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Design philosophy for electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres 167
encapsulation of the electrical circuits, and pressurization of the enclosure
containing the electrical circuits with non-flammable gas.
Oil immersion (symbol ‘0’)
In this protection concept (type of protection) the electrical components
are immersed in oil within their enclosure, thus preventing access of the
explosive atmosphere. It is dealt with in detail in Chapter 9. There are limitations on the type of oil which may be used and requirements to ensure
the security of the oil within the enclosure, so that the electrical circuits
remain immersed. The technique is considered as suitable for Zone 2 only,
at present, within the UK but is used in more hazardous areas in other countries. This is likely to change in the not-too-distant future (see Chapter 9)
and will be the protection concept permitted in Zone 1.
Encapsulation (symbol ‘m’)
This protection concept is dealt with in detail in Chapter 9. Again, the explosive atmosphere and electrical circuits are separated from one another, this
time by encapsulating (potting) material. The types of material used are
defined and the encapsulated block is arranged so that surfaces presented
to the outside are hard enough to give protection. The technique is considered as suitable for both Zone 1 and 2.
Pressurization (symbol ‘p’)
This protection concept is dealt with in detail in Chapter 11. In this technique the explosive atmosphere is kept out of the equipment enclosure by
pressure of air or inert gas. Air is normally used as there are asphyxiation
problems with inert gas. Because the protection is by a gas (air) it is almost
always necessary to provide ancillary equipment to ensure that the air pressure is maintained in spite of small leakages, which are almost certain to
occur. Because of this the technique almost always requires a pressurecontrol system, together with a purge system to ensure that on start-up any
internal explosive atmosphere is removed, and this gives added complication which must be set against its added flexibility because of the ease
of depressurizing for repair. The technique is considered as suitable for
both Zone 1 and 2 or only Zone 2, depending upon the pressure-control
systems used.
7.2.2Prevention of sparking (criterion b)
There is only one formal protection concept which is suitable for both
Zone 1 and 2 in this area.
168 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
Increased safety (symbol ‘e’)
This protection concept is dealt with in detail in Chapter 12. The technique
accepts that there is ignition-capable energy within the equipment but relies
upon the quality of construction to ensure that the energy is not released
in a way which could cause ignition. This is achieved by the quality of
construction of the equipment. The technique is considered as suitable for
both Zone 1 and 2.
7.2.3Containment of explosions (criterion c)
There are two protection concepts which use this technique.
Flameproof equipment (symbol Id’)
This is the oldest protection technique. The explosive atmosphere is
permitted to enter the equipment enclosure and to be ignited by the
components within. The equipment is, however, provided with a very
special strong enclosure which will withstand the internal explosion without
sustaining damage and, in addition, will prevent the flames associated with
the internal explosion from exiting the enclosure in a way which would
permit them to ignite any surrounding explosive atmosphere. The technique
is considered as suitable for both Zone 1 and 2.
Powder filling (symbol ‘q’)
Here the equipment enclosure is filled with quartz, sand or some similar
inert small-grained filling. The technique is an extension of an old technique
involving the use of stone chambers to prevent the passage of flame upducting. These chambers served to quench the flame, or so it was thought.
The filling does not prevent the explosive atmosphere from accessing the
equipment and coming into the proximity of a source of ignition. The finegrained filling, however, serves to quench any ignition, thus preventing an
explosion. The technique is considered as suitable for Zone 2 only in the
UK, but is used in more hazardous areas in other countries and is expected
to be acceptable for use in Zone 1 in the UK in the not-too-distant future
(see Chapter 9).
7.2.4 Energy limitation (criterion d)
There is only one protedion concept in t i area but it is the protection
concept offering the highest level of security.
Intrinsic safety (symbol ‘i’)
In this technique the electrical energy fed to the equipment is below that
which will cause ignition if released in a spark or as a hot surface, and
Design philosophy for electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres 169
all energy storage in the equipment is closely controlled to ensure that
stored energy is limited. As with pressurization, this equipment relies to
a large extent upon other equipment, which feeds it with electricity and
the technique is somewhat complex. It is also limited in its application to
instrumentation because of the energy limitations imposed, but within this
limitation it is very flexible.
There are two grades of intrinsic safety, the higher grade ‘ia’ being suitable for Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2, but the lower grade ’ib’ being limited
to Zone 1 and Zone 2.
7.2.5 Special situations
While the methods of equipment protection given in Sections 7.2.1 to 7.2.4
cover most situations normally encountered, there is an additional type of
protection for use where the types already described are not appropriate
because of advances in technology or special circumstances.
Special protection (symbol ‘s’)
Special protection is not a fixed type of protection, as in the above but is
used to describe equipment which is suitable for use in explosive atmospheres on the basis that its individual type of protection is equivalent to
one of the more classic types, although different. Its typical use is to permit
advances in technology where such advances do not easily fit into standard
types of protection. It has been typically used for encapsulated equipment
’m’ prior to the publication of the construction Standard for that type of
protection, and for sintered flame arresters prior to those being included in
type of protection ‘d‘ (flameproof enclosure). It has also been used where
techniques contrary to existing standards such as bi-pin tubes in type ‘e‘
(increased safety) fluorescent fittings are used on the basis of equivalent
safety. It can also be used where equipment which has two independent
types of protection, each of which is complete in itself (e.g., an increased
safety ’e’ terminal chamber in a flameproof enclosure), is used provided
that the two protection concepts are each independent of the other. This
latter approach must, however, be treated with caution.
Type ‘sf equipment is usable as specified in each particular case, and is
only usable in Zone 0 and 1 where this is specifically stated.
7.3 Situation in respect of Zone 2 apparatus
While the techniques described in Sections 7.2.1 to 7.2.5 are all suitable for,
at least, Zone 1 and 2 (with the exception of the current situation in respect
of protection concepts ’0’
and ’q’) they offer a standard of protection which
is higher than is necessary for Zone 2. For this reason a further type of
protection has been developed.
170 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
Type of protection ‘n’ (historically in the UK, type of protection IN’)
This type of protection includes industrial equipment which does not get
hot or spark, which was historically selected by users, and adds simplified
forms of protection for sparking equipment or that which gets hot, based
upon the Zone 1 types of protection. By producing detailed requirements,
it removes the doubt which used to exist when only selection by somewhat
general criteria was the order of the day, which led to excessive use of
Zone 1 equipment in Zone 2, needlessly increasing operational expense.
7.4 Protection of electrical apparatus for dust risks
Unlike the situation in respect of gases, vapours and mists, the problems
in relation to dusts are the settling properties which dusts have, and their
conductivity. If dust enters an equipment enclosure in significant quantities, it will settle on the electrical components and by insulating them
could cause excessive heating and, if it is conductive, partial short circuits
and similar faults. The objective with dusts, therefore, is always to prevent
significant amounts penetrating the enclosure. This leads to a very much
simpler situation than that which exists with gases, vapours and mists, as
there is effectively only one form of protection, which is to ensure the dust
remains on the outside of the enclosure.
While some equipment constructed for gas/vapour/mist risks is also
suitable for dusts, this does not necessarily follow, and it should not be
assumed that because equipment is suitable for the one type of medium
it is automatically suitable for the other. It is very important to remember
this as dust risks and gas/vapour/mist risks often coincide and, in such
cases, the electrical equipment must be protected for use in both types of
risk, and the elements of this protection may be separate in each case.
7.5 Apparatus construction Standards
The harmonization of Standards is of paramount importance for members
of the EU as these Standards will be acceptable throughout the EU and,
by an agreement between the EU and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), in EFTA countries also. To this end, those Standards which are
harmonized may be called up in EU Directives as Standards with which
compliance demonstrates fulfilment of the Directive, provided this is verified by a recognized (notified) certification body. Therefore, the Standards
for equipment protection for gas, vapour and mist risks (with the exception
of those methods restricted to Zone2 use only) have been historically
referred to in 76/117/EEC2 and compliance with them allows the use of
the Distinctive Community Mark (see Chapter 1).With the introduction
of the newer Directive 94/9/EC5, the EEC policy was changed to include
essential technical requirements within the Directive. These are included
Design philosophy for electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres 171
in a relatively general form and it is intended to identify the harmonized
standards (EN’S) as a method of satisfying the essential requirements, by
their approval by publication in the European Journal7. Unfortunately, it
has been realized that the second editions of these current Standards do
not necessarily satisfy the essential requirements and the Standards writing
body, the Centre Europeen de Normalization Electrique (CENELEC), has
been remitted to produce third editions which do in general, in 1997. This
means that the new Directive5 cannot be practically introduced until some
time in 1997, and in the meantime the older Directive2 will remain the only
vehicle by which the Distinctive Community Mark can be awarded. Unfortunately, this Directive still refers to the first editions of the harmonized
Standards and the second editions, now current, will not permit the use of
the mark. Urgent action is being taken to introduce the second editions of
the harmonized Standards into 76/117/EEC2 but until that time certification
in accordance with that Directive will be in line with the first editions.
While this seems to be a problem, it is not really, since the second
editions do not vary widely from the first, and most equipment manufacturers are ensuring that their equipment will comply with both until
the new Directive5 comes into force . When this Directive5 is enacted the
third editions of the harmonized Standards will exist, and any equipment
certified after that will comply to the new provisions.
7.5.1 Zone 0 and/or Zone I compatible apparatus for gases,
vapours and mists
As already stated, there is a long world-wide history of utilizing only thirdparty certified equipment in Zone 0 and 1 and in some countries this is
required by law. At the moment this is not the case in the UK, but the
new Explosive Atmosphere Directive5 from the EU will effectively ensure
this by requiring that all equipment marketed in the EU complies with it
(the Directive itself requiring third-party type certification as a minimum).
While this will cause some restriction in the UK the impact will not be
great, as industry in the UK has historically used only third-party certified
equipment by choice. Therefore, subject to the resolution of the difficulties
already identified in this chapter, the situation will not change greatly.
What this historic situation has led to is a very high degree of detailed
construction Standards which have become more and more international
due to the international level of operation of the industry which needs
the equipment. The current situation is that the Standards for electrical
equipment intended generally for Zone 0 or Zone 1 (or both) are fully
harmonized European Standards, and within the next 10 years will become
fully harmonized International Standards. There are, however, historic
national and European Standards which address this area and equipment is
still available complying with these Standards. There is no suggestion that,
in general, such equipment is not still safely usable in many circumstances,
and the titles of those Standards are referred to in Chapters 8 to 15. Many of
172 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
those standards are, however, obsolete or withdrawn and they should not
be used for construction of new equipment. Where equipment complying
with both current and historic Standards is available, the equipment to the
current standards is always preferable.
The relatively large number of methods by which electrical equipment
may be protected has meant that a large number of Standards exist, and
it has been recognized that many of the requirements of these standards
are common. The standardization structure is therefore to have a general
Standard and a series of additional Standards which refer to the general
Standard for many of their requirements, but contain additional requirements particular to the method used to protect the equipment. These are
all European Standards and are structured as follows.
BS/EN 50014 (1993) - General requirements (see Chapter 8)
This is the general or common Standard and contains any requirements
which apply to more than one of the specific methods of protection. Its
requirements apply to all of the protection concepts (with the current
exception of ’ ’ , unless they are specifically excluded and should be
read in conjunction with all of the following individual protection concept
Standards. It is currently at its second edition stage which should supersede
the first edition, but equipment certified in accordance with this and one of
the subsidiary protection concept Standards cannot, as already described,
bear the Distinctive Community Mark referred to in Chapter 1, unless it
also satisfies the first edition of the Standard. Therefore, it will not have
free access to EU Member States (and EFTA States).
This, as already identified, is because Directive 76/117/EEC2 currently
refers to the first edition and the mark is controlled by the Directive, not
the Standard. Again, as already identified, work is in hand to modify
76/117/EEC2 and it is expected to allow the use of the second editions of
this, and its subsidiary Standards, for equipment relating to the Directive
in late 1996. A further complication which is preventing the activating of
the new Directive5is the fact that there appear to be discrepanciesbetween
the second editions of these Standards and the essential requirements given
in the new Directive. (As already stated, all new approach Directives carry
the essential safety requirements within them, unlike their older counterparts which referred to Standards). This means that third editions of These
standards will need to be produced and the production is expected to be
complete in late 1997.When published, equipment complying with the third
editions of these Standards will be deemed to comply with the Directive
and will consequently be able to carry the ’Distinctive Community Mark’
in accordance with the Directive’s provisions. The need for continuing with
the older Directive, 76/117/EEC2, will then cease to exist for new equipment, although the older equipment will continue to be acceptable until the
beginning of the twenty-first century (see Chapter 1).
Design philosophy for electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres 173
This Standard, as already indicated, is supplemented by a series of specific
BS/EN 50015 (1994) - Oil immersion ‘0’ (see Chapter 9)
This is the second edition of this particular Standard. It suffers from the
same problems in use as BS/EN 50014, second edition, and the resolution
of those problems is being dealt with in the same way.
BS/EN 50016 (1996) - Pressurized apparatus ‘p’ (see Chapter 11)
This is the second edition of this particular Standard. It suffers from the
same problems in use as BS/EN 50014, second edition, and the resolution
of those problems is being dealt with in the same way.
BS/EN 50017 (1 994) - Powder filling ‘q’ (see Chapter 9)
l h s is the second edition of this particular Standard. It suffers from the
same problems in use as BS/EN 50014, second edition, and the resolution
of those problems is being dealt with in the same way.
BS/EN 50018 (1995) - Flameproof enclosures ‘d’ (see Chapter 10)
This is the second edition of this particular Standard. It suffers from the
same problems in use as BS/EN 50014, second edition, and the resolution
of those problems is being dealt with in the same way.
BS/EN 50019 (1994) - Increased safety ‘e’ (see Chapter 12)
This is the second edition of this particular Standard. It suffers from the
same problems in use as BS/EN 50014, second edition, and the resolution
of those problems is being dealt with in the same way.
BWEN 50020 (1995) - Intrinsic safety ‘i’ (see Chapter 13)
This is the second edition of this particular Standard. It suffers from the
same problems in use as BS/EN 50014, second edition, and resolution of
those problems are being dealt with in the same way.
EN 50028 (1987) - Encapsulation ‘m’ (see Chapter 9)
This is the first edition of this particular Standard. It is dual numbered and
is also known as BS 5501, Part 8 (1987). It is not being rewritten at this time
as it is felt to remain current and will not be amended until a third edition
is published to comply with the essential requirements of 94/9/EC5. This
174 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
produces a further complication as it refers to the first edition of EN 50014
and should be used with that edition. This is not, however, a major problem
as those parts of EN 50014 which apply can be derived from either edition
of EN 50014 without problems (see Chapter 9).
EN 50039 (1980) - Intrinsically safe electrical systems ‘i’
(see Chapter 13)
This is the first edition of this particular Standard and is dual numbered as
BS 5501, Part 9 (1982). Fortunately it does not directly relate to EN 50014
but is stated to be a supplement to EN 50020 (1977) (BS 5501 part 7 (1977)),
the first edition of that Standard. There is no practical problem here and this
Standard can equally be used with the second edition of EN 50020 which
is current (BS/EN 50020) (see Chapter 13).
7.5.2 The marketing situation in respect of European Standards
The value of the European Standards referred to in Section 7.5.1 lies in the
fact that equipment which complies with them in their appropriate issue
may bear the Distinctive Community Mark and has free access to both the
EU and EFTA (European Free Trade Association) States. The problem lies
in the difficulty in harmonizing the political (EU) documentation with the
standards which are written by a separate technical body (CENELEC). For
the time being, equipment must comply with the first editions of these
standards to bear the Distinctive Community Mark but will also need to
comply with the second editions of the Standards because of the imminent
modification of the older Directid. It is likely, for the time being, that
equipment will need, to provide maximum flexibility for the manufacturer,
to comply with both the first and the second editions.
In addition, because two of the above Standardsare still current in their first
editions, the situation appears even more complicated. These two Standards,
however, make limited reference to EN 50014 and the change of edition of
that Standard will make little practical difference. Also, the ‘n’ Standard is
relatively contemporary and will include much of current thinking.
In addition to the above Standards, a certification Standard was issued
for type of protection ‘s‘ by one of the UK third-party certification bodies.
This may sound odd as, if an item of equipment is special it infers that it
is non-standard. These was, however, a good reason for t i issue and the
Standard is used by both UK third-party certification bodies for the issue
of national certificates, as opposed to the European certificates issued for
equipment complying with European Standards.
SFA 3009 (1972) - BASEEFA Standard for type of protection ‘s’
(see Chapter 9)
This Standard included many of the techniques developed, but not
included, in formal Standards at the time (e.g., sinters, encapsulation, etc).
Design philosophy for electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres 175
It has now been largely taken over by the second editions of the European
Standards, but equipment certified to its requirements is still available and
used in the UK.
7.5.3Zone 2 compatible apparatus
forgases, vapours and mists
In the case of Zone 2 apparatus there is no long history of third-party
certification as in the more hazardous zones, and industry has historically
selected its own using a British Standard Guide1 for assistance. Within
the UK, however, industry has always been slightly uneasy at this and
has sought third-party certification for Zone 2 equipment also. Historically,
there was no avenue for this and as no detailed certification requirements
existed it was difficult to arrange one. This unhappy situation led to HM
Factory Inspectorate issuing ‘Letters of no Objection’ for some items of
equipment, which effectively said that the Factory Inspectorate had no
knowledge or evidence to suggest the equipment was unsuitable. This difficult state of affairs led to the production in the UK of a Standard for Type
’N’ equipment6 to permit formal Certification. The reason for the upper case
‘ N was that there was an international symbol for this equipment ‘n‘ and
it was hoped that the use of the upper case letter would avoid confusion
with the international concept, for which there was no Standard. There still
remains only a National Standard for Type ’ N equipment and, unlike the
situation in Section 7.4.1 where certification is valid across Europe, type ’N’
certificates issued within the UK are valid only in the UK. The Standard in
question is:
BS 6941 (1988) - Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres with type
of protection ‘N’ (see Chapter 14)
This Standard covers all of the requirements for all of the methods used for
protection of electrical equipment which is intended for Zone 2. It is based
upon an international document published by the International Electrotechnical Commission - EEC 79/15 (1987), but because of the fact that the UK
did not agree with some of the contents of IEC 79/15 there are significant
IEC 79-1 5 (1987) - Electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres
Pari 15: electrical apparatus with type of protection ‘n’ (see Chapter 14)
This international document was the subject of considerable controversy as
several countries objected to some parts of it. The principal objection of the
UK was to the restricted breathing concept being used for sparking contacts
and t i concept does not appear in BS 6941. Because of these objections it
was only possible to issue IEC 79-15 as an IEC Report not a Standard. This
means that it is only a guidance document despite having the appearance
of a Standard.
176 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
7.5.4 Electrical apparatus for dust risks
The British Standard for dusts based upon the International Standard is
not yet published and the current British Standards3are limited to Zone 21
and 22 (Zone Z and Y .There are currently, therefore, no Standards for the
construction of electrical equipment for Zone 20.
For Zone21 and 22, equipment construction Standards exist. These
mainly cover the degree of enclosure of the equipment, together with
additional construction requirements covering such things as strength, etc.
In one case, the relevant Standard covers the additional requirements
necessary to make equipment constructed for gas/vapour and mist risks
suitable for use in the explosive atmospheres of combustible dusts. The
relevant Standards follow:
BS 6467 (1985) - Electrical apparatus with protection by enclosure for use
in the presence of combustible dusts, Part 1: specification for apparatus
(see Chapter 15)
It will be noted that the Standard particularly draws attention to the fact that
protection is by enclosure. In addition, the Standard differentiates between
equipment suitable for Zone21 and Zone22, and that suitable only for
Zone 22.
BS 7353 (1992) - Guide to the use of electrical apparatus complying
with BS 5501 or BS 6941 in the presence of combustible dust
(see Chapter 15)
This Standard essentially specifies in what circumstances equipment
complying with European Standards (ENS)is suitable for use in explosive
afmospheres of combustible dust and air and what extra constructional
features are necessary. It refers to these European Standards as BS 5501, as
their first editions were given the numbers that follow:
BS 5501, Part 1 (1977) - EN 50014, first edition
BS 5501, Part 2 (1997) - EN 50015, first edition
B 5501, Part 3 (1977) - EN 50016, first edition
BS 5501, Part 4 (1977) - EN 50017, first edition
BS 5501, Part 5 (1977) - EN 50018, first edition
BS 5501, Part 6 (1977) - EN 50019, first edition
BS 5501, Part 7 (1977) - EN 50020, first edition
B 5501, Part 8 (1988) - EN 50028, first edition
BS 5501, Part 9 (1982) - EN 50039, first edition
While, as before, these European Standards are now, or soon will be,
replaced by their second editions (which are numbered BS/EN5O and
upwards with the exception of BS 5501, Parts 8 and 9) the differences so
produced are not likely to be sigmiicant and it is likely that in most cases
Design philosophy for electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres 177
the second editions will, when used with this standard, produce satisfactory
IEC 1241-1 - Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible
dust, Part 1: electrical apparatus protected by enclosure (see Chapter 6)
This is the IEC document which is relevant to dust hazards and is a much
newer document.
The requirements of this Standard are not dissimilar to BS 6467, Part 1
and at some time in the future it is expected that the two Standards will
be harmonized. Until that time, however, it is expected that equipment to
either the IEC Standard or BS 6467, P r 1will be acceptable in the UK.
A further Part of IEC 1241 is also envisaged and will address at least
some of the matters addressed by BS 7535. Work is in hand on sections
to cover intrinsic safety 'i' and pressurization 'p' in dust risks. When they
are published, unless the UK votes against them, they are expected to be
acceptable in the UK as alternatives to BS 7535.
1 BS 4137 (1967) Guide to the Selection of Electrical Equipment for use in
2 76/117/EEC
3 BS 6467
5 94/9/EC
6 BS 4683
Division 2 Areas.
Council Directive of 18 December 1975 (on the approximation of the laws of Member States concerning electrical
equipment for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres)
Electrical Apparatus with Protection by Enclosure for Use
in the Presence of Combustible Dusts. Part 2 (1985)Guide
to Selection, Installation and Maintenance.
Engineering Codes and Regulations, Electrical Installations in Flammable Atmospheres (1973). Group C
(Electrical), Volume 1.5.
Directive of the European Parliament and Council of 23
March 1994 (on the approximation of the laws of Member
States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres)
Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Atmospheres Part 3
(1972). Type of Protection N.
Official Journal of the European Communities.