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In 1955, Marvin Minsky invented the confocal microscope, which was called a doublefocusing stage scanning microscope. As a student at Harvard, Minsky used a zirconium
arc light source, two objectives with conjugal focal points, a scanning stage, and a surplus
military radar scope to generate the first scanning confocal image (Minsky, 1988). In 1960,
the first laser was patented and built. However, nearly a decade had passed before the first
published report of a laser scanning microscope that incorporated a 5-mW HeNe laser
with an x-y-z scanning objective lens (Davidovits and Egger, 1969). Pioneering work
continued in several labs (Brakenhoff et al., 1979; Wilson and Sheppard, 1984) with the
arrival of the first commercial instruments in the mid-1980s. Ultimately, a series of
improved laser and computer capabilities, as well as many other technical advances, led
to development of the highly versatile and powerful confocal systems of today.
Confocal microscopy has been described as one of the most significant additions to
the field of microscopy in the last century (Blancaflor and Gilroy, 2000). Clearly, its impact
has permeated virtually every aspect of biological imaging. Although there are variations
in how a confocal image is generated, by far the most common approach is to use laser
light focused to a point in a sample (Figure 15.1a). Because a significant number of detailed
published reports on the principles of confocal microscopy are readily available, an indepth review of the inside workings of a confocal microscope will not be provided here.
For more comprehensive treatments on the subject, see the following recommended reading: a compilation of patents and publications related to confocal microscopy (Masters,
1996), an excellent evaluation of a variety of critical parameters for optimizing confocal
performance (Zucker and Price, 2001), and the Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy (Pawley, 1995). Reviews on confocal microscopy specifically addressing applications
in mycological research, including basic theoretical considerations of lateral and axial
resolution, optical section thickness, and z-sectioning, are also available (Kwon et al.,
1993; Czymmek et al., 1994).
Multiphoton fluorescence microscopy is a powerful technology that enables the acquisition
of optical sections without the use of the pinhole aperture typically used for confocal
microscopy. Because this technology is relatively new, some emphasis will be placed on
aspects of image formation and how multiphoton microscopy compares with confocal
microscopy. The two-photon principle was first described by Goeppert-Mayer (1931). The
potential of this concept for imaging was initially reported by Sheppard and Kompfner
(1978) and finally realized 12 years later in cultured cells stained with Hoechst 33258
(Denk et al., 1990). The two-photon effect occurs when a fluorescent molecule simultaneously absorbs two photons, producing an electronic transition from the ground to excited
state equal to two times the energy of each incident photon (Figure 15.2). For example,
the simultaneous absorption of two red photons (each 980 nm) can yield an electronic
transition equivalent to a single blue photon (490 nm).
Although the excitation properties of a fluorescent molecule are different for singlephoton and multiphoton events, the emission spectrum remains unchanged, regardless of
how the electronic transition occurred (Xu and Webb, 1996; Xu et al., 1996). Under specific
imaging conditions, a multiphoton effect can be induced with more than two photons (e.g.,
three-photon excitation; Maiti et al., 1997). For the sake of brevity, this discussion will
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Exploring Fungal Activity with Confocal and Multiphoton Microscopy
PMT detector
Figure 15.1 Simplified light path of laser scanning confocal (a) and multiphoton (b) microscopes.
(a) Laser light focused via an objective lens to a diffraction-limited spot in a labeled sample will
excite fluorescence. Any fluorescence generated from the spot returning through the objective lens
is then focused via a collector lens to a conjugal focal point at a pinhole (gray-filled solid lines).
The out-of-focus fluorescence signal generated by the cone of light above or below the focal plane
(dashed lines), as well as scattered light, will not come into focus at the pinhole and will be blocked
from the detector. Because the laser is scanned in a raster pattern across the sample (using linear
mirror galvanometers), a digital image is created with each pixel representing a single coordinate
during the scan. The resulting image is an optical section. (b) Multiphoton imaging is achieved using
mode-locked near-infrared lasers that produce short-duration pulses (~100 femtoseconds) and high
peak powers. The rapidly pulsed near-infrared light is focused to a diffraction-limited spot by a
high-numerical-aperture objective lens. Because the multiphoton effect has a quadratic dependency
on illumination intensity, the likelihood of such an event occurring outside the objective focal spot
decreases rapidly along the beam path. Hence, an inherent confocal image is generated by raster
scanning the spot across the specimen of interest. Because the fluorescence signal emanates from
only a small volume (defined by the NA of the objective lens), no pinhole is required and detectors
can be positioned in a variety of locations, including the transmitted light path.
be limited to two-photon excitation, and two- or three-photon excitation will be referred
to collectively as multiphoton. For a two-photon event to occur, a significant density of
incident photons is required. This typically is achieved using ultrafast, mode-locked nearinfrared lasers (e.g., Ti:sapphire, 100- to 200-femtosecond pulse duration, 76-MHz repetition rate, one pulse every 13.2 nsec). Under the appropriate conditions, these lasers
produce short-duration pulses with the high peak power required for a multiphoton effect
and an average power low enough to make specimen damage negligible. Such lasers are
typically tunable over a range of ~700 to 1000 nm, which permits optimal wavelength
selection to elicit an efficient multiphoton effect. The rapidly pulsed near-infrared light is
focused to a diffraction-limited spot by a high-numerical-aperture (NA) objective lens.
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Single photon
Two photon
Excitation Emission
Excitation Emission
Figure 15.2 Jablonksi diagram illustrating the absorption and emission of light, comparing an
electronic transition with single-photon and two-photon events. When a fluorophore absorbs the
appropriate wavelength of light, it is excited from the ground state to a higher-energy level. With
fluorescence, when the molecule returns to the ground state, a photon having lower energy than the
incident photon is emitted. In this diagram, a two-photon electronic transition required the instantaneous absorption of two lower-energy photons to achieve the same electronic transition as the
higher-energy single-photon event.
The actual volume of this spot can be as small as 0.1 femtoliters (µm3) for a high-NA
(1.4) lens (Denk et al., 1995). Because the multiphoton effect has a quadratic dependency
on illumination intensity, the likelihood of such an event occurring outside the objective
focal spot decreases rapidly along the beam path (z-axis). Hence, an inherently confocal
image is generated by raster scanning the laser spot across the specimen.
Hybrid confocal/multiphoton systems share many optical components (compare
Figure 15.1a and 15.1b). Fluorescence generated using multiphoton excitation may be
collected following the same light path as the confocal signal, but the pinhole typically
would be opened to its widest position, maximizing signal collection. This is referred to
as descanned detection because the emission signal passes back through the same scanning
mirrors used for laser excitation. Alternatively, external detectors may be placed in appropriate positions to collect more light in a nondescanned configuration. In Figure 15.1b, a
detector is placed below the sample in the transmitted light path. Such a configuration
would potentially improve overall sensitivity by minimizing the number of optical elements
in the collection pathway. However, this approach is also more likely to have problems
with stray light from room lights, monitors, etc., and the microscope must be shielded as
much as possible. In order to circumvent this, a relatively simple system modification for
nondescanned detectors, based on the principle of phase-sensitive demodulation of the
pulsed laser, permits clean separation of multiphoton images in the presence of ambient
room light (Fisher et al., 2002).
In specific situations, multiphoton microscopy has several advantages over conventional fluorescence and confocal imaging:
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Figure 15.3 Comparison of confocal (a) and multiphoton (b) imaging within a thick specimen.
XZ images of the same FITC-lysozyme-loaded 100-µm-diameter sepharose bead using confocal and
multiphoton microscopy illustrated the improved signal collection deep within the sample using
multiphoton microscopy. The top of the image was the direction from which the incident laser
originated. (Images provided courtesy of S. Dziennik and A. Lenhoff.)
Under the appropriate power (usually 3 to 5 mW at the specimen), near-infrared
light is far less damaging to many living samples than visible and UV light
(Stelzer et al., 1994).
Lower-energy near-infrared light is scattered less; thus, imaging deeper into
highly scattering thick specimens is possible (Figure 15.3 and Figure 15.4).
No confocal pinhole is required; therefore, the emission signal collection is
more efficient.
Photobleaching is restricted to the focal plane rather than throughout the beam
path, as with confocal microscopy (Figure 15.5).
Figure 15.4 Comparison of confocal (a) and multiphoton (b) imaging within a thick fungal
specimen. (a) Fusarium oxysporum hyphae expressing ZsGreen fluorescent protein can be imaged
100 µm into nutrient agar using confocal microscopy. However, regions of blurriness due to scattered
light effects can be seen. This phenomenon is most often observed when overlying hyphae are
present. (b) Multiphoton image at the same optical plane as image A demonstrating improved imaging
deep within the specimen.
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Figure 15.5 Comparison of confocal (a) and multiphoton (b) imaging after photobleaching. XZ
images of the same fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-filled 100-µm-diameter sepharose beads photobleached using confocal and multiphoton microscopy. In confocal mode (a), photobleaching a single
plane (arrow) within the sepharose bead demonstrated that the fluorophore was considerably bleached
above and below the plane of focus. In multiphoton mode (b), photobleaching was clearly restricted
to the narrow plane of focus (arrow). (Images provided courtesy of S. Dziennik and A. Lenhoff.)
Phototoxic effects are essentially limited to the focal plane.
Inner filter effects due to absorption of incident laser light by fluorescent molecules before the plane of focus are eliminated.
Multiphoton excitation can provide highly localized spatial control (on the order
of femtoliters) for fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), photoactivation, and uncaging experiments.
Even with its many advantages, a number of practical considerations must be weighed
when choosing multiphoton microscopy over confocal or other conventional imaging
methods, namely, whether the imaging requirements include one or more of the advantages described above. If this is the case, a good knowledge of other important factors
involved with generating optimal multiphoton image formation is beneficial and will be
described further.
One distinct difference between confocal and multiphoton microscopy is reduced
resolution. Principally, due to lower-energy near infrared radiation (NIR) light forming a
larger diffraction-limited spot at the objective focal plane, the resolution of two-photon
vs. one-photon (confocal microscopy) excitation for the same fluorophore results in an
approximately twofold decrease in resolution for two-photon excitation (Denk et al., 1995;
Wolleschensky et al., 1998). However, when a confocal aperture is used in conjunction
with multiphoton excitation, a nearly 50% improvement in multiphoton resolution can be
achieved (Stelzer et al., 1994). Although resolution enhancement is gained by incorporating
a pinhole, usable signal is rejected and system sensitivity is sacrificed.
Multiphoton systems, like UV confocal microscopes, are expensive primarily due
to the need for specialized high-power lasers. They also require specific optical coatings
to allow efficient laser transmission at NIR wavelengths throughout the system and a
collimation lens to bring the NIR laser coincident with any visible lasers when performing
simultaneous multiphoton and confocal imaging. Although some lenses have been
designed with exceptional NIR throughput, many standard objective lenses have been
optimized for visible or UV transmission and require significantly more laser power to
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Exploring Fungal Activity with Confocal and Multiphoton Microscopy
achieve a multiphoton effect. Fortunately, most direct coupled lasers have sufficient power
at the lower and upper ends of the tuning curve, where the lower laser output can be more
challenging. Fiber-optic laser delivery, which has shown great utility with continuous
wave-visible and UV lasers, poses special difficulties with multiphoton systems. This is
in large part due to decreased peak power, a restricted range of tunable wavelengths, and
sensitivity to misalignment. Some progress has been made in this area (Helmchen et al.,
2002); however, the vast majority of multiphoton systems are direct coupled, facilitating
ease of use. With the above-mentioned laser throughput issues, it is advisable to empirically
evaluate available lenses for a given system and specimen. Although not directly a throughput concern when tuning at NIR wavelengths, water absorption peaks at 760, 820, and
900 nm, and strongly between 920 and 980 nm, make the attainment of mode lock (pulsed
laser light) problematic unless the laser cavity is purged with dry nitrogen gas. In addition,
significant absorption is still possible in the aqueous sample environment, resulting in
increased and potentially harmful localized heating effects (Konig et al., 1996). Such
heating effects may also occur with increased laser excitation powers and with NIRabsorbing molecules or media (e.g., melanin and salts). Tirlapur and Konig (1999) used
this heating phenomenon to their advantage in Arabidopsis root meristematic cells by
focusing the multiphoton NIR laser to the plasma membrane of individual cells, thus
increasing subsequent uptake of propidium iodide. Any cell that was coupled to the targeted
cell would also incorporate the dye, providing some information about which cells in the
meristem were linked cytoplasmically.
A major optical effect that is not a concern with confocal microscopy is related to
pulsed laser light. When a light pulse propagates through optical elements (e.g., the
objective lens), the higher-frequency components travel more slowly than the lower-frequency components and the pulse becomes “chirped” or frequency swept (Helmchen et
al., 2001). This phenomenon is also known as group velocity dispersion, and the result is
a temporal spreading of the pulse that can cause a considerable reduction in peak intensity,
and hence the multiphoton effect (Fan et al., 1999). The dispersion properties of a given
objective lens (and other optical components) can result in significant pulse broadening,
which can be compensated for if the system is configured to do so (Guild et al., 1997).
The ability to tune most multiphoton lasers is advantageous, since the optimal
excitation wavelength for a given fluorescent molecule can be selected, as opposed to
single-photon confocal, where at best several discrete wavelengths are available. However,
one common difficulty associated with multiphoton microscopy is determining the optimal
excitation wavelength. This problem can be exacerbated by the fact that some fluorescent
molecules have poor multiphoton absorption cross sections. The multiphoton absorption
cross section (expressed in Goppert-Mayer (GM) units: 1 GM = 10–50 cm4 sec/photon)
(Kiskin et al., 2002) indicates the absorption maximum and how well a fluorophore is
excited at a given wavelength. Ideally, the simple doubling of the one-photon excitation
maximum would yield the appropriate two-photon maximum, and this is a good approximation for a number of fluorescent probes, such as rhodamine B, fluorescein, DiI, and
lucifer yellow (Xu and Webb, 1996). However, in many cases, this rule does not apply
due to vibronic coupling (Xu et al., 1996). Recent developments in automated tunable
lasers will permit the rapid generation of two-photon excitation characteristics of individual
fluorescent molecules with reasonable accuracy, eliminating this as a complicating factor
when using new or uncharacterized fluorophores or unknown tissue-related fluorescence.
In addition, laser operation will be greatly simplified, as manually tuned lasers require
specific, in-depth training for proper use.
The fact that multiphoton excitation can interact as a single-photon event in a discrete
volume presents many intriguing possibilities for uncaging and photoactivation techniques.
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Photoactivatable green fluorescent protein (GFP) (PA-GFP) is basically nonfluorescent
when excited with 488-nm laser light, but become 100 times more fluorescent after
irradiation with UV light (Patterson and Lippincott-Schwartz, 2002). PA-GFP molecules
can be easily and specifically photoactivated in user-defined areas of the cell. Spatial and
temporal changes in tagged molecules can be followed after activation. To date, no
published reports have demonstrated PA-GFP with multiphoton excitation. However, my
lab, as well as others (George Patterson, personal communication), has successfully activated PA-GFP in mammalian cells, and it is likely that published reports will soon follow.
Successful uncaging of caged compounds has been an area of sporadic success. Caged
compounds that would normally be readily cleaved upon UV irradiation are poorly released
with the appropriate multiphoton excitation. Efforts have been made to find improved
multiphoton caged compounds (Albota et al., 1998). However, Kiskin et al. (2002) reported
that caged compounds would require a 31-GM cross section to be physiologically useful,
and that current caged compounds are only a few GM at best; hence, the laser powers
required to uncage existing compounds would be harmful to cells. With that said, photoactivation and photolysis of caged compounds using the precision of multiphoton excitation, if and when available, would provide added capabilities that cannot be realized to
the same extent with confocal microscopy.
The usefulness of multiphoton microscopy for reducing photobleaching varies. Even
though photobleaching is restricted to the objective focal plain with multiphoton imaging
(Figure 15.5b), bleaching rates at higher-incident laser powers can greatly exceed those
observed with confocal microscopy (Patterson and Piston, 2000). However, the authors
point out that this effect is greatly reduced and very manageable when using the lower
powers typically used to image live cells. Ultimately, when imaging near the coverslip,
where scattered light events are less pronounced, confocal microscopy would likely be
the best choice for many fungal samples. However, imaging deeper into highly scattering
tissues can result in a rapid drop in the signal-to-noise ratio, with a concomitant increase
in spherical aberration for confocal imaging. In such cases, the image degradation noted
in confocal microscopy can be alleviated with multiphoton microscopy, markedly improving image quality (Figure 15.4 here and Figure 2 in Howard, 2001).
Recently, spectral confocal/multiphoton microscopes have become commercially available. The ability to derive spectral information from samples has significant implications
for fungal research. There are several approaches to obtain spectral data from a sample
using a grating, prism, or series of long-pass and band-pass filters (Haraguchi et al., 2002).
Spectral imaging is not limited to confocal or multiphoton microscopy and can be used
in conjunction with conventional fluorescence as well, resulting in defined spectral regions
collected by a single detector or array of detectors. A specified total range of collected
fluorescence (for example, 500 to 600 nm) could consist of 10 images, each representing
10-nm windows of the spectrum. Intensity values at any given pixel or group of pixels
can be plotted over the selected range, providing an emission curve. In the case of multiple
probes, defining a fingerprint for each individual fluorophore in a single-label experiment
results in a reference spectrum that can be used to cleanly separate even closely overlapping fluorophores by a process called linear unmixing (Hiraoka et al., 2002). Figure 15.6
illustrates an example of raw data collected from a mixture of three strains of Fusarium,
each transformed to express a different reef coral fluorescent protein. In this case, the
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Exploring Fungal Activity with Confocal and Multiphoton Microscopy
Figure 15.6 Spectral confocal microscopy of fluorescent proteins. Cytoplasmic expression of the
fluorescent proteins AmCyan, ZsGreen, and ZsYellow resulted in significant fluorescence emission
overlap that was readily separated in germinating conidia of Fusarium using spectral confocal and
linear unmixing techniques. This data set was acquired on an LSM510 META confocal microscope
using 12 channels (10.2-nm lambda width per channel) of a 32-channel photomultiple tube (PMT)
array ranging from 473 to 590 nm (channel center points). The arrows depict spores expressing
AmCyan (473 nm), ZsGreen (505 nm), and ZsYellow (558 nm). Note the intensity changes for these
spores as you compare adjacent images in the lambda series. See Figure 15.7 for umixed results.
emissions from the three fluorescent proteins overlap significantly, making it problematic,
if not impossible, to cleanly separate using conventional filters (Bourett et al., 2002), but
were easily separated following linear unmixing (Figure 15.7a). Although it is preferred
to select fluorophores that avoid such spectral overlap, this is not always possible. For
example, the fluorescent probes Calcofluor for chitin and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole
(DAPI) for nuclei (or GFP and YFP) are extremely useful fungal cellular markers that
have overlapping excitation and emission characteristics that could be cleanly separated
by this approach. Another notable advantage of spectral imaging is that a reference
spectrum from tissue autofluorescence (e.g., wood and other plant tissues or growth media)
can be acquired and separated from the desired fluorescent probe signal. The autofluorescent signal need not be discarded because it can provide details about the surrounding
sample. Autofluorescence is often broad spectrum, making it very difficult to eliminate
by standard filters. A spectral scan of several species of cultured hyphae (Baschien et al.,
2001) proved invaluable for selecting probes whose emission wavelengths avoided insidious autofluorescence with in situ hybridization experiments. Spectral imaging has also
been shown to be advantageous when using techniques such as fluorescence resonance
energy transfer (FRET) for imaging calcium in mammalian cells with cameleon-2
(Hiraoka et al., 2002). Typically, FRET pairs are spectrally close and suffer from bleed-
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Y (µm) 40
16 0
Z (µm)
200 250
X (µm)
200 250
X (µm)
200 250
X (µm)
Y (µm) 40
16 0
Z (µm)
Y (µm) 40
Z (µm)
Figure 15.7 (See color insert following p. 460.) (a) Spectral confocal techniques allowed clear
separation of closely overlapping fluorescent molecules such as AmCyan (blue), ZsGreen (green),
and ZsYellow (red) following linear unmixing. (Images provided courtesy of K. Czymmek, T.
Bourett, J. Sweigard, and R. Howard.) (b) In vivo constitutive cytoplasmic expression of the reef
coral fluorescent protein ZsGreen in Fusarium oxysporum was used to monitor disease progression
in Arabidopsis during root infection. (Images provided courtesy of K. Czymmek, J. Sweigard,
M. Fogg, and S. Kang.) (c–e) Four-dimensional (three-dimensions over time) series of cytoplasmic-expressing ZsGreen and AsRed Fusarium hyphae as they interact in culture. These threedimensional stacks were selected from a four-dimensional data set (T = 0, 32, and 72 min) that
monitored hyphal growth every 8 min over a 3-h period. (Images provided courtesy of V. Cooke
and K. Czymmek.)
through problems, necessitating specific postacquisition corrections. By virtue of linear
unmixing spectral sequences, clean separation of donor and acceptor fluorescence can be
faithfully obtained, minimizing these bleed-through artifacts. To date, there are only a
few examples of spectral confocal/multiphoton microscopy applied to mycological problems (Baschien et al., 2001; Bourett et al., 2002) — a reflection of the very recent
introduction of this technology. There is little doubt that multispectral imaging will
become invaluable as a tool for clean separation of probed fungal structures and byproducts from their complex environment.
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Exploring Fungal Activity with Confocal and Multiphoton Microscopy
The state-of-the-art confocal/multiphoton microscopy is also tied to concomitant advances
in fluorescence-based technologies. One such example, Alexa Fluor dyes, is significantly
brighter and far more photostable than previous generations of fluorophores (PanchukVoloshina et al., 1999). This is typically an advantage; however, it can sometimes be
problematic for photobleaching or FRET studies because the dyes can be very difficult to
photobleach. Another technology, called Zenon, allows several primary antibodies against
the same species (e.g., mouse) to be easily applied in a single step for multilabel experiments
in a direct labeling approach (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR). Quantum dots are semiconductor nanocrystals that pose interesting possibilities for a host of applications. These small
particles, on the order of a few nanometers in size, have very discrete emission wavelengths
depending on subtle differences in size (Seydel, 2003). This feature alone would lead to
very exciting potential for multilabeled experiments, as one could conceive of labeling six
or more targets in the same cell simultaneously. But this is not the only useful feature of
quantum dots; they are also extremely resistant to photobleaching and exceptionally bright
(Larson et al., 2003), making them well suited to experiments where sensitivity is an issue
(e.g., in situ hybridization localization of low-abundance molecules). In addition, it has
been reported that quantum dots have a two-photon cross section of 47,000 GM, which is
two to three orders of magnitude greater than any existing fluorescent probe (Larson et al.,
2003). This is incredibly bright and means that individual dots could likely be seen at very
low laser energy input and conceivably imaged with low-power objective lenses. Although
only a few spectral versions of quantum dots are commercially available (specially treated
to remain stable in the hydrophilic environment typically found in biological systems), it
is expected that a growing repertoire will be offered in the near future. It is less clear how
these could be used in living cells, but they may have potential for studying endocytosis.
Other advanced fluorescence-based imaging techniques are readily adaptable to laser
scanning confocal microscopy, such as FRET (Bastiaens and Jovin, 1997; Gadella et al.,
1999), fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) (Pepperkok et al., 1999), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) (Schwille et al., 1999), fluorescence recovery
after photobleaching (FRAP) (Siggia et al., 2000; Brandizzi et al., 2002), fluorescence
loss in photobleaching (FLIP) (Judd et al., 2003), fluorescence localization after photobleaching (FLAP) (Dunn et al., 2002), photoactivatable GFP (Patterson and LippincottSchwartz, 2002), and kindling fluorescent protein (KFP) (Chudakov et al., 2003). Many
of these techniques (e.g., FRAP, FLIP, FLAP, KFP) can be used with modern confocal/multiphoton systems without additional or expensive hardware upgrades.
A rapidly growing body of literature clearly illustrates the power of optical sectioning
approaches for investigating fungi in vitro, as well as with interactions in exceptionally
multifaceted and diverse environmental situations. The relative ease in which discrete, highresolution image planes can be acquired, increased accessibility to confocal microscopes
in many institutions, and the amenability of fungi to optical microscopy in general have
played important roles in their popularity and success. From single optical sections of fixed
material to multidimensional, multichannel, or multispectral imaging of living hyphae,
confocal and multiphoton microscopies have proven to be invaluable as research tools. The
remainder of this chapter, although not exhaustive and primarily focused on filamentous
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fungi, will explore the major areas in which investigators have already used the sophisticated capabilities of multiphoton/confocal microscopy in a multitude of applications.
Some of the earliest reports of confocal microscopy for fungal applications used immunofluorescence techniques (Hardham et al., 1991; Kwon et al., 1991) and have been previously
reviewed (Kwon et al., 1993; Czymmek et al., 1994). These reports serve as useful starting
points if considering fluorescence-based antibody localization in fungi. Due to the availability and relative ease in which suitable antibodies can be created and applied for immunofluorescence microscopy, this methodology has become relatively commonplace in the
literature. For example, antibodies were raised against a series of cellulolytic enzymes, and
their distribution in cultured Volariella hyphae was documented via confocal microscopy
(Cai et al., 1999). Wood autofluorescence, which posed a significant challenge when using
conventional microscopy, due to the obscured visibility of labeled structures, easily delineated antibody-labeled Ophiostoma hyphae in thick-sectioned pine wood samples (Xiao et
al., 1999). Another interesting approach was the correlation of the opportunistic pathogenic
yeast Candida albicans (loaded with FITC) and actin in human cell lines (Tsarfaty et al.,
2000). In this case, the authors used colocalization analysis and optical sectioning in the zaxis to illustrate that actin specifically assembled near Candida interaction sites.
Antibodies raised against any number of antigens (in conjunction with a fluorescent
tag) can be used to localize specific cellular proteins of interest. However, due to their
size, unless the antigen is on the cell surface or otherwise introduced (e.g., microinjection),
employing antibodies for immunofluorescence typically requires fixed and permeabilized
cells. A number of protocols exist for antibody labeling of fungal samples. The method
of choice is influenced by a variety of factors, including the particular antigen, subcellular
compartment, and variations in cell wall biochemistry. A simple approach using freezesubstitution fixation and methacrylate de-embedment, thus avoiding sectioning and wall
digesting enzymes in filamentous fungi, has been described (Bourett et al., 1998). A major
advantage with this technique is that whole-mount fungi can be imaged in three dimensions
using confocal microscopy with high-fidelity cryogenic preservation. Others have used a
slightly modified version of this method to monitor microtubule and nuclear behavior in
ropy-1 mutants of Neurospora crassa with similar success (Riquelme et al., 2002), or just
freeze-substitution and methanol fixation to visualize the tubulin and actin cytoskeleton
in the chytridiomycete Allomyces (McDaniel and Roberson, 2000). Regardless of the
permeabilization tactic used, immunofluorescence is now routine and a core competency
of confocal/multiphoton microscopy.
In Situ Hybridization
Although examples of immunolabeled proteins are abundant in the fungal literature, very
little data are available using in situ hybridization for nucleic acid detection. Li et al.
(1997) quantified fluorescence of Aureobasidium pullulans on slides and leaf surfaces
counterstained with propidium iodide; Baschien et al. (2001) were successful with hybridization of freshwater fungi; and Sterflinger and Hain (1999) demonstrated hybridization
in black yeast and meristematic fungi. Major causes for the scarcity of hybridization data
include lack of sensitivity, difficulty with reliable fungal cell wall permeabilization, and
RNA degradation by wall digesting enzyme cocktails, as alluded to previously (Bourett
et al., 1998). When optimized and broadly applicable approaches become available for
fungi (e.g., using peptide nucleic acid probes or polymerase chain reaction (PCR)), hybridization methods are likely to derive similar benefits with confocal/multiphoton microscopy
as have other fluorescence probe techniques.