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15  Drag and Drop Between Data Containers

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Assign a mouseDown event handler to item renderers as they are added to a DataGroup

container and assign drag-and-drop event handlers to any receiving data containers.

Upon receipt of the mouseDown event, assign the data held on the target item renderer

as the DataSource handled by the DragManager to initiate the drag-and-drop operation.

Use the data from the DataSource object to determine the acceptance of a drop gesture

for the target container as drag events are dispatched and, when the dragDrop event is

received, remove the dragged data from the collection of the initiating container and

add the data to the collection of the target drop container.


Within a drag-and-drop operation, there is an initiator and a receiver. The initiator

begins the drag-and-drop operation by invoking the static doDrag() method of the

DragManager, typically in response to a user gesture such as a mouseDown event. Any

UIComponent-based element can be a receiver of drag-and-drop gestures and dispatch

events accordingly. Some list-based components in the Flex SDK, such as List, have

built-in support for managing drag-and-drop operations to help automate the process

of moving data from one container to another or within a container itself. DataGroup

and SkinnableDataContainer do not have built-in support, but they can be enabled to

receive drag-and-drop operations as they are extensions of UIComponent.

The example for this recipe is split up into two parts, a view and a controller, to better

demonstrate how to programmatically move data from one data container’s collection

to another. The view is an extension of an ActionScript-based controller and is made

up of two scroll-enabled s:SkinnableDataContainer containers with their own specified

data collections and itemRenderer instances:




import com.oreilly.f4cb.CustomScrollableSkin;


2.15 Drag and Drop Between Data Containers | 69









paddingTop="5" paddingBottom="5" />







paddingTop="5" paddingBottom="5" />

The collection for each SkinnableDataContainer container is a set of s:Button controls.

The containers’ itemRenderer instances differ in how they render data on the content

layer: the first declared container renders each button with its skin intact by assigning

the DefaultCompleteItemRenderer class as the item renderer, while the second declared

container renders only the label assigned to the button control by assigning the

DefaultItemRenderer class as the item renderer.

The handleRendererAdd() method is assigned as an event handler for rendererAdd. Similar to the elementAdd and elementRemove events of the content API, DataGroup and

SkinnableDataContainer dispatch rendererAdd and rendererRemove events whenever an

element representing a data object from the collection is added to or removed from the

content layer of the container, respectively. Event handlers for the dragEnter and drag

Drop events are assigned to each container in order to handle those specific operations

during a drag-and-drop operation:

70 | Chapter 2: Containers




import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;

import flash.events.MouseEvent;























public class ApplicationViewController extends Application


private var dragItem:Group;

protected function handleRendererAdd( evt:RendererExistenceEvent ):void


// assign weak reference listener to visual item renderer

var item:IVisualElement = evt.renderer;

( item as DisplayObjectContainer ).mouseChildren = false;

item.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handleStartDrag, false,

0, true );


private function handleStartDrag( evt:MouseEvent ):void


// grab the item renderer and relevant data

var target:UIComponent = evt.target as UIComponent;

var dragItem:Object = {owner:target.owner,

data:( target as

IDataRenderer ).data};

var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource();

dragSource.addData( dragItem, "itemRenderer" );

DragManager.doDrag( target, dragSource, evt );


protected function handleDragEnter( evt:DragEvent ):void


if( evt.dragSource.hasFormat( "itemRenderer" ) )

DragManager.acceptDragDrop( evt.target as IUIComponent );


protected function handleDragDrop( evt:DragEvent ):void


var dragItem:Object = evt.dragSource.dataForFormat( "itemRenderer" );

var ownerCollection:IList = ( dragItem.owner as

SkinnableDataContainer ).dataProvider;

ownerCollection.removeItemAt( ownerCollection.getItemIndex(

2.15 Drag and Drop Between Data Containers | 71


dragItem.data ) );




var targetCollection:IList = ( evt.target as

SkinnableDataContainer ).dataProvider;

targetCollection.addItem( dragItem.data );

The event object for a rendererAdd event dispatched from a DataGroup or a Skinnable

DataContainer is a RendererExistenceEvent. The item renderer that dispatched the event

can be referenced using the renderer property of the event object and is attributed as

an IVisualElement. In this example, a weak-referenced mouseDown event handler is assigned to the item renderer upon receipt of a rendererAdd event by the Application

ViewController and is attributed as the handleStartDrag() method.

When the mouseDown event handler is invoked, the initiating element is attributed as a

UIComponent instance and a generic Object is created to hold the data property assigned

to the element during instantiation. The generic Object is assigned as the drag data on

a DragSource object, which is passed into the DragManager to initiate a drag-and-drop

operation. When the dragged item enters the content layer of a container, the

dragEnter event handler assigned to that container is invoked and is used to determine

whether the data being dragged is acceptable for the container, using the static accept

DragDrop() method of DragManager. If the container is accepted as a receiver, the drag

Drop event handler is invoked upon a drop operation. Upon an accepted drop operation,

the generic Object handled by the DragSource is used to remove the dragged data from

the collection of its original container and add it to the collection of the drop target


Using the DragManager is a convenient way to move data items from one container to

another. However, if more control over the operation is needed, data items can be

transferred between containers or within a single container using the mouse event handlers and methods of the collections API, such as addItem(), addItemAt(), and


2.16 Add a Spark Layout Container to a MX Navigation



You want to add visual components from the Spark set to a MX navigation container.

72 | Chapter 2: Containers



Add a Spark NavigatorContent container as a child of the desired MX navigation container. Elements from both the Spark and MX component sets can be added as children

to the NavigatorContent container.


Although it is recommended to use Spark containers in preference to MX containers

because of their improved runtime performance and separation of responsibilities, the

two sets do not have identical navigation containers in the Flex 4 SDK. Consequently,

depending on development requirements, use of MX navigation containers may be

necessary. Containers and components from the Spark set cannot be declared directly

as content for Halo containers, however, because child containers are attributed as

implementations of INavigatorContent.

To add Spark elements to a MX container, they must be added to a NavigatorContent

container as in the following example:



width="100%" height="100%">

width="100%" height="100%">

2.16 Add a Spark Layout Container to a MX Navigation Container | 73


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