocturnal eating syndrome (NES), nocturnal episodes of binge eating out of

wakefulness responding to SSRIs and to topiramate (54) or to compulsive nocturnal

behaviors as an extension of daytime binge eating disorders in adults. A disease

continuum may be hypothesized. Long-term follow up studies are needed to

better elucidate common features and differential diagnosis between the different

variants of abnormal eating behaviors.


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Rapid Eye Movement Sleep

Behavior Disorder

Mark W. Mahowald and Carlos H. Schenck

Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center and Departments of Psychiatry (CHS), and

Neurology (MWM), Hennepin County Medical Center, and University of Minnesota

Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.


The parasomnias can conveniently be divided into two major groups: (i) primary

(disorders of the sleep states per se), and (ii) secondary [disorders of other organ

systems taking advantage of the sleep period to manifest themselves (nocturnal seizures, or psychogenic dissociative disorders)]. The primary parasomnias may be

divided into those arising from nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, from

REM sleep, or those not respecting sleep states. The most common and beststudied REM sleep primary parasomnia is the REM sleep behavior disorder

(RBD) (1). Although various polysomnographic (PSG) and clinical components of

RBD have been identified by European, Japanese, and American investigators

since 1966, RBD was not formally recognized and named until 1985 to 1987 (2,3),

and it was incorporated within the International Classification of Sleep Disorders

in 1990 (4,5).


In 1965, Jouvet and Delorme (6) reported that experimentally induced, bilateral,

symmetrical, dorsolateral pontine tegmental lesions in cats resulted in continuous

and permanent loss of REM atonia, whereas lesions to other brainstem structures

had no effect on REM sleep. These cats displayed de novo “hallucinatory type”

behaviors during REM sleep that strongly resembled oneirism (dream-enacting

behavior). The oneiric behaviors in these cats always occurred during unequivocal

REM sleep, and REM sleep had retained all of its identifying features apart from

loss of REM atonia. Thus, the mechanisms responsible for the oneiric behaviors

were postulated to originate in the brain and to be dependent upon the internal

neural organization of REM sleep. The cat animal model has recently been extended

to the rat (7).

The supraspinal mechanisms responsible for REM atonia (8,9) originate in the

peri-locus coeruleus (LC)-alpha nucleus in the pons that excite neurons of the

nucleus reticularis magnocellularis in the medulla, which then transmit descending

inhibitory projections—more powerful than the competing descending excitatory

projections—to the spinal alpha motoneurons, resulting in hyperpolarization and

thence muscle atonia. Therefore, “REM atonia” results from an active process involving specific neuronal circuitry, and is not the result of passive cessation of muscle

tone. During REM sleep, the somatic motor system is shut down at the level of the



Mahowald and Schenck

spinal motoneurons while being quite activated at higher levels of the neuraxis.

Multiple areas of the brainstem may influence muscle tone during REM sleep (10).

Experiments have shown that loss of REM sleep atonia alone is insufficient to

generate RBD. Presumably, there must also be disinhibition of motor pattern generators in the mesencephalic locomotor region to result in over-excitation of

phasic motor activity with behavioral release during REM sleep (11,12). Recent

studies in dogs by Lai and Siegel have revealed a colocalization of the atonia and

locomotor systems of REM sleep in the pons, providing an anatomic basis for the

simultaneous dysregulation of these two systems in RBD (13).

Neuroimaging studies indicate dopaminergic abnormalities in RBD. Studies

of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) have found reduced

striatal dopamine transporters (14,15), and also decreased striatal dopaminergic

innervation has been reported (16). Decreased blood flow in the upper portion of

the frontal lobe and pons has been reported (17), as has functional impairment of

brainstem neurons (18). Positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon

emission computed tomography (SPECT) studies have revealed decreased nigrostriatal dopaminergic projections in patients with multiple system atrophy (MSA)

and RBD (19). Decreased blood flow in the upper portion of the frontal lobe and

pons has been found in one MRI and SPECT study (20). Impaired cortical activation

as determined by electroencephalographic spectral analysis in patients with idiopathic RBD supports the relationship between RBD and neurodegenerative

disorders (21).

The overwhelming male predominance of RBD raises the intriguing question

of hormonal influences, as suggested in male-aggression studies in both animals

and humans (22 – 24). Another possible explanation for the male predominance

is sex differences in brain development and aging (25, 26). There is evidence for a

sex difference on the effects of sex steroids on the development of the locus coeruleus in rats (27). Spontaneous cases have occurred in dogs and cats (28).


RBD is more common in people older than 50 years of age, but the disorder may

begin at any age. Eighty percent to 90% of affected patients are men (29 –31). The

disorder most frequently presents with the complaint of dramatic, violent, potentially injurious motor activity during sleep. These behaviors include talking,

yelling, swearing, grabbing, punching, kicking, jumping, or running out of the

bed. Injuries are not uncommon and include ecchymoses, lacerations, or fractures

involving the individual or bed partner. The violence of the sleep-related behavior

is often discordant with the waking personality. The increased aggressive dream

content experienced by patients with RBD is not associated with increased

daytime aggressiveness (32). The reported motor activity usually correlates with

remembered dream mentation, leading to the patient’s complaint of “acting out

my dreams.” Less frequently, the primary complaint is one of sleep interruption.

There is evidence that the presentation of RBD is different in males (violent

dream-enacting behaviors) than in females (less violent dream-enacting behaviors),

skewing the reported male predominance (33). In some cases, bruxism, somniloquy,

or periodic limb movements of sleep may be the heralding or primary manifestation of this disorder. The duration of behaviors is brief, and upon awakening

from an episode there is usually rapid return of alertness and orientation. Some

patients adopt extraordinary measures to prevent injury during sleep: they may

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