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Protection concept flameproof
enclosure ‘d’ 257
Non-metallic enclosures may be constructed by moulding or fabrication,
with similar methods of securing one part of an enclosure to another but, as
already stated, they have a volume limit of 3000 cm3 unless the non-metallic
parts form only part of an otherwise metallic enclosure. When this occurs an
individual 500cm’ surface area limit is imposed on the non-metallic parts
(excepting light transmitting parts of luminaires where the limit is increased
to 8000 cm’). After being tested to confirm their capabilities to withstand
pressure in common with all flameproof enclosures, non-metallic enclosures
having non-metallic or partially non-metallic joint surfaces are subjected to
flame erosion tests. In these their flamepaths are subjected to the passage of
burning gas by the carrying out of 50 tests, with plane gaps opened to their
maximum values, using the explosive test mixture for explosion pressure
testing, and to confirm that no significant erosion has taken place. Where
the non-metallic parts are of plastics material, flammability tests are also
carried out on the material.
In addition, non-metallic enclosures which have insulating properties can,
unlike metal enclosures, be used to directly support conductors of differing
voltages. In utilizing this advantage, however, care needs to be taken to
ensure the insulation quality of the material, as unlike material chosen for
insulation alone, it is chosen principally for its dimensional ability and
strength. There are requirements for all apparatus in explosive atmospheres
(see Chapter 8) to minimize the risk of static build up. One way of satisfying
these is to load the plastic with a conducting material to limit its surface
resistivity. Clearly, this will bring its insulating properties into question and
it is therefore necessary to ensure that non-metallic enclosures used for such
support satisfy the requirements of Table 10.14. The comparative tracking
index (CTI) specified in that table is determined in accordance with BS 5901:
All enclosures, both metallic and non-metallic, are subjected to a
hydraulic pressure test at 1.5 times the reference pressure. It is recognized
that they may be subject to elastic movement during the explosion (they
may temporarily enlarge due to their internal pressure) but no permanent
distortion is acceptable and measurements on the enclosure after pressure
testing are necessary to confirm this. Permanent distortion is not acceptable
either in the enclosure parts themselves (e.g., bowed lids) or in the
flamepaths. Elastic expansion of the flamepaths is, of course, taken account
of during the flame transmission tests. The reference pressure is obtained
by igniting a specific test mixture inside an enclosure with no gaps specially
opened, and monitoring the rise and fall of pressure inside the enclosure
during the explosion. Several tests are carried out and the worst case
pressure taken as the reference pressure. Fig. 10.16 shows a typical pressure
rise and decay curve obtained in such tests. There is a problem in cases
where the interior of the enclosure is divided into separate parts (see
Fig. 10.17) or a component within the enclosure has its own enclosure. An
ignition within one enclosure can lead to pre-pressurization of the gas in
the other as the shock fronts preceding the flame travel faster than the
flame travelling at the speed of sound in the gas. The explosion pressure
258 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
Table 1 . 4 Creepage distance between bare live
parts of flameproof apparatus supported by non-metallic enclosure
Maximum rms
working voltage
(U i volts)
15 < U f 30
30 < U f 60
60 < U f 110
110 < U f 175
175 < U 5 275
275 < U f 420
420 < U 5 550
550 < U 5 750
750 < U 5 1100
1100 < u f 2200
2200 < U f 3300
3300 < U 5 4200
4200 < U f 500
5500 < U f 6600
6600 < U 5 8300
8300 < U 5 11000
Minimum creepage distance (mm)
Group I
Group I1
Group IIIa
(from BS/EN 50019)
Material Group I = Comparative tracking index (CTI)
over 600
Material Group I1 = Comparative tracking index at least 400
but less than 600
Material Group IIIa = Comparative tracking index at least 175
but below 400
Note: Comparative tracking index in accordance with BS 5901
is a function of the initial pressure at the time of ignition and if this initial
pressure is raised, the explosion pressure in the second part of the enclosure
is significantly increased and, additionally, the pressure rise time in the
second enclosure reduces. This phenomenon is called pressure piling. The
evidence of such a phenomenon is the reduction of pressure rise time to less
than 5ms, or erratic maximum pressure values which can be identified by
variation of more than a factor of 1.5 in the measured explosion pressures
in separate tests. Enclosure and apparatus construction should, as far as
possible, be arranged so as to prevent this. The use of enclosures where
pressure piling does occur is not, however, precluded.
In small enclosures it is often very difficult to measure explosion pressure
and to determine the pressure to be used in the pressure test. In these cases
the values of pressure in Table 10.15 are used.
Protection concept flameproof enclosure 'd' 259
Maximum rate
, of rise
' L t -
P = Maximum explosion pressure
t = Pressure rise time
Fig. 10.16 Profile of pressure inside a flameproof enclosure resultingform an internal
Pressure = p initially
Maximum explosion
pressure = P
Small hole to allow
passage of wires
between enclosures
Maximum explosion pressure
approaches (P + 'p) P
Fig. 10.17 Effects of pressure piling
A flameproof enclosure may be what is called direct entry or indirect
entry (see Fig. 10.18 and 10.19).A direct entry enclosure has the connection
facilities (e.g., terminals) for external connection in the same enclosure,
as the enclosed apparatus and an indirect entry enclosure has a separate
terminal box. This may be connected to the main enclosure by, for example,
bushings and has the advantage that entry to the connection facilities does
not access the main enclosure and, as the main enclosure may contain
Electrical installations in hazardous areas
Table 10.15 Test pressure for small enclosures where
reference pressure cannot be measured
Test pressure
1 x 106
1.5 x lo6
1 x 106
1.5 x lo6
1 x 106
2 x 106
(from BS/EN 50018)
Fig. 10.18 Indirect entry flameproof enclosure. Note: The main enclosure and
terminal box are entirely separate enclosures
normally sparking parts, it was felt to be an advantage. In BS 229 enclosures
were not permitted to be direct entry and direct entry only became common
with the advent of BS 4683, Part 2. As will be seen when installation is
discussed, there are differences in permissible installation practices for the
two types of enclosure.
Protection concept flameproof enclosure ' d 261
Fig. 10.19 Direct entry flameproof enclosure
A bushing is a method of carrying a conductor through the wall of an
enclosure or between two enclosures with a common wall. It is normally
of insulating material containing one or more conductors. The conductors
passing through the bushing are normally not insulated and adhesion of
the bushing insulating material to the conductors gives the required seal
against flame transmission. The normal construction used is either conductors cemented together and into a metal ring which forms a flamepath with
the enclosure wall, or plastic moulded onto the conductors in whch case
the plastic itself forms the flamepath with the enclosure wall. The bushings
are normally subjected to flame erosion tests and their material, if plastic,
is subjected to flammability testing.
All bushings not unique to one flameproof enclosure are also subjected
to pressure testing at 30 x lo6 N/m2 to ensure that no leaks occur along the
Arrangements for entry facilities
The usual method by which cables enter flameproof enclosures is via a cable
gland or conduit. The most common method in the UK is a cable gland but
the situation is quite the reverse in the USA - a fact which is quite important
as flameproof enclosures in the USA are tested with a length of conduit
Electrical installations in hazardous areas
attached, whereas in the UK this is not done. Therefore, the requirements
for fitting stopper boxes (described later) are different in the UK to those
used in the USA.
Glands enter the enclosure through its wall and the entry is normally a
threaded hole which must satisfy the requirements for a threaded joint with
the cable gland or conduit in place. This places significant requirements on
the production of such holes and for this reason they are normally machined
into the enclosure at the time of manufacture. This causes problems as
entries may be required in different places for different applications. To
overcome this the manufacturer machines in several holes, some of which
are unlikely to be used in particular installations. To overcome this problem
a series of closing devices have been develop for unused threaded openings.
These devices must be secure and form, with the opening, a threaded
flamepath. The acceptable methods of mounting are as follows: first, the
closing device must be removable only from the inside of the enclosure. It
must be fitted from the inside or secured from the inside after fitting (see
Fig. 10.20); second, the closing device may be fitted from the outside but
shall only have a narrow shoulder to minimize the possibility of its removal
with a wrench, and its installation or removal must be with a hexagon
head or socket of the same specification as those used for bolts and screws
holding enclosures together (see Fig. 10.21);or third, the closing device must
be fitted with a shearing head so that it is permanently installed when the
head has been sheared off (see Fig. 10.22).
10.3.4 Fasteners
The fasteners used for flameproof enclosures are almost invariably screws,
bolts, or nuts and bolts. These devices have to hold the enclosure together
during an explosion but are not usually an integral part of it. These bolts or
screws need to comply with the following : first, their threadform, tolerances
and heads should comply with those for special fasteners to BS/EN 50014
which are discussed in Chapter 8; second, any screws bolts or nuts used
Engaged threads
and length for
Closing device
(no specific head precautions)
Fig. 10.20 Internally secured closing device
Protection concept flameproof enclosure ' ' 263
Hexagon socket as per
Fig. 10.21 Closing device with hexagon key type control
This part shears
Residual head narrow
Fig. 10.22 Closing device with shearing head
as fasteners should have a lower limit yield stress of at last 240N/mm2 in
accordance with IS0 6892 and, unless there is a real necessity to use fixings
of a higher yield stress, it is recommended that these are always used.
The use of any higher yield stress fixings is considered as special and will
require the 'X' mark described in Chapter 8; and third, if any stud screw
or bolt passes through the wall of the enclosure it must form a flameproof
joint, as described in Section 10.2.1, and be non-detachable, being held to the
enclosure by welding or a method which is equally effective (e.g., rivetting).
10.3.5Component parts
In general there are no specific requirements for components within flameproof enclosures except those associated with such things as arcing parts.
Arcing or sparking parts
It is known that arcing parts placed near and in the plane of flange gaps can
seriously affect the flameproof nature of an enclosure and, when this occurs,
Electrical installations in hazardous areas
the information in this chapter may not be sufficient to ensure that an enclosure is flameproof. It is difficult to see how such parts could be placed in
similar proximity to spigot and cylindrical parts, but in exceptional circumstances where such possible siting is identified the same problems arise.
Obstacles near flamepaths
Obstacles placed near flamepaths of flameproof enclosures are likewise
known to affect the flamefront and allow transmission of flame where none
would occur in their absence. This is important when constructing a flameproof enclosure where parts of the enclosure may have other items mounted
on them (e.g., a flameproof telephone). Much work has been done on this
problem, mainly to overcome installation problems, but the solutions identified are just as applicable for constructors. To avoid the possibility of an
enclosure with outside fixtures, which otherwise satisfies the requirements
for flameproof enclosures, failing flame transmission tests no obstructions
should be placed in the exit area of a flamepath within 1cm of the flamepath
edge for sub-group IIA, within 3cm of the flamepath edge for sub-group
IIB, or within 4cm of the flamepath edge for sub-group IIC.
Flameproof enclosures may contain apparatus which either requires a liquid
to operate (e.g., electrohydraulic devices) or operates on a liquid (e.g., a
chromatograph). These situations are not prohibited but care needs to be
taken to ensure that any liquid entering cannot decompose due to any
situation occurring within the enclosure, even in abnormal conditions, and
create a vapour belonging to a more onerous sub-group than that for which
the enclosure is designed. In these circumstances the enclosure must be
designed for the more onerous sub-group as the vapour produced may exit
the enclosure at the flanges and form the external explosive atmosphere in
addition to being present within the enclosure.
Any liquid or gas within the enclosure which may be pressurized must
not pressurize the enclosure if released therein, or an effect similar to pressure piling may occur. If liquid or gas under pressure is permitted within
an enclosure there must be a method of breathing or draining to ensure that
the enclosure is not pressurized in the worst case of internal release. The
method of breathing or draining needs to maintain the flameproof nature
of the enclosure and is subject to specific construction requirements.
Breathing and draining devices
Breathing and draining devices are for draining liquids and gases from
an enclosure without any significant pressure increase. They may not be
Protection concept flameproof enclosure ‘d’ 265
used where a liquid core gas released within an enclosure increases the
internal pressure by more than 1x lo4N/m2 and they may not be used to
reduce internal pressure caused by an explosion, even though they themselves may withstand such an explosion. Therefore, an enclosure where the
internal pressure is increased by liquid or gas release within it must withstand the internal pressure produced in the absence (blockage) of the device,
and must not transmit the explosion to the outside atmosphere. This will
require special construction requirements not included in those for flameproof enclosures. The internal pressure generated by an internal explosion
must also be considered as that occurring with the device blocked.
Breathing and draining devices, due to their construction (which will be
described later), are often manufactured in copper or brass. While this is
generally acceptable it must be borne in mind that copper in the presence
of acetylene may form copper acetylides, which are in effect solid explosives. For this reason devices containing copper or of alloys containing
more than 60 per cent copper are not permitted in breathing or draining
devices for enclosures for applications where acetylene may be present.
This is necessary because, although users will identify enclosures containing
copper as unsuitable and not use them, it may not be clear to that a coppercontaining breathing or draining device is present in an otherwise copperfree enclosure.
There are two types of breathing or draining device, namely those with
measurable flamepaths through their interstices, and those where these
paths cannot be measured.
The requirements for breathing and draining devices, whose dimensions
are all measurable and controllable to ensure that each measurement is
repeatable within a specific tolerance or against a specific maximum value,
are fairly straightforward. The measured gaps and interstices need not
comply with the gap dimensions specified earlier in this chapter for flange,
spigot and cylindrical gaps, provided the device does not transmit an
internal explosion to the outside atmosphere when tested in the same
manner as these gaps and, in addition, the device withstands an internal
explosion within enclosure without damage when a pressure test is applied
to the enclosure with the device blocked.
As with all divisions there are exceptions and in this case the crimpedribbon breathing and draining device is one. These devices may have
gaps within them which can be specified as to their maximum and
minimum sizes and in this case they are breathing and draining devices
with measurable gaps. In such cases they are tested for their ability to
transmit an internal explosion to the outside atmosphere with the maximum
gaps permitted. Their material of construction is, however, restricted in
that no material used may contain magnesium, aluminium or titanium
because these materials are active in that they can burn and, therefore,
adversely affect the performance of the device in an unquantifiable manner.
A preference for cupronickel or stainless steel is expressed but this is not
mandatory, provided that the metal used is not subject to any reaction with
266 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
the gases involved as this would adversely affect the performance of the
device insofar as its flameproohess is concerned.
There are several types of breathing and draining device whose gaps and
interstices cannot be measured and an alternative strategy is necessary to
define these with regard to their ability to transmit an internal explosion to
the outside atmosphere. The approach used is to define the overall dimensions of the devices. Their density in accordance with BS 5600 Part 316 is
then determined, followed by their bubble pore size in accordance with the
same British Standard. Although this Standard is concerned with sintered
metal elements, the determination methods can be readily applied to other
types of breathing and draining device. Determination and specification of
these two parameters will adequately define the performance of the devices
for the purposes of confidence in their flameproof properties, provided that
they satisfy the flameproof requirements on explosion transmission type
BS/EN 50018 places requirements on the methods used for determination of porosity or fluid permeability which determine the effectiveness of
the device as a breathing or draining device, requiring them to be determined in accordance with B 5600, Part 3. The reason for this is that the
performance of the device as a breathing or draining device is pertinent
to the pressure which can be developed within the enclosure prior to the
initiation of an internal explosion. If the device does not perform effectively
then the entry of fluids into the enclosure is not acceptable as it could lead
to pre-pressurization.
Elements with non-measurable gaps are subject to four basic
constructional requirements. First, crimped-ribbon elements shall, as for
those with measurable elements, of metal and magnesium, aluminium,
titanium, or alloys containing these materials are not acceptable. A
preference for cupronickel or stainless steel is expressed but use of these
metals is not mandatory, provided the metal or alloy chosen does not
react with the fluids present in a way which would adversely affect
the flameproof properties of the device. In particular, where acetylene is
involved the upper limit of 60 per cent copper in any alloy used must
be observed to avoid copper acetylides, which tend to behave as solid
Second, pressed wire elements are required to be metal and to satisfy the
same requirements as crimped-ribbon elements, as far as their materials of
construction are concerned. Their initial construction must also begin by
the compression of the wire or wire braid into a die to form a homogeneous matrix which can then be treated as a solid material as far as further
machining is concerned.
Third, sintered metal devices may be constructed of any metal but the
same restrictions as for pressed wire elements apply to these. The preferred
metals in this case are stainless steel or, where acetylene is not present,
90/10 copper - tin bronze.
Fourth, the construction of metal-foam elements is much more specific
because of the method of production of as metal foam. The elements need
Protection concept flameproof enclosure ‘d 267
to be produced by coating a reticulated polyurethane foam with nickel
and then removing the polyurethane by thermal decomposition. The nickel
must then be converted into nickel/chrome alloy by a process such as
gaseous diffusion and subsequent compression of the metal foam produced.
After compression the devices should contain at least 15 per cent chromium
by weight.
Cable glands
Cable glands used in flameproof enclosure may be of two types; a normal
compression gland with a sealing ring (see Fig. 10.23), or a gland using
a sealing compound (see Fig. 1 . 4 . The type chosen depends upon the
type of cable used for a particular installation, in that a compression gland
is only suitable where effective sealing of the cable interstices is possible
by compression. In both cases the thread on the part of the gland which
is screwed into the enclosure is required to satisfy the requirements for
threaded joints and, in addition, required to be at least 8mm long and
comprise at least six f l threads to ensure the five thread minimum speciul
fied for a threaded joint. If the gland has an undercut to ensure that its base
is flush with the enclosure side, washer must be provided and be sufficiently
non-compressible to ensure that the undercut does not enter the female
thread and reduce the engaged thread length to less than five threads.
8rnrn rnin
(or outer sheath
if cable not
Exd seal (and weather seal
for unarrnoured cable)
Fig. 10.23 Flameproof compression gland