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Electrical installations in hazardous areas
20.3.2 Inductance and capacitance
The cable or conductor arrangement will have been selected to ensure that
its energy storage capability does not adversely affect intrinsic safety and
this normally involves inductancelresistance ratio and capacitance. (Inductance itself is normally not used as a selection parameter except where the
inductance/resistance ratio acceptable in the circuit is so low as not to be
usable with standard conductor configurations such as can be the case in
high current circuits.) The capacitance between the circuit conductors may
be based upon failures between the causing of interconnection of conductors as this increases capacitance and hence stored energy, rather than
reducing stored energy as is normally the case with inductance because of
current division. (This is normally only a problem in circuits using screens,
using more than two conductors or led through multicore cables which are
subject to fault - see Chapter 13). Experiments have shown that the multiconductor configuration does not lead to a directly additive situation and
the capacitance of typical multi-conductor situations approximates to the
figures given in Table 20.2.
Table 20.2 Effect on capacitance of interconnection of conductors in multicore cables
Number of
fitted/not fitted
Amount by w i h
the capaatance
between any two cores
should be multiplied
2.0 (note)
2.5 (note)
Not fitted
Not fitted
Not fitted
3.0 (note)
Note: 1 The screen is assumed to be deliberately connected to one side of the circuit w i h is
the normal situation.
Where conduit systems are used it is not possible to use separate
insulated conductors as is normally the case unless the inductance,
inductance/resistance ratio, and capacitance of the circuit can be defined in
the worst case because of the possible movement of conductors within the
conduit. It is normally necessary to ensure that the conductors are secured
together to guarantee their respective positions and to fit a screen which can
be connected to the potential equalization system to negate the influence
of the conduit if it is metallic. Any screen used for this purpose must, be
insulated to withstand a test voltage of 500 V rms.
Intrinsically safe circuits and non-intrinsically safe circuits must not be
contained within the same conduit.
Installation of intrinsically safe apparatus 571
20.3.3 Cable installation
Cables containing intrinsically safe circuits should be installed to minimize
the risk of damage. Although failure of a cable which contains only one
intrinsically safe circuit does not directly cause ignition-capable sparking
its interconnection with local structural steel, for example, can result in
invasion. Thus the precautions normally taken with industrial installations
in areas of similar mechanical and environmental risk are appropriate. If
the risk of mechanical intervention is high, consideration should be given
to using armoured or metal sheathed cable to minimize the risk of damage.
In particular multicore cables of Type ‘B’ (see Chapter 13) require special
precautions to be taken to prevent physical damage as they will contain
more than one intrinsically safe circuit, with separation only by conductor
In order to avoid invasion, cables containing intrinsically safe circuits
preferably should not be mounted on the same cable tray or in the same
cable duct as those for non-intrinsically safe circuits, unless at least one of
the types of cable is steel wire or braid armoured or is metal sheathed.
If this is not the case then where they are led in the same ducting or on
the same tray, the ducting or tray should be fitted with a divider which
effectively divides the two types of cable (see Fig. 20.2). This divider should
be rigid, robust and, if conducting, be fitted in such a way that it makes
good contact with the local structural metalwork and hence the bonding
(potential equalization) system.
When cables containing intrinsically safe circuits are fitted in the proximity of other conductors and cables which contain non-intrinsically safe
(earthed metal
or insulating)
straps or loom
Cable duct
safe circuit
(labelled or
light-blue sheathed)
safe circuit
(must not be
light-blue sheathed)
safe circuit cables
(need not be
O marked)
safe circuit
(need not be
restrained but
must not be
blue sheathed)
Fig. 20.2 Cable tray and ducting containing mixed cables. Note: As the intrinsically
safe circuit cables are not necessarily marked or light-blue sheathed then
such marking on colouring is necessary on the part of the duct containing
intrinsically safe circuit cables
Electrical installations in hazardous areas
circuits, the possibility of induction of energy from those circuits into the
intrinsically safe circuits needs to be considered as in extreme cases it could
adversely affect intrinsic safety. This is only likely to be a problem when
intrinsically safe circuit cables are led parallel to and, in close proximity
with, single conductor cables carrying high currents parallel to high voltage
overhead power lines.
20.3.4 Conduit installation
All conduits are subject to the normal installation requirements for conduits
(see Chapter 18). The possibility of induction, while being less with
conduits, must still be considered in the cases identified in Section 20.3.3.
20.3.5 Marking of cables, cable bundles, cable trays, or ducts and conduits
There are currently no specific requirements in the UK for marking of cables,
cable bundles or conduits containing intrinsically safe circuits although, in
BS/EN 50020, marking of connection facilities in certified/approved apparatus is required. It is, however, wise to mark cables, cable bundles and
conduits in some way to ensure that the security achieved in initial installation is not later compromised by, for example, mixing of unarmoured
intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe cables on the same tray or in
the same duct, or pulling non-intrinsically safe conductors into conduits
containing intrinsically safe circuit conductors. BS/EN 60079-142 for the
first time sets out minimum marking requirements. These requirements are
minimum and it is recommended that the following procedure, which is
slightly more onerous, be followed.
1. Individual cables should be marked unless their installation makes it
obvious that they contain intrinsically safe circuits, for example, where
they are in a cable tray or duct or a clearly defined part thereof, which
is clearly marked (see 2).
2. Cable trays or ducts or parts thereof, which are reserved for intrinsically
safe circuit cables only, should be clearly marked if the cables within
them are not marked.
3. Points on conduit systems at which conductors may be drawn into
the conduit, such as junction boxes, should be marked to prevent nonintrinsically safe circuit conductors from being drawn into the conduit.
Marking may be by label or colour coding or by equally effective
means. It should be noted, however, that connection facilities within
certified/approved intrinsically safe and associated apparatus will be
Installation of intrinsically safe apparatus 573
marked by the colour light blue if a colour code is used, and thus where
colour coding of cables, cable trays or conduits or parts thereof and conduits
is used for this purpose then the same colour (light blue) should always be
used. It is necessary to ensure that no other cables have sheath colouring
of light blue (e.g., thermocouple cable) where sheath colour coding is used
to idenhfy intrinsically safe circuit cables. Where the colour coding is used
for tray/ducting or conduits, other cables can be light blue although this is
not ideal as it could cause confusion.
2 . . Additional requirements for Zone 0 (and Zone 20 where
Notwithstanding Chapter 13 intrinsically safe circuits entering Zone 0 (or
where appropriate Zone 20) should only be fed down Type 9 multicore
cables containing more than one intrinsically safe circuit where all intrinsically safe circuits within the cable are category ‘ia’ (see Chapter 13). (Category ’ib’ circuits are only intrinsically safe with one fault and thus, with
more faults must be considered as non-intrinsically safe, which means that
with two faults the circuits could operate in a way which could damage
the cable).
Intrinsically safe circuits may be fed down such multicore cables where
the circuits within the cable and its screens are connected to the potential
equalization system at the same point, or each screen within the cable is
insulated from all other screens with insulation capable of withstanding
a test voltage of 500Vrms (this means that the total insulation between
screens should be capable of withstanding a test voltage of 1OOOVrms). (If
the screens can become interconnected and are earthed at different points
it is possible to invade the enclosed circuits with any current which flows
when the two points on the potential equalization system are at different
potentials as may be the case in fault conditions).
20.4 Conductor terminations
In intrinsically safe installations, particularly where multicore cables are
used, it is common to find uncertified junction boxes in installations rather,
than the case in other protection concepts where any such box would
need certification/approvalbecause its content would be ignition capable if
sparking occurred. Junction boxes in intrinsically safe installations are used
to allow individual distribution of circuits where several are included in
the same cable and in individual circuits where advantage can be identified
(e.g., in cases where certified/approved apparatus has a flying lead rather
than terminals and thus no termination provision, where the terminals in
the certified/approved apparatus are in the same enclosure as the electrical
components and it is considered this constitutes an unacceptable risk of
574 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
damage in the particular installation, and where it is considered as advantageous to have a local isolation facility outside the apparatus or its terminal
box). In these cases it is necessary to ensure that the terminal box satisfies
those construction requirements appropriate which would be applied if it
were certified/approved and the duty here falls upon the user.
20.4.7 Terminal construction
The terminals used in such boxes need to be constructed so that the
clearance, creepage and distance through encapsulant or solid insulation
satisfy the requirements for intrinsic safety (see Tables 13.8, 13.9 and 13.10
in Chapter 13). In addition, to minimize the possibility of inadvertent earths
due to stray strands of terminated conductors touching other circuits or
earth, the minimum distances between the point of termination and earth,
and between the point of termination and other circuits need to satisfy the
requirements shown in Fig. 20.3.
Fig. 2 . Terminal construction
Installation of intrinsically safe apparatus 575
It should be noted that in BS 5345, Part 4 the separation from earthed
metal was 4mm rising to 6 m m at circuit voltage above 90V peak and
up to 374V peak. This was to take account of the minimum figures in
Tables 13.8, 13.9 and 13.10 which require clearances of 4 m m at 90V peak
and 6 m m at 375V peak. Such a precaution is not necessary as the clearance figure is determined by the tables where they exceed the clearances
given in Fig. 20.3, as the Fig. 20.3 clearances are only to give minimum
dimensions for physical reasons rather than electrical ones as is the case
with the tables.
Terminals in junction boxes also need to give confidence in the quality of
connection. This means that the method of clamping the conductors needs
to ensure adequate clamping of all conductor strands and of not damaging
them in doing so. While a normal screw terminal will satisfy this requirement where the conductor ends are fitted with a crimped ferrule to prevent
direct pressure on the conductor (see Fig. 20.4), the action of the screw when
it directly impinges on a conductor, particularly a stranded conductor, is
such that effective clamping cannot be guaranteed and possible damage to
the conductor or its strands cannot be ignored. The normal terminal used
for a single conductor is shown in Fig. 20.5 and for multiple termination
in Fig. 20.6.
The use of terminals can be summed up as follows. First, terminals
where the screw impinges directly on the conductor are only permissible
for conductors fitted with a ferrule, whether they are single conductors or
multistranded conductors (see Fig. 20.4). In addition, only one such ferruled
conductor may normally be terminated in such a terminal.
Second, terminals of the type shown in Fig. 20.5 may be used for a single
conductor with or without ferrule, whether it is a single conductor or a
multi-strand conductor. Only one such conductor should be terminated in
a terminal of this type.
Third, terminals of the type shown in Fig. 20.6 are specifically designed
to allow termination of more than one conductor, whether it is a single
conductor or multi-strand conductor. Conductors with or without ferrule
Solid or stranded
(Note 2)
(Note 1)
Fig. 20.4 Conductor crimping. Notes: (1) Conductor must exit the ferrule but must
be cut off as close to the ferrule as possible. (2) Two Independent crimping
points are necessary to ensure reliable crimping and electrical connection
576 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
Terminal loose I Terminal clamping
to accept
conductor I
Spring anti-vibration
leaves relaxed
Terminal screw
Pressure plat
Spring anti-vibration
(Ferrule not
necessary - see Note)
Fig. 20.5 Typical terminal for termination of a single conductor. Note: If the pressure
plate were omitted a ferrule would be necessaly on the conductor
Fig. 20.6 Typical terminal for multi conductor termination. Notes: (1) Vibration security is achieved by slight spreading of wings, until retained by top clamp, on
tightening. (2) Conductors should be fitted with ferrules even if a pressure
plate is present
may be terminated provided the maximum number specified by the
terminal manufacturer is not exceeded.
Notwithstanding the above it is always best to use a ferrule with multistranded conductors if possible as it gives the opportunity to identify the
crimping of all strands in the multi-stranded conductor before termination
takes place.
Installation of intrinsically safe apparatus 577
It is also necessary to ensure that terminals are secure against loosening, particularly in the case of multi-circuit junction boxes as loose wires
could cause interconnection between circuits or inadvertent earths. Most
normal terminals achieve the necessary integrity in this regard but the
practice is to use terminals which satisfy the requirements of increased
safety 'e' (see Chapter 12) to ensure this. These terminals are not normally
certified/approved as such, but use the same forms of construction and are
readily available. Most ranges of these also have the possibility of interconnection of terminals by shorting bars which allow termination of more than
one conductor at a single electrical point without the necessity of using
terminals as described in Fig. 20.6.
20.4.2 Assemblies of terminals (junction and barrier boxes)
In the hazardous area terminal boxes can only contain intrinsically safe
circuits when mounted in a hazardous area unless their configuration is
certified/approved to another protection concept suitable for the hazardous
area of installation (e.g., flameproof enclosure 'd' or increased safety 'e').
In such cases not only must the box comply with the protection concept
in question, but the segregation of intrinsically safe circuit wiring and
non-intrinsically safe circuit wiring must comply with the separation
requirements which are necessary when they are mounted in a nonhazardous area.
Where only intrinsically safe circuit conductors are present the outer
sheath of the conductor is usually removed as soon as the cable enters
the box, and conductors inside the box are then usually loomed together
or fitted inside trunking to give security as they will not move much even
if they become disconnected. Figure 20.7 shows a typical arrangement for
such boxes. The screens are usually led through the box without being
connected to the potential equalization system in such boxes, either by being
gathered on a conducting bar or by use of additional terminals (although
this latter is difficult where multicore cables with an overall screen only
are concerned). It is necessary to exercise extreme care when this is done
as the screens are not connected to the potential equalization system and
should be capable of withstanding a 500 V rms test. As testing in hazardous
areas is often difficult, the physical arrangements for the screen are important and may require its sleeving to prevent inadvertent connections. If a
connection to the potential equalization system is intended and possible
then all of the screens intended to be connected should be gathered on a
conducting bar, and the bar should be C O M & ~ to the potential equalization system with an insulated conductor which has a level of insulation
capable of withstanding a 500 V rms test which gives a connection resistance
not exceeding 1G?.
The above constructionalspecificationsalso apply to junction boxes which
contain both intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe terminations. While
this should be avoided as far as possible where it becomes necessary the best
way is to divide the box into two compartments (as shown in Fig. 20.8). The
578 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
Terminal box
Individual wires
to terminals
(Note 1)
Individual wires
to terminals (Note 1)
-Harness or
(Note 3)
where the conductors
enter the harnesdtrunking
Incoming cables
(one may be a multicore)
Fig. 20.7 Typical junction box containing only intrinsically safe circuits. Notes (1) The
wires are insulated up to the terminal. (2) Where screens are connected
to the potential equalization system (bonded) at the same point they may
be collected on a conducting bar which is insulated from the enclosure.
(3) Where individual screens are connected to the potential equalization
system (bonded) at different points one to another, they may not be
connected to a common bar but shall be sleeved with insulation and fed
through terminals as other conductors
partition in this case needs to be the same as would be required in associated
apparatus (see Chapter 13) in that it should extend to within 1.5mm of the
enclosure walls and is sufficiently robust. As before, this normally means
a metal partition of at least 0.45mm minimum thickness firmly connected
to the potential equalization system or an insulated barrier 0.9mm thick.
If the material used can be easily distorted by manual pressure at these
thicknesses they should be increased until it gives confidence that normal
termination activities will not cause significant distortion. As there are nonintrinsically safe circuits in this situation it is important that the connection
to the potential equalization (bonding) system is not combined with that
for the screen of intrinsically safe cables (see Section 20.5 of this chapter).
Installation of intrinsically safe apparatus 579
(Note 4)
Rigid conducting or
insulating divider rising to
within 1.5 mm of box lid
safe circuit
(Note 3)
Intrinsically safe circ
screen collection
Non-intrinsically safe
screen connection bar
(need not necessarily be
isolated from
safe cables
(Note 2)
Intrinsically safe
circuit cables
(Note 1)
Fig. 20.8 Mixed circuit box with divider. Notes: (1) These cables should be fed
to dedicated intrinsically safe cable traydducts. (2) Non-intrinsically safe
circuit cables should be kept separate from intrinsically safe circuit cables.
(3) Installation of non-intrinsically safe circuit cable must comply with the
protection concept appropriate or industrial practice. (4) Box construction
(as far as is appropriate to non-intrinsically safe circuit cables) must comply
with industrial requirements. Where it is hazardous area mounted it must
satisfy a relevant protection concept (e.g., Exd or Exe) as far as nonintrinsically safe terminations are concerned
If such partitions are not present the configuration should be as shown in
Fig. 20.9. The termination points of the conductors and screens of the intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe circuits are separated by a clearance of
at least 50 mrn measured through air between them around any rigid insulating or metal partitions present. In this case, insulating rather than metal
partitions are to be preferred unless the metal partition is firmly connected
to the potential equalization system.
As previously stated, cable harness or trunking for the intrinsically safe
circuit conductors and screens is always necessary to prevent excessive
movement, but in the case where there is no partition such harness or
trunking becomes necessary for the non-intrinsically safe circuit conductors
and screens to prevent movement lessening separation from intrinsically
safe counterparts.
A particular application of the mixed junction box is the one where it is
used for the fitting of barrier devices and thus becomes the intrinsically safe
interface of several intrinsically safe systems. This is shown in Fig. 20.10.
580 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
circuit cables
safe circuit
(Note 1)
Fig. 20.9 Mixed circuit box without a divider. Notes: (1) These cables should be
fed to dedicated intrinsically safe cable trays/ducts. (2) Non-intrinsically
safe circuit cables should be kept separate from intrinsically safe circuit
cables. (3)If the non-intrinsically safe circuit screen collection bar is not
deliberately connected to the potential equalization system (possibly via
the enclosure) it must be 50 mm from the intrinsically safe circuit screen
collection box and the intrinsically safe circuit terminals. (4) Box and nonintrinsically safe parts must comply with industrial requirements if mounted
in a non-hazardous area, but if hazardous area mounted must satisfy the
requirements of an appropriate protection concept (e.g., Exd or Exe).
(5) Non-intrinsically safe conductors must be in a restraining harness
or trunk, and if a harness, then separation from a harness containing
intrinsically safe conductors should be at least in accordance with the
requirements of BS/EN 50020 (3mm minimum is suggested)
Terminal and barrier boxes for general use should be IP54,particularly if
used outside, and should be robust to allow for rough handling. This is, of
course, not necessary when the terminals or barriers are mounted within a
control room or similar, and even a box is not strictly necessary here if the
location is protected from the environment and interference by the configuration of the building. It is recommended, however, that a terminal or
barrier box should be used in all but the most exceptional of circumstances
as otherwise the degree of personnel control necessary to avoid danger will
be very high and is unlikely to be maintained over a long period.
It is slightly less usual, but sometimes necessary, to create a junction
box where the intrinsically safe system is composite whereby the voltage
limitation is in one item of apparatus and the current limiting circuits in
another, which is the case with some alarm and public address systems.
This involves three types of wiring in the box as follows: