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Area classification in areas which are not freely ventilated 131
hipped roof (dutch-barn construction) which is more common in industrial
loading and unloading areas. This latter may be with vents or without vents,
although, in most cases, vents are present particularly in cases where the
flammable gas or vapour is lighter than air.
Where no walls are present the effect of a flat roof is dependent upon
the proximity of the roof to the edge of the hazardous area which would
be created if the release were in free air (see Fig. 5.6). If the roof is more
than 5 m beyond the extent of hazardous area predicted by Fig. 3.4 and 3.5
(in Chapter 3) the roof is unlikely to have any effect but in other cases the
hazardous area is expected to reach the roof. Where a hipped (dutch-barn)
type roof is present without walls and if the top of the hazardous area
defined in the absence of the roof is within 5m of the roof, the entire area
contained by the roof will become a hazardous area o the same severity,
Source of
Fig. 5.6 Effect of flat roof within 5 m of free ventilation limit of explosive atmosphere
132 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
E = Extent of hazardous area neglecting roof,
Fig. 5.7 Effect of hip roof within 5 m of E
provided that in cases where the flammable material is not heavier than
air, vents must be provided in the apex o the roof. Figure 5.7 shows this
situation and suggests a notional 1m of hazardous area around the vents.
This latter is difficult to predict but, at 1m, is felt to be sufficiently large for
most normal situations.
5.3.2 Roofs associated with one wall
Where a wall is present in addition to the roof, the situation is further
complicated and the hazardous areas described in Fig. 5.1 and 5.2 become
modified to give the situation shown in Fig. 5.8. The main thing to notice
here is the extension of the hazardous area over the roof for a small distance,
given by the difference between the extent of the hazardous area produced
when the wall is present and the length o the wall. The length is used in
preference to the height as the overlap will only occur if the wall length
is less than the horizontal extent of the hazardous area, which is already
distorted by being extended up to the roof level. The situation is similar in
respect of the situation with a hipped roof, but here the effects shown in
Fig. 5.7 must also be taken into account.
5.3.2 Roofs associated with two walls
Where two walls are present, then the entire area covered by the hazardous
area shown in Figs. 5.3 and 5.4 will form part of the hazardous area up to
Area classification in areas which are not freely ventilated 133
Source o
E = Extent of hazardous area taking account of wall
proximity but in absence of roof
V = Height of source of release
X = Distance source/wall
a = E -- Y (with a minimum of 0.5 m over roof)
b = 2y - 2a
Note: Where b is less than E hazardous area
extends behind and over roof to F
Fig. 5.8 Effects of roof over single wall
the roof and down to the ground (see Fig. 5.9). As for one wall, the extents
of hazardous area above the roof line will be determined using Fig. 5.3
and 5.4.
5.3.4 Roofs associated with three walls
Where three walls exist, the situation is entirely different and the area
should be treated as a room as described later in this chapter, giving a
hazardous area as described in Fig. 5.10, which is based on Table 3.2 in
the same way as would be the case for an opening, such as a door in
a room.
134 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
E = Extent of hazardous area taking account of walls if roof is not present
C = Distance from source to end wall
D = Distance from source to furthest corner of roof
Fig. 5.9 Effect of roof over two walls
5.4 Rooms above ground
As previously stated, an above-ground room with no attempts made to
give ventilation will have a very long retention of any release of flammable
material. A method of calculating this is given in Chapter 4 based upon a
proposed new British Standard3. It is difficult, however, to be sure that all
pockets of a room will be swept clear within this specified time by crack
ventilation, and retention must be assumed to be capable of removing the
source of hazard/classification relationship. It is not considered possible
to countenance a room with no specifically included ventilation requirements being used for any purpose which means that it will contain sources
of release more onerous than secondary grade sources of release. In such
circumstances the interior area classification will, because of the paucity
of ventilation, give an internal classification of Zone 1, which will clearly
introduce significant difficulty in the use of the room.
Area classification in areas which are not freely ventilated 135
a = Taken from Table 3.2 on the basis of maximum release
(minimum figure 0.5 m)
Fig. 5.10 Effect of roof on three-wall system
Any door which enters the room will be considered as a source of release
equivalent to the quantity of vapour released within the room and Table 3.2
should be used to determine the extent of the hazardous area outside
the room, around the door or other opening. Where liquids above their
flashpoints but below their boiling points are contained within the room,
drainage should be provided to ensure that a significant pool cannot form,
and the external hazardous area should be based on Table 3.8 with a minimum of 0.5 m in cases where no mist is assumed. This latter is a safety factor
to take account of unknowns. Where the room contains a liquid contained
above its boiling point then the area outside the room (which is a hazardous
area) should be based on Table 3.10. These areas outside the room will, be
Zone 2 in the case of secondary grade sources of release (the only sources
of release considered as acceptable in these circumstances) even though the
retention problem is likely to lead to the classification of the room as Zone 1.
5.4.1 The application of additional general ventilation
Where a room contains sources of release then it is almost certain that
additional ventilation will be necessary. A room may be provided with
additional ventilation in one of three ways.
136 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
Openings (normally louvered) may be fitted to create more airflow
in the building
Where openings are provided they do increase ventilation, but in no way
as significantly as artificial ventilation unless they satisfy the criteria set out
earlier in this chapter. Such openings are not in many cases practicable
unless louvred, however, as they remove much of the protection from
the environment which is often the reason why a room is necessary.
The effect of such additional ventilation is to reduce the retention of
explosive atmosphere in the building to a level where the source of
hazard/classification relationship (i.e., secondary grade source of release
gives Zone 2) is maintained. Because of the limited effect which they
have, however, they do not allow parts of the building to be delineated
as particular risks (e.g., parts Zone 1 and parts Zone 2) and the entire
building will adopt the classification produced by the most onerous source
of release contained within it. They must also be strategically placed to
take maximum account of the internal situation. In buildings where internal
activities produce temperature gradients of in excess of 3°C between the
interior of the building and the outside air, then significant chimney effects
can occur and movement of explosive atmospheres within a building will
be affected to some extent by their density relative to air. The results of
these considerations generally result in louvered openings being placed at
both the top and the bottom of the building.
In addition, care must be taken to ensure that the effect of any air entering
through louvered openings is general, rather than limited, to specific areas
as the airflow is not sufficient to ensure that releases do not contaminate
all of the building. The layout of equipment within the building is also
important as it could produce blindspots. In most cases considerations such
as this tend to create a scenario where louvres are necessary all around the
building, as shown in Fig. 5.11, at both high and low level which is not
always ideal. The result will still usually lead to the entire interior of the
building being classified as Zone 1 if a primary grade source of release is
present which, because of toxic and asphyxiant considerations, may often
mean that access to such buildings is severely restricted.
To sum up, buildings which merely have openings to allow enhanced
natural ventilation without meeting the criteria described in Section 5.1.1
normally require ventilation openings as shown in Fig. 5.11 and, in the
main, will only be suitable for secondary grade sources of release. Even in
such cases, layout inside the building is of critical importance.
Where buildings ventilated naturally by openings not complying with the
criteria for unrestricted ventilation, provided the ventilation openings have
been provided with sufficient thought to internal airflow, secondary grade
sources of release within the building will produce a Zone 2 classification
and external Zones 2 at the openings, based upon the maximum single
secondary grade release and using Table 3.2 as a basis, with a minimum
of 0.5 m.
Area classification in areas which are not freely ventilated 137
V = Vents (louvres or otherwise)
a = Extent of hazardous area (Table 3.2) with a minimum of 0.5m
Hazardous area
Not acceptable
Zone 1
Zone 2
Source of release
Continuous grade
Primary grade
Secondary grade
Fig. 5.11 Hazardous area is a room with openings (with or without louvres)
Where a building (as described above) contains primary grade sources of
release, unless local forced ventilation is fitted in a way which removes the
release separately, the entire interior of the building will be Zone 1, and
a Zone 1 will exist at all ventilation openings based upon the maximum
number of primary grade sources of release which are considered as
releasing at the same time, based upon Tables 3.1 and 3.2, with a minimum
of 0.5 m (not normally acceptable for personnel entry).
It is not considered as acceptable to have any continuous grade sources
of release releasing into such a building without additional precautions.
Buildings provided with forced ventilation
General forced ventilation is the most common way in which the building
may be scoured with air. The objective is normally to ensure that the
building is swept with air while at the same time, ensuring that the
forced ventilation provided does not create hazardous areas around the
building. To do this it is necessary to first determine the maximum release
of flammable material from any one secondary grade source of release (it
is not considered as necessary to consider more than one secondary grade
source of release releasing at any given time) and, if greater, the maximum
release from any possible combination of primary grade sources of release
138 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
considered possible from the application of Table 3.1 (if it is decided that
it is acceptable in any given circumstance to have a building which is all
Zone 1).
If it is not considered as acceptable for the entire building to be Zone 1,
then each primary grade source of release must have local ventilation
applied to remove the material released before it can access the generality
of the building. In no circumstances is it considered possible to allow any
continuous grade source of release to freely release into the building where
only general ventilation is present.
Having determined the maximum quantity of flammable material
released into the building, it is then necessary to ensure that the amount
of air supplied by the ventilation system is sufficient to ensure that, if a
release occurs when the ventilation is on, the mixture of air and flammable
material exhausted from the room is below the lower explosive limit and
it is wise to apply a safety factor here. Chapter 4 provides equations which
will allow this to be done. When the ventilation has been properly designed
it can be accepted that, provided that early repair of the ventilation system
is executed so that it is not off for a long time (say repair is to be completed
well within a shift), then a secondary grade release will not occur while
the ventilation is off and there is little likelihood of the building filling with
explosive atmosphere and then exhausting when the ventilation is switched
on, creating an explosive atmosphere outside the building. Unfortunately,
this does not hold for primary grade sources of release and these must be
expected to release at times when the ventilation has failed but, as failure
of the ventilation is abnormal, such releases can be considered as secondary
grade giving rise to Zone 2 within the building and not Zone 1. There
remains, however, the problem that when the ventilation is repaired and
switched on, an explosive atmosphere will be exhausted from the building.
This, together with the fact that if input forced ventilation is used there will
be some leakage of explosive atmosphere from within the building at all
openings, demands that any ventilation system used is extract ventilation
so that the pressure in the building will be very slightly lower than outside,
resulting in release of explosive atmosphere to the outside only at the
ventilation exhaust. Figs. 5.12 and 5.13 show how this situation exists in
Where only secondary grade sources of release exist with general extract
ventilation, the inside of the building will be Zone 2 and no external
hazardous area will exist. Even in these circumstances, however, it is
advisable to have an indirectly operated fan with the drive motor outside
the ducting and clear of the ducting end, as if the ventilation fails for a long
time the fan will be necessary to remove a possible explosive atmosphere
from within the building. Although this is so unlikely as not to be within the
area classification considerations it is clearly not acceptable to use a source
of ignition to try to clear an explosive atmosphere, however unlikely that
atmosphere may be.
Where primary grade sources of release exist without local ventilation,
as described earlier, the inside of the building will be Zone 1 and a Zone 2
Area classification in areas which are not freely ventilated 139
/ Buildina
Ihlnt.3 3)
+-- (Note
Air inlet _ _ .
(Note I )
Fig. 5.12 Secondary grade source of release with forced ventilation. Notes: (1)
Extract ventilation ensures that airflow at all apertures will be into building.
(2) Extract airflow sufficient to dilute maximum secondary grade source of
release to required fraction of LEL
(Note 2)
Air inlet
Air inlet
a = Table 3.2 but 0.5 m minimum
Fig. 5.13 Primary grade source of release with extract ventilation. Notes: (1)
Ventilation ensures airflow is into the building in normal operation
restricting Zone 1 to inside building. (2) In abnormal circumstances
explosive atmosphere may leak from extract vent in addition to building
Electrical installations in hazardous areas
(based upon Table 3.2 taking account of the maximum release of the source
of hazard, but with a minimum of 0.5m) will exist where the ventilation
exhausts into the outside air. In this case, the fan motor will need to be
considered as previously to allow for repair delays. This will have already
been considered as the fan motor will be in a Zone 2 i in-line.
As previously, the use of extract ventilation will mean that all leaks of air
will be into the building and so no external Zone 1will occur. Any air inlets,
however, will be surrounded by Zone 2 based upon the maximum leakage
rate and should be sized in accordance with Table 3.2, with a minimum
of 0.5 m.
Continuous grade sources of release are not considered as acceptable in
normal circumstances within this type of building.
5.4.2 The application of additional local ventilation
Section 5.3.1 describes the situation which arises when general ventilation
only is provided for. It is possible to additionally arrange for local ventilation at a single point of release or location to limit the extent of hazardous
areas produced by specific sources of release in areas which are not generally freely ventilated; be they unventilated or provided with general natural
or forced ventilation. There are two basic ways of doing this.
Provision of specific ventilation for individual sources of release
Where a particular source of release is provided with individual ventilation then, provided that such ventilation is properly conceived, the size
of the hazardous area around that source may be described, even though
the area in which it is sited is not generally freely ventilated (e.g., is in
a building). The ventilation provided here must be local to the source of
release and must be sized to ensure that the airflow in the area of the release
is greater than the release velocity. It must also ensure that the quantity
of ventilation air provided is sufficient to dilute the maximum release of
the source in question to some fraction of the lower explosive limit of the
flammable material released, so as to ensure that the gas vapour/air mixture
exhausted from the area is below the lower explosive limit. Chapter 4
provides a method of defining the quantity of air necessary, but determination of the velocity of airflow depends upon detailed knowledge of
the geometry around the release and the release velocity. This approach is
generally only effective for extract point source ventilation as in other cases
the effect of the ventilation would be to push the released gas/vapour into
the effectively enclosed area. Also, the nature of secondary grade sources
of release, in that they are often large and at high velocity, means that
the approach is only effective in limiting Zones 0 and 1 caused by continuous and primary grade sources of release. In such cases, however, it has
significant value in that it can be used to maintain a general Zone 2 classification in such places as buildings containing continuous and primary
Area classification in areas which are not freely ventilated 141
Continubus grade
source of release
Fig. 5.14 Effects of point source ventilation. Notes: (1) Interior of building and exterior around openings are Zone 2 to take account of ventilation failure. (2)
Immediate area around continuous (or primary) grade source of release
is Zone 0 (Zone 1). (3) Where source is a point source and ventilation
velocity local to it is 2m/s Zone 0 (Zone 1) is restricted Table 3.2 with a
minimum of 0.5 m
grade sources of release. The effects of tlus ventilation may also be considered when deciding on the additional level of general ventilation necessary
for such a location. These situations are described in Fig. 5.14.
Where a continuous grade source of release is present in an area which
is not freely ventilated, local extract ventilation (e.g., for an oil/water
separator in a building) may be provided locally to the source of release to
remove any gas or vapour which is normally released. Unless the source of
release has additional modes of release it is, in such cases, reduced, as far
as the area in question is concerned, to a secondary grade source of release
on the basis that it will release into the area only when the local ventilation
fails. This does suppose that the ventilation is quickly repaired if it does fail
and here repair within the hour will be necessary. If the source can behave
in other modes then these must be separately considered. Where the source
of release can be described as a point source then, provided that the airflow
around the source as a result of the ventilation is at least 0.5 m/s, the Zone 0
will be less than 0.5m.
Where a primary grade source of release is protected by local ventilation,
the situation is similar to that existing for a continuous grade source of