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Electrical installations in hazardous areas
Poured seals which are used as permanent seals and not subject to
separation in normal service must have a melting point which is at least
20°C higher than the maximum temperature which the device is expected
to reach in service at maximum ambient temperature.
The internal free volume of both enclosed break devices and nonincendive components must not exceed 20 cm3.
There are also limits on the rating of these devices and these are as follows.
First, enclosed break devices shall not be rated at voltages exceeding 660V
and which are rated for currents in excess of 15A.
Second, non-incendive components have similar but lower absolute limits
w i h are 250 V and 15 A. In this case, because of the nature of the device,
the circuit feeding any sparking contacts is important as flame quenching
is the possible means of protection. They are usable only in particular
circuits and testing for ignition must be in circuits typical of those in
which the component is intended to be used. For this reason non-incendive
components normally appear only as parts of other apparatus and not as
apparatus in themselves - unlike enclosed break devices which can more
readily stand alone.
Type tests
To execute the necessary type tests the devices are filled and surrounded
with the explosive atmosphere specified in Table 14.5.
In the case of enclosed break devices the atmosphere within the enclosure
will be ignited by the contacts within it or by the internal hot surface and
ignition verified by some means (e.g., thermocouples or ionization detection). The external atmosphere must not be ignited. The test will be repeated
three times using renewed explosive atmospheres in each case and the ignition will be by the contacts operating at their maximum rating or the hot
surface at its maximum temperature.
In the case of non-incendive components there is no need to confirm
internal ignition. The enclosure is filled and surrounded with the explosive
Table 1 . Test mixtures for flame transmission in
enclosed break devices and non-incendive
Test gas mixture
6.5 f0.5% ethylene i ah
28.2 f 2% hydrogen in air
34 f 2% hydrogen117 f 1%oxygen in nitrogen
(from BS 6941)
Protection concept
'N ('n')
atmosphere as before and the contained hot surface or contacts operated
in the most onerous condition in the circuit in which they are used. In the
case of contacts they will be preconditioned by being operated 6000 times
at a rate of around 6 operations per minute at their rated load (not the
circuit load). The contacts are then operated at their maximum circuit load
50 times at around the same rate when the explosive atmosphere is present
and ignition of the external explosive atmosphere must not take place. No
time criterion is given for hot surfaces but allowing the test to proceed for
10 minutes is acceptable. These tests also must be repeated three times with
new explosive atmospheres each time.
The apparatus is, in this case, sub-grouped I A IIB or IC depending
upon the test mixture used. A typical use for an enclosed break device is
shown in Fig. 1 . where it is used as an automatic isolator for a screw
lampholder. A microswitch which is a typical non-incendive component is
shown in Fig. 1 . .
74.5.2 Hermetically sealed devices
Hermetically sealed devices are devices which are permanently sealed by
means such as fusion. This type of seal is used in normal equipment for
such things as contacts and relays to allow for the production of a controlled
atmosphere around contacts to give maximum efficiency and longevity. In
Type 'N, however, they can be used to exclude an explosive atmosphere.
End electrical
Side electrical
Fig. 14.3 Automatic isolation of lamp on removal using enclosed breawnonincendive component technique
446 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
Fig. 14.4 Microswitch using enclosed breaklnon-incendive component technique.
Note: The shroud is removed for testing
Seals are made by such arrangements as glass/metal fusion, welding,
brazing or soldering. Seals made using gaskets cannot be termed as hermetic
seals. Where hermetic sealing is used the seal must not be damaged in
installation of the device in apparatus and must not be damaged by the
normally applied impact and, if appropriate, drop tests.
Type testing
Once the seal is made it is not possible to carry out any measurements
inside the enclosure and the only test which can be carried out is a leakage
test. This can be carried out by placing the device in hot water to expand
the internal gas (water at 75 "C to 85 "C is used and the initial apparatus
temperature is between 15°C and 35"C), or by evacuating the air above
the water in which the device is immersed to encourage leaking (in this
case the temperature of both test item and water are between 15°C and
35°C and the pressure over the water is reduced to an absolute value of
5 x 103N/m2absolute).
The differential temperature test is normally for 2 minutes and leakage
is observed by noting a single large production of bubbles at the device
surface, or a train of bubbles for at least 20 seconds. Normal air release
from the surface on initial immersion should be ignored even though it
gives similar indications for a short time. In the case of reduced pressure
a continuous train of bubbles will be noted until the enclosure reaches the
pressure of the air over the liquid.
Protection concept ‘N’ (‘ny 447
74.5.3 Sealed devices
Sealed devices are similar in operation to hermetically sealed devices but
use sealing gaskets and poured seals, and are often secured together by such
things as rivets. Like hermetically sealed enclosures, they are not intended
to be opened in service and by the use of such things as rivets or adhesives
they are destroyed by opening.
Sealed devices are limited in size, unlike hermetically sealed devices, to
100cm3. Their gaskets are conditioned as for enclosed break devices but
in situ and they must be protected against mechanical damage or environmental damage in the same way. Poured seals are also subject to the same
Type testing
The type tests applied to sealed devices are identical to those for hermetically sealed devices.
14.5.4 Energy limited apparatus and circuits
This technique is very similar to intrinsic safety in that it relies on the
limitation of power and energy in the circuit in question to levels that,
even if released as a spark or delivered to heating of a surface, will not
cause sparks or hot surfaces which are ignition capable. The approach is
much more simple.
There are two types of energy limited apparatus: the first type, ‘apparatus
containing energy limited circuits’, is that which is connected to a circuit
which contains ignition-capable energy where limitation is within the
apparatus where sparking contacts or possible hot surfaces are present; the
second type, ‘Apparatus for connection to energy limited circuits’, is that
which is connected to a circuit usually initiated in a non-hazardous area
where the entire circuit in the hazardous area - both within and outside
the apparatus - does not contain incendive levels of energy.
Apparatus containing energy limited circuits is fed from a supply which
is not energy limited and will be either limited by means described earlier
for non-sparking circuits or by the mains. It will normally contain further
448 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
voltage limiting devices, such as a transformer if mains fed, or zener diodes.
Further current limiting by such things as resistors will normally also be
present, the objective being to define clearly the power and energy which
can be fed to sparking contacts or potentially ignition-capable hot surfaces.
In the case of sparking contacts the sparks are always there (unlike sparks
caused by faults) and the likelihood of coincidence of a spark and the explosive atmosphere is thus increased. This means that the maximum voltage
and current let-through of the limiting devices, in the case of mains with
a 10 per cent elevation, become important and form the basis of evaluation of safety for both spark ignition, and hot surface ignition rather than
the normal operational limiting circuit parameters. Thus the voltage and
current are in all cases based upon the tolerances of the voltage and current
limiting components in the apparatus. In many cases these elements will
not form a part of the operational circuit and thus, if voltage limiters such
as zener diodes are used and their failure is not identified by maloperation
of the circuit, they must be duplicated if they protect a sparking contact.
This also applies to such things as resistors used in a shunt mode to limit
voltage but not to such devices used in series. Where such components are
used to suppress inductances their connection to the inductance must be
made reliable by placing them as close to it as possible with arrangements
to limit the possibility of their becoming disconnected without the simultaneous disconnection of the inductor, unless their disconnection is identified
by maloperation of the apparatus.
Apparatus for connection to energy limited circuits may or may not have
within it limiting devices to prevent overheating or incendive sparking but,
they will be based upon the energy limited source specified for connection
to the apparatus. In this case such devices will be predominantly for temperature limitation or for energy limitation in cases where storage within the
apparatus can occur, such as included inductors or capacitors.
The important thing here is to specify the maximum open circuit voltage,
short circuit current, and power transfer capability required in the circuit to
which the apparatus is connected, together with the maximum inductance
and capacity (with L/R ration as a possible alternative to inductance)which
may be present in that circuit. It is then up to the installer to ensure that
these parameters are complied with. This will often mean the apparatus in
the non-hazardous area containing voltage and current limitation to a level
similar to that required in this type of apparatus.
It must be remembered here that use of the non-incendive circuit
approach, where the entire circuit is non-incendive, is intended to allow
live working to a similar degree as that for intrinsic safety (see later in
this book).
Testing of non-incendivity is carried out at points where sparking will
occur using the spark test apparatus and the same test mixtures as for
intrinsic safety (see Chapter 13) but in this case no safety factors are used.
Protection concept ‘ N (n)
The test gas mixtures and calibration currents for the spark test apparatus
are repeated in Tables 14.6 and 14.7, with additional calibration currents
for resistive circuits. The presence of resistive calibration currents stems
from the historic position in intrinsic safety where it was felt that the difference between inductive calibration and resistive calibration was sufficient to
warrant separate calibration for resistive and capacitive circuits to that used
for inductive circuits. This difference has now been accepted in intrinsic
safety as not significant and only the inductive calibration is used. While it
may be expected that the same will be the case in Type ‘ N it is not currently
so and thus the two different calibration currents still exist. Another difference here is that the test may be carried out with a t n disc in the spark
test apparatus rather than the normal cadmium. This gives higher levels of
ignition power and energy because it does not have an ignition enhancing
effect. It is not permitted for intrinsic safety because of the difficulty of
exclusion of cadmium, zinc and magnesium, all of which have this ignition
enhancing effect. In Type ’N’, however, where the risk is more remote it is
concluded that the level of attention to adequately ensure the absence of
these materials may be less rigourous and thus possible. Notwithstanding
ths, however, it is recommended that the cadmium disc (i.e., the more
sensitive) test is used where possible.
Assessment of sparking circuits is possible for type ’N’ using the curves
given in Chapter 13 (Figs. 13.5, 13.6,13.8 and 13.10).The curves can be used
directly as there are no added safety factors as in intrinsic safety.
Table 14.6 Test gases for non-incendive
Test gas
5.25 & 0.25% propane in air
7.8 0.5% ethylene in air
21 k 2% hydrogen in air
Table 14.7 Calibration currents for spark test apparatus
Inductive circuits
Resistive circuits
450 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
14.5.5 Restricted breathing enclosures
This is a somewhat unusual type of protection relying not on total sealing
but on the limitation of entry and exit of gas (breathing). Historically it
has only been used on certain lighting fittings in the UK and has not been
considered as acceptable for sparking equipment. In Switzerland, however,
where much more use of the technique has been made, quite the reverse is
the case. The technique used by the Swiss does not permit hot surfaces and
only allows sparking contacts. Its use is much more prevalent, for example
it can be applied to large switchboards.
The historic UK approach, which is still current, is the use of restricted
breathing for luminaires and its exclusion for sparking contacts. This stems
from the view that luminaires are not regularly switched on and off and
that, even if some breathing occurs, it is unlikely that anything like an ideal
explosive atmosphere will ever exist in the enclosure. For this reason it
is considered that the approach is acceptable for Zone 2 and, indeed, the
historical use of this approach without problems supports this. While the
approach has been considered as suitable for luminaires which are not regularly switched on and off (i.e., not subject to duty cycling) the support for
any other use where temperature cycling within the enclosure occurs more
regularly does not exist. This is not a problem for the UK because restricted
breathing has in the past been restricted to luminaires and this continues
to be the case. The following is the situation for restricted breathing as
practiced in the UK.
There are no constructionalrequirements for restricted breathing enclosures
other than that thermoplastic and elastomeric seals are preconditioned, as
for those in enclosed break devices, before any type testing is carried out
and that they need to be protected against mechanical and environmental
damage in the same way. Likewise poured seals are subjected to the same
requirements as those in enclosed break devices.
Restricted breathing enclosures are required to have facilities for
execution of the restricted breathing test in service and there has, therefore,
to be a facility to allow the connection of a test device.
Type testing for restrictive breathing enclosures is quite simple as it is solely
a test of the inward breathing of the enclosure (the outward breathing is
not important). The enclosure is reduced in pressure to less than 0.97 x
lo5N/m2 absolute (approximately 0.97 atmospheres) and then the time
taken for ingress of air sufficient to change the pressure from 0.97 x lo5
to 0.985 x lo5 is measured. This time must not be less than three minutes.
It is possible to determine this time with an internal overpressure only
Protection concept ‘N’ (‘n’) 451
where it can be shown that the performance of the enclosure is the same
for overpressure as for underpressure.
This test may need to be carried out after reclosure of the apparatus,
sometimes after each opening, and provision needs to be made in the
construction to allow this to be done. Usually this is by having an entry
device for a simple evacuating device which can be sealed with a valve or
a screw and gasket after testing.
Other approaches to restricted breathing enclosure
The other country which has historically used restricted breathing as a protection concept is Switzerland where the concept was used in a quite different
way. Here the concept has been used for equipment which may spark in
normal operation, such as switchgear, and it has been limited to apparatus
where the internally dissipated power is not sufficient to raise the internal
temperature by more than 10°C. Thus it has not been possible to use it for
luminaires. While the basic constructional requirements have not differed
greatly the testing has. One of three tests have been applied as follows.
1.A diffusion half-time test is applied whereby carbon dioxide is introduced
into the enclosure without raising its pressure until the level of internal
carbon dioxide concentration is 25 per cent. The internal concentration of
carbon dioxide is then monitored for sufficient time to allow a straight line
curve showing reduction of concentration with time to be plotted. This
curve is then extrapolated to estimate the time necessary for the internal
concentration of carbon dioxide to fall to 12.5 per cent which must not be
less than 80 hours. Where the pressure measuring device adds significant
volume to the enclosure volume (more than say 10 per cent) then the time
given above needs to be multiplied by the total volume divided by the
enclosure volume.
2. Alternatively, where the enclosure has a volume of less than lolitres,
it should be raised or lowered (alternatives) to a pressure of 500N/m2
above or below atmospheric pressure and the reduction in pressure differential measured. The time taken for the difference to fall from 400 N/m2 to
200N/m2 must be at least 80 seconds in this case. The same multiplication
of time as for the carbon dioxide test is applied where the measuring device
has a significant volume.
3. A third alternative is to pressurize the enclosure to 400N/m2 above
atmospheric pressure and calculate the volume of air required each hour to
maintain that overpressure. That volume, divided by the enclosure volume,
should not exceed a value of 0.125.
Use of the concept
As with the UK approach the Swiss approach, as defined in IEC 79-1511, has
been limited to apparatus that is not subject to duty cycling, which can cause
452 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
significant temperature changes. In addition, the technique in its Swiss/IEC
guise is limited to gases and vapours which have restricted breathing factors
(s)of less than 20. This factor is related to the boiling point (bp), the molecular
weight (m) and the lower explosive limit (LEL) of the gas or vapour in
question and is derived from Fig. 14.5. The boiling point is identified on
the left-hand side of Fig. 14.5 and the molecular weight on the right. These
are then joined by a straight line which creates a point Z on the centre line.
The LEL of the gas or vapour is then identified on the right-hand side of
Fig. 14.5 and a line drawn to the left-hand side via the point Z on the centre
line. The restricted breathing factor can then be read off on the left-hand side.
While this approach to restricted breathing is not currently used in the
UK, the imminent production of a European Standard for type of protection
' N may include it as the approach is in IEC 79-1511 which will form the
basis for the European Standard. The presence of such a European Standard
may create a situation where it may become incumbent on the UK to utilize
this type of apparatus and for this reason it is included. The safety of such
equipment may be called into question but its long use in Switzerland
produces no evidence to support any such doubts.
Fig. 14.5 Determination of restricted breathing factor (S). Notes: (1) Draw a line
between the material boiling point end its molecular weight. This crosses
the centre line at Z. Draw a line from the LEL via Z to determine S -the
breathing factor. (2) Where boiling temperatures of less then 40 "Coccur,
40°C will be assumed for use of figure
Protection concept ‘N’
(‘n’) 453
1 BS/CP 1003 (1967)
Part 3. Division 2 Areas.
2 BS 4137 (1967)
Guide to the Selection of Electrical
Equipment for Use in Division 2 Areas.
3 BS 5345
Installation and Maintenance of Electrical Apparatus for Use in Potentially
Explosive Atmospheres. Part 1 (1976).
Basic Requirements for All Parts of
the Code.
Council Directive on the Approximation of the Laws of Member States
concerning electrical Equipment for
Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres. 18th December.
4 76/117/EEC (1975)
5 94/9/EC (1994)
Directive of the European Parliament
and Council on the Approximation of
the Laws of Member States Concerning
Electrical Equipment for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres. 23rd
6 BS 4683
Electrical Apparatus for Explosive
Atmospheres. Part 3 (1972). Type of
Protection N.
International Electrotechnical Commission.
Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Atmospheres with Type of Protection N.
Specification for Rotating Electrical
Machines of Particular Types for
Particular Applications. Part 16 (1972).
Rotating Electrical Machines with Type
of Protection N.
8 BS 6941 (1988)
9 BS 5000
10 BS 4533 (1976)
Luminaires: Part 101, Specification for
General Requirements and Tests;
Part 102 Particular Requirements: (Section 51) Specification for Luminaires
with Type of Protection N.
11 IEC 79-15
Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas
Atmospheres. Part 15 (1987). Electrical
Apparatus With Type of Protection n.
Comite Europeen de Normalisation
454 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
13 BS/EN 60529 (1988)
14 BS 4999
15 BS 5901 (1980)
16 BS 5917 (1988) (withdrawn)
17 IEC 34
18 BS 5042 (1987)
19 BS 6776 (1990) (withdrawn)
20 BS 6702 (1991) (withdrawn)
21 BS 3772 (1980)
22 BS 2818 (withdrawn)
23 BS 4782 (1971) (withdrawn)
24 IEC 61 (1969)
Specification for Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (replaced BS 5490).
General Requirements for Rotating
Electrical Machines. Part 105 (1988).
Classification of Types of Enclosure.
Method of Test for Determining the
Comparative and Proof Tracking Indices of Solid Insulating Materials under
Moist Conditions.
Specification for Conformal Coating
Material for Use on Printed Circuit
Assemblies. This Standard has been
replaced by the following: BS/EN
61086-1 (1995);BS/EN 61086-2 (1995);
BS/EN 60086-3 (1995).
Rotating Electrical Machines. Part 5
(1991). Classification of degrees of
protection provided by the enclosures
of rotating machines.
Specification for Lampholders and
Starter Holders.
Specification for Edison Screw
Lampholders: this Standard has been
replaced by BS/EN 60238 (1992).
Specification for Lampholders for Tubular Fluorescent Lamps and Starter
Holders: this Standard has been replaced by BS/EN 60400 (1992).
Specific for Starters for Fluorescent
Ballasts for Tubular Fluorescent Lamps.
This standard has been replaced by the
following: BS/EN 60920 (1991); BS/EN
60921 (1991).
Specification for Ballasts for Discharge
Lamps (Excluding Ballasts for Tubular
Fluorescent Lamps). This standard has
been replaced by the following: BS/EN
60922 (1991); BS/EN 60923 (1991).
Lamp Caps and Holders Together with
Gauges for Control of Interchangeability and Safety.