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Chapter 16. Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder

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Mahowald and Schenck

spinal motoneurons while being quite activated at higher levels of the neuraxis.

Multiple areas of the brainstem may influence muscle tone during REM sleep (10).

Experiments have shown that loss of REM sleep atonia alone is insufficient to

generate RBD. Presumably, there must also be disinhibition of motor pattern generators in the mesencephalic locomotor region to result in over-excitation of

phasic motor activity with behavioral release during REM sleep (11,12). Recent

studies in dogs by Lai and Siegel have revealed a colocalization of the atonia and

locomotor systems of REM sleep in the pons, providing an anatomic basis for the

simultaneous dysregulation of these two systems in RBD (13).

Neuroimaging studies indicate dopaminergic abnormalities in RBD. Studies

of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) have found reduced

striatal dopamine transporters (14,15), and also decreased striatal dopaminergic

innervation has been reported (16). Decreased blood flow in the upper portion of

the frontal lobe and pons has been reported (17), as has functional impairment of

brainstem neurons (18). Positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon

emission computed tomography (SPECT) studies have revealed decreased nigrostriatal dopaminergic projections in patients with multiple system atrophy (MSA)

and RBD (19). Decreased blood flow in the upper portion of the frontal lobe and

pons has been found in one MRI and SPECT study (20). Impaired cortical activation

as determined by electroencephalographic spectral analysis in patients with idiopathic RBD supports the relationship between RBD and neurodegenerative

disorders (21).

The overwhelming male predominance of RBD raises the intriguing question

of hormonal influences, as suggested in male-aggression studies in both animals

and humans (22 – 24). Another possible explanation for the male predominance

is sex differences in brain development and aging (25, 26). There is evidence for a

sex difference on the effects of sex steroids on the development of the locus coeruleus in rats (27). Spontaneous cases have occurred in dogs and cats (28).


RBD is more common in people older than 50 years of age, but the disorder may

begin at any age. Eighty percent to 90% of affected patients are men (29 –31). The

disorder most frequently presents with the complaint of dramatic, violent, potentially injurious motor activity during sleep. These behaviors include talking,

yelling, swearing, grabbing, punching, kicking, jumping, or running out of the

bed. Injuries are not uncommon and include ecchymoses, lacerations, or fractures

involving the individual or bed partner. The violence of the sleep-related behavior

is often discordant with the waking personality. The increased aggressive dream

content experienced by patients with RBD is not associated with increased

daytime aggressiveness (32). The reported motor activity usually correlates with

remembered dream mentation, leading to the patient’s complaint of “acting out

my dreams.” Less frequently, the primary complaint is one of sleep interruption.

There is evidence that the presentation of RBD is different in males (violent

dream-enacting behaviors) than in females (less violent dream-enacting behaviors),

skewing the reported male predominance (33). In some cases, bruxism, somniloquy,

or periodic limb movements of sleep may be the heralding or primary manifestation of this disorder. The duration of behaviors is brief, and upon awakening

from an episode there is usually rapid return of alertness and orientation. Some

patients adopt extraordinary measures to prevent injury during sleep: they may

Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder


tether themselves to the bed with a rope or belt, sleep in sleeping bags, or sleep on a

mattress on the floor in a room devoid of furniture.

Case Vignette

A 75-year-old female who reported having dream-enacting behavior since her early

50s, beginning with complex movements and talking during her sleep—often

accompanied by very comical dreams. This evolved into more violent dreams

involving attacking animals. These behaviors led to the acquisition of a kingsized bed so that her behavior was less disruptive to her husband. She and her

family regarded these behaviors as “amusing” until one night, when dreaming

she was jumping over a fence in a garden, she threw herself out of bed, denting

a door with her head, and sustained a cervical vertebral compression fracture

requiring surgical repair. She was on no medications known to trigger RBD, and

had no abnormalities on neurological examination. Her sleep study revealed prominent REM sleep without atonia (Fig. 1), associated with very frequent extremity

twitching and vocalization.

Due to its association with REM sleep, the timing of the behaviors during the

sleep period ranges from 90 minutes after sleep onset to the final awakening in

the morning. RBD rarely occurs during daytime naps, as REM sleep during naps

is exceptional. Often there is a prodromal period lasting years or decades of

progressively more prominent sleep talking, yelling, or limb jerking during sleep.

Many patients with RBD report that their dreams have become more vivid and

“action-packed” coincident with the onset of the dream-enacting behaviors.

FIGURE 1 An epoch of rapid eye movement sleep demonstrating dramatic release of both tonic

and phasic electromyographic activity during REM sleep in a patient with RBD. This was

associated with prominent extremity twitching and vocalization. Abbreviations: LOC/ROC, left/

right outer canthus; A1/A2, left/right ear; C3/C4, left/right central EEG; O1/O2, left/right occipital

EEG; Chin1- submental EMG; Arm, left/right extensor digitorum EMG; LEG, left/right anterior

tibialis EMG; ECG, electrocardiogram.


Mahowald and Schenck

The frequency of the episodes ranges from once every few weeks to multiple

nightly episodes (34). Acute transient RBD may last for one night or a few nights

and is usually associated with medication use or withdrawal.

Serious injuries, including subdural hematomas may result from dreamenacting behaviors, raising interesting and difficult forensic medicine issues (35–37).

Acute Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder

Acute onset of RBD is almost always induced by medications (tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors, bisoprolol, or cholinergic treatment for Alzheimer’s disease) or associated with their

withdrawal (alcohol, barbiturate, or meprobamate) (38– 41). Caffeine and chocolate

abuse has been implicated in causing or unmasking RBD (42). RBD may be

triggered by selegiline, prescribed as treatment for Parkinson’s disease and by

cholinergic agents, prescribed for patients with Alzheimer’s disease (43– 45).

Drug-induced [particularly serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) medication] RBD is becoming increasingly common.

Chronic Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder

The chronic form of RBD is idiopathic in 25% to 60% of occurrences (29,30,46). The

remaining cases are associated with various degenerative neurologic disorders (discussed later). All PSG and behavioral features of RBD are indistinguishable across

subgroups, irrespective of gender, age, or the presence/absence of a neurological

disorder (47). This suggests the presence of a “final common pathway” in RBD

that can be accessed by a wide variety of pathologic states.

RBD behaviors occur within REM sleep, often without associated tachycardia, and not during arousals from REM sleep. Complex RBD behaviors are generally aggressive or exploratory and never appetitive (feeding, sexual). There is an

almost inextricable link between altered dreams and dream-enacting behaviors,

suggesting a mutual pathophysiology: patients do not enact their customary

dreams, but rather they enact distinctly altered dreams, usually involving confrontation, aggression, and violence.


Laboratory evaluation of injurious or disruptive nocturnal behaviors consists of

the following:

1. Clinical sleep–wake interview, with review of physician referral information

and past medical records, and with review of a completed, structured, patient

questionnaire, covering sleep–wake, medical, psychiatric, and alcohol/

substance use history (including family history), and review of systems.

2. Psychiatric and neurologic interviews and examinations.

3. Extensive overnight PSG monitoring with continuous videotaping. A full

electroencephalographic montage is employed in addition to conventional

physiologic sleep parameters. Monitoring for sleep-disordered breathing is

mandatory, as obstructive sleep apnea may masquerade as RBD.

4. Daytime multiple sleep latency testing (MSLT), if there is a complaint or suspicion of daytime sleepiness or fatigue.

Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder


5. If RBD is diagnosed, neuropsychometric testing should be performed due to the

close relationship between RBD and degenerative neurologic conditions discussed later. Also, a brain imaging study, preferably a magnetic resonance

scan, may be indicated, depending on findings elicited from the clinical

history and/or neurologic examination.

Minimum diagnostic criteria of RBD (4,48):

1. PSG abnormality during REM sleep: elevated submental electromyographic

(EMG) tone and/or excessive phasic submental and/or limb EMG twitching.

2. Documentation of abnormal REM sleep behaviors during PSG studies (prominent limb or truncal jerking, complex, vigorous, or violent behaviors), or a

history of injurious or disruptive sleep behaviors.

3. Absence of clinical or EEG evidence of epileptiform activity during REM sleep.

A single night of recording is generally sufficient to establish the diagnosis,

because REM sleep polysomnographic abnormalities are usually present even

when a behavioral episode does not occur. A polysomnographic scoring system

for RBD in neurodegenerative disorders has been developed (49).


A recent phone survey of over 4900 individuals between the ages of 15 and 100

years of age indicated an overall prevalence of violent behaviors, in general,

during sleep of 2%, one quarter of which were likely due to RBD, giving an

overall prevalence of RBD at 0.5% (50). Another survey estimated the prevalence

of REM sleep behavior to be 0.38% in elderly individuals (51).


The literature now contains hundreds of cases of RBD (29,52). Increasingly, chronic

or “idiopathic” RBD is becoming associated with neurologic disorders, but there is

great diversity in category and location. Three pertinent comments are warranted:

first, neurodegenerative disorders and narcolepsy are the most common neurologic

disorders associated with RBD. Second, the pons is rarely grossly involved, as ascertained by clinical neuroanatomical and neurophysiologic testing, which stands in

contrast to the animal model of RBD. Third, a wide variety of neurologic conditions

can also manifest “REM sleep without atonia” and/or excessive phasic EMG twitching in REM sleep, as a polysomnographic observation but without the clinical emergence of RBD—in other words, various preclinical forms of RBD can be found in the

same neurologic disorders that are associated with RBD, but also in individuals

without any apparent neurologic disease (39,48,53 –55). Sleep bruxism, in one

case, has been reported to be a subclinical manifestation of RBD (56).

Association with Neurodegenerative Disorders

The chronic form of RBD is idiopathic in 25% to 60% of occurrences (29,30,46,57).

The remainder are associated with various degenerative neurologic disorders,

most notably with the synucleinopathies [Parkinson’s disease (including juvenile

Parkinson’s disease)], dementia with Lewy body disease, and MSA (Shy-Drager

syndrome, striatonigral degeneration, olivopontocerebellar degeneration) (58,59).


Mahowald and Schenck

A recent study found that 40% of patients with Parkinson’s disease had either RBD

(16%) or polysomnographic evidence of REM sleep without atonia (60), and 90% of

patients with MSA had REM sleep without atonia. In another study, all of the 19

patients with MSA had RBD (61). Surveys indicate a very high prevalence of RBD

in Parkinson’s disease (up to 47%) and MSA (up to 69%) (62 – 68). In 27% of patients

with both RBD and Parkinson’s disease, the RBD preceded the Parkinson’s disease.

There is evidence that Parkinson’s disease and RBD are physiologically and anatomically linked (69). This is supported by the fact that olfactory impairment is

common in both (70). The presence of RBD in patients with Parkinson’s disease

may be predictive of cognitive impairment (71). RBD is also seen in nonsynucleinopathy-related Parkinson’s disease and in progressive supranuclear palsy (a tauopathy) (72,73). The clinical features of RBD are identical in the idiopathic cases and in

those with Parkinson’s disease or MSA (74). Interestingly, there is a striking (77%)

male predominance in patients with Parkinson’s disease who display RBD (75).

In one series, more than two-thirds of males initially diagnosed with idiopathic RBD eventually developed symptoms of one of the synucleinopathies

(76,77), with the average interval between the onset of REM sleep behavior disorder

and the first of the other symptom of the underlying neurodegenerative disease

being over 10 years. The fact that the majority of patients with RBD may eventually

be found to have an underlying neurodegenerative or medication-induced etiology

has led to the suggestion of use of the term “cryptogenic RBD” rather than “idiopathic RBD” (78).

Other reported associations include: mitochondrial encephalomyopathy,

normal pressure hydrocephalus, Tourette’s syndrome, Machado-Joseph disease

(spinocerebellar ataxia type 3), cerebellopontine angle tumors, group A xeroderma,

multiple sclerosis, ischemic or hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease, brainstem


neoplasms, autism, and Guillain-Barre syndrome (79 – 92).

Association with Narcolepsy

Since both RBD and narcolepsy may be considered conditions associated with

abnormalities of state boundary control, it would stand to reason that RBD may

be a manifestation of narcolepsy, and may be precipitated or worsened by the

administration of tricyclic antidepressants or serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors,

prescribed for the symptom of cataplexy (93). One questionnaire survey found

that 36% of patients with narcolepsy had symptoms suggestive of RBD (94).

RBD-like behaviors have been reported arising from cataplexy in a patient with

narcolepsy (95).


The acute form is self-limited following discontinuation of the offending

medication or completion of withdrawal. Clonazepam is a remarkably effective

treatment in human RBD, in controlling both the behavioral and the dreamdisordered components of RBD (47). Treatment is usually immediately effective

at a dose of 0.5 to 1.0 mg at bedtime (range: 0.25 –4.0 mg). Prompt relapse of RBD

occurs whenever the patient fails to take clonazepam on a given night. The mechanism of therapeutic action has been shown by Lapierre and Montplaisir to involve

suppression of phasic EMG activity during REM sleep rather than restoration of

REM sleep atonia (96). The long-term efficacy and safety of chronic, nightly

Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder


clonazepam treatment of RBD and of other parasomnias at this center has recently

been reported (97). Underlying obstructive sleep apnea should be ruled out before

prescribing clonazepam (98). Adjunctive or alternative treatments, for the few RBD

patients who do not respond fully to clonazepam or who develop daytime somnolence from this agent, include the following: desipramine or imipramine, carbamazepine, clonidine, carbidopa/L-dopa, L-tryptophan, or gabapentin (48). Recently,

melatonin (in relatively high doses, i.e., 6 to 12 mg at bedtime) (99 –101) or pramipexole (102,103) have been reportedly effective.

The treatment of Parkinson’s disease-associated RBD and RBD associated

with narcolepsy is the same as for idiopathic RBD (76). Pallidotomy has been effective in one case of RBD associated with Parkinson’s disease, whereas chronic bilateral subthalamic stimulation has not been effective (104 –107).

Interestingly, there may be spontaneous improvement in RBD symptoms with

progression of the underlying neurodegenerative condition (108).


Parasomnia Overlap Syndrome

A subgroup of RBD patients have been identified with PSG-documented overlapping NREM – REM sleep motor parasomnias consisting of sleepwalking, sleep

terrors, and RBD (109). Two other “overlap” parasomnia cases have been reported

(110,111). These cases demonstrate motor –behavioral dyscontrol extending across

NREM and REM sleep.

Status Dissociatus

This is the most extreme form of RBD, and appears to represent the complete breakdown of state-determining boundaries (112,113). Clinically, these patients appear to

be either awake or “asleep”; however, their “sleep” is very atypical, characterized

by frequent muscle twitching, vocalization, and reports of dream-like mentation

upon spontaneous or forced awakening. Polygraphically, there are no features of

either conventional REM or NREM sleep. Rather, there is the simultaneous admixture of elements of wakefulness, REM sleep and NREM sleep. “Sleep” is often perceived as “normal” and restorative, despite the nearly continuous motor and verbal

behaviors and absence of PSG-defined REM or NREM sleep. Conditions associated

with status dissociatus include protracted withdrawal from alcohol abuse, narcolepsy, olivopontocerebellar degeneration, prior open heart surgery, or following

brainstem surgery (61,112). The abnormal motor and verbal nocturnal behaviors

of status dissociatus may respond to treatment with clonazepam.

Agrypnia Excitata

This recently described condition is characterized by generalized overactivity

associated with loss of slow-wave sleep, mental oneiricism (inability to initiate

and maintain sleep with wakeful dreaming), and marked motor and autonomic

sympathetic activation seen in such diverse conditions as delirium tremens,

Morvan’s fibrillary chorea, and fatal familial insomnia (81,114,115). Oneiric dementia is likely a related condition (116). Oneiric symptoms reminiscent of RBD in these

conditions should lead to closer scrutiny of sleep in other neurologic disorders

(80,114– 117).


Mahowald and Schenck


The differential diagnosis includes sleepwalking, sleep terrors, nocturnal seizures,

psychogenic dissociative states, post-traumatic stress disorder, nocturnal panic disorder, delirium, and malingering. Confusional arousals with behaviors that may

mimic RBD can occur with nocturnal seizures, obstructive sleep apnea, sleeprelated gastroesophageal reflux, or periodic limb movement disorder (118– 120).

Previously undiagnosed RBD occurring in a patient in the intensive care unit

may be particularly difficult to diagnose (121). A recently described additional

“overlap” syndrome of RBD behaviors arising from light NREM sleep raises the

question of disinhibition of motor pattern generators as an explanation for RBD

behaviors arising from either REM or NREM sleep (73). This broad differential diagnosis mandates formal sleep studies in suspected RBD.


RBD is a fascinating experiment in nature predicted by animal studies. Initially felt

to be a medical curiosity, over time, the majority of individuals with RBD will eventually develop additional signs and symptoms of a number of neurodegenerative

disorders, notably one of the synucleinopathies—often after a prolonged interval.

This relationship should encourage continued close collaboration between clinical

and basic science sleep medicine.


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