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Protection concepts for apparatus for dust risks 459
is dust tight as no visible dust will have entered during the tests for enclosure
suitability which includes the enclosure being operated in the dust-test atmosphere at reduced pressure to give dust every opportunity to enter. Such
enclosures must be tested for Degree of Protection IP6X in accordance with
BS/EN 605294 (for older enclosures produced prior to the introduction of
BS/EN 60529 the Standard used was BS 5490 and for swichgear,which is now
included in BS/EN 60529 and therefore does not have a specific unique Standard, BS 54206 was historically appropriate). It is notable that even rotating
machines must comply with this requirement rather than the requirements
of EN 60034, Part 57 (produced in the UK as BS 4999, Part 1058)which allow
variations specifically relating to enclosures of rotating machines and are in
normal circumstances considered as sufficient in other areas. For apparatus
for outdoor use is a total enclosure integrity package of IP65 is required and
this enclosure is considered as necessary for all apparatus used in Zone Z
and, in conducting dust situations, apparatus for Zone Y.
Dust-protected enclosures
This is a lower level of enclosure integrity and what is required here is
that the enclosure is at least IP5X to BS/EN 605294 or the more historic
equivalent Standards already quoted. In addition, because of the different
intended use such apparatus is restricted to Zone Y and only then acceptable for non-conducting dusts). In addition, enclosures offering IP5X to
EN 60034, Part 57 (BS 4999, Part 1058)are acceptable in these circumstances
even though they offer a slightly lower level of protection due to the requirement of normal rotating machines. In tlus case, however, there is a specification additional to those in the IP Standards quoted above in that the
amount of dust entering the enclosure during the test must not exceed the
equivalent of 10gm/m3 as derived from the mass of dust entering divided
by the free volume (after deducting the volume of components and assemblies within the enclosure from the total internal enclosure volume) of the
enclosure. This is an approach to defining the criteria for passing the test
and reduce the reliance on the opinion of the expert executing the test,
and again it must be remembered that the dust level quoted only refers to
non-conducting dust. This means an IP54 enclosure for use outdoors.
15.3 Operational requirements
The apparatus may or may not spark within the enclosure as the enclosure constitutes the protection. Thus there is no requirement for energy
limitation in a spark or arc but only of limitation of the maximum external
surface temperature of the enclosure. The enclosure temperature needs to be
determined in the following conditions: first, with the enclosure mounted
in the most unfavourable normal mounting position (that which gives the
maximum temperature on any part of the surface of the enclosure); second,
460 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
the supply voltage must be adjusted to any value within its operating
tolerance to give the maximum temperature in the above position (where
no supply voltage tolerance is quoted it is normal to utilize f10 per cent).
In the above circumstances the maximum surface temperature of the
apparatus must be 10°C lower than the maximum permitted temperature
for any dust cloud or layer in which the apparatus is intended to be used.
These permitted temperatures are as follows.
First, the maximum surface temperature of the apparatus enclosure must
be not more than two thirds less 10°C of the ignition temperature of the
dust cloud in which the apparatus may operate. (This means, for example,
that for a dust with a cloud ignition temperature of 280°C (sulphur) the
maximum surface temperature of the enclosure may not exceed 176°C
{[280 x 2/31 - 10) at the maximum ambient temperature (a surface temperature elevation of 136 "C at an ambient of 40 "C)).
Second, the maximum surface temperature of the apparatus enclosure
may not exceed a temperature 85°C lower than the minimum ignition
temperature of a 5mm dust layer. (This means that for lignite, which has
an layer ignition temperature of 225"C, the maximum enclosure surface
temperature permitted will be 140°C (225 - 75 - 10) or an elevation of
100"Cat an ambient of 40 "C).
The 10"Cmargin is normally included in the maximum operating surface
temperature specified for apparatus to BS 6467,Part 1 and thus it is only
necessary to multiply the dust cloud temperature by two thirds and subtract
75 "Cfrom its layer ignition temperature in order to identify the suitability
of the apparatus. Where apparatus complying with these requirements is
also used in gas and vapour risks and is thus temperature classified, the
Table 1 . Equivalent minimum dust ignition temperature for
gas/vapour temperature classifications
Minimum acceptable dust
ignition temperature
Type of protection
' 're,
d i t P,
T1 (450°C)
T2 (300°C)
T3 (200°C)
T4 (125°C)
T5 (100°C)
T6 (85°C)
675 "C'
450 "C'
308 "C'
525 "C
375 "C
280 "C
205 "C'
465 "C'
315 "C'
203 "C
535 "C
385 "C
285 "C
Notes: 'As a dust cloud cannot practically exist without dust layers forming,
and dust layers are a result of dust clouds, this figure i predominant i the
apparatus selection procedure and should always be used.
Protection concepts for apparatus for dust risks 461
10 "C margin is not necessarily taken into account during temperature classification. For all types of protection appropriate to gas or vapour risks
with the exception of type of protection ' N a factor of only 5 "C is used for
temperature classes T3-T6 with the 10 "C only being applied to T1 and T2.
(For type of protection 'N' no factor at all is used.) Where apparatus which
is temperature classified to BS/EN 500149 is used in dust situations without
change because, in other than surface temperature considerations, it can be
shown to satisfy BS 6467, part 1,*the permissible usage of the apparatus is
shown in Table 15.1.
15.4 Basic constructional requirements
As may be expected, the requirements for the construction of this type of
apparatus revolve principally around the needs of the enclosure integrity
which have already been dealt with in Section 15.2. There are, however,
requirements for physical strength and electrical connection but these are
very general and not dissimilar to those applied to apparatus for gas and
vapour risks.
15.4.1 Enclosure materials and mechanical strength
Enclosure materials
The basic enclosure material requirement is that it will withstand the environmental and other operating conditions which it may be called upon
to deal with in operation. These are mainly a matter of ensuring that the
manufacturer's material specification matches chosen use and thus selection criteria. There is, however, a specific requirement to ensure that all
enclosure materials are not operated outside their manufacturer's ratings
when subjected to a temperature 10"C higher than the maximum temperature which they will achieve at maximum ambient and in the most onerous
service conditions for which they are designed. This is clearly identifiable
at the construction stage and is necessary to ensure that enclosure strength
and IP-rating can be maintained. This requirement is, of course, no more
onerous than those applied to apparatus for gas and vapour risks.
As with enclosures for apparatus for gas and vapour risks, there is a
restriction on the magnesium content of any of the externally exposed light
metal enclosures or parts thereof to minimize the risk of thermite sparking
if the enclosure is struck by an oxidized (rusty) steel item.
A final requirement is that materials must not be combustible or
propagate flame if ignited. This is not principally an enclosure requirement
as if the enclosure is ignited from outside the source of dust ignition
already exists. It is, however, important for both enclosures and all other
parts inside the enclosure, as ignition may occur due to electrical fault
before the electrical protection operates, and it must be remembered that
there is no internal constructional requirement other than normal industrial
462 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
requirements to prevent such ignition. If it did occur there is a real danger
that the elevated temperature may damage the enclosure integrity leading to
ignition of any surrounding dust cloud or layer and thus the requirement
assumes a greater importance in this context. Methods of demonstrating
non-combustibility and prevention of flame transmission are not specifically
defined in relation to this particular risk and typical industrial methods of
demonstration are acceptable (e.g., BS 2782, BS 6458 and BS 6334 are typical
Standards which may be used for this purpose but they are not exclusive
and other recognized methods may be used).
Mechanical strength
The mechanical strength of the enclosure is required to be such that it will
not be damaged other than superficially by impact and drop tests. These
tests are identical to those used for apparatus for gas and vapour risks (see
Chapter 8) except that, because the enclosure is all important, the lower
level of impact test for enclosures intended for installation only in areas
where the risk of mechanical impact is low is not acceptable, the higher
figure always being required.
15.4.2Joints intended to be opened in normal setvice
Non-gasketted joints
Metal/metal and similar joints in enclosures which do not use compressible
gaskets may be used provided that the enclosure may be shown to achieve
the desired IP-rating. Such joints have minimum requirements applied to
them to ensure that they are repeatable and these are that the joint be close
fitting and have a minimum width over w i h this is achieved, defined as
the dust ingress path. No figure is given for close fitting but it is recommended that a maximum separation limit of 0.5mm be applied with the
proviso that the enclosure has to satisfy the necessary E'-rating. This would
allow the use of all flameproof enclosures which satisfied the necessary IP
be applied for
test. A minimum joint flatness requirement of at least 6.3
the same reason. Typical joints are shown in Fig. 15.1.
The minimum dust ingress paths (widths) for such joints need to be as
Flat flanged joints
Spigot joints
Cylindrical joints
Conical joints
Threaded joints
These joints may not use additional measures such as non-setting sealing
compounds to assist in the achievement of the necessary IP-rating but must
Protection concepts for apparatus for dust risks 463
Note :
Joint faces to be as close as possible (no deliberate gap)
Flanged joints
Spigot joint
Cylindrical joint
Conical joint
Note :
Joint faces to be as close fitting as possible (interterencefit)
Threaded joint
Note :
Three full threads must be engaged.
Fig. 15.1 Minimum dimensions for ungasketted joints
achieve the necessary IP-rating 'dry' on the basis of the fit of the two parts
of the joint alone.
Threaded joints, in addition to satisfying the length requirements, must
have at least three threads fully engaged, whether parallel or taper threads.
It is necessary to identify these joints if they are intended to be opened in
normal service in view of their importance to the protection offered by the
apparatus. Additionally and particularly it is necessary to identify the fact
that no compound is used in their completion. The purchaser of the apparatus must be aware of these matters if the apparatus is to be used safely.
Joints having gaskets and other types of sealing device
Plane joints may use flat gaskets to prevent the ingress of dust into
enclosures as shown in Fig. 15.2, provided that the gasket width is at least
Electrical installations in hazardous areas
A 2 3mm
Gasketted joints
(X+Y) 2 3 mm
'0' ring
(no defined minimum dimension)
'0' ring sealed joints
Fig. 15.2 Use of gaskets and '0'rings. Note: Gaskets must be secured to one face
of joint and ' 'rings in slots (by adhesive or other means which does not
adversely affect sealing of joint)
3mm. These joints include plain flanged joints and spigot joints where the
gasket is in the plane part and thus the spigot ceases to be important. In
this case the gaskets must be effectively continuous in that any joints within
them need to be bonded together and not just rely on pressure. The gaskets
should be fixed to one of the joint parts, possibly with adhesive, to prevent
their displacement but their material of construction should be such that
they do not stick inadvertently to mating faces. They must also be fabricated
of a material which is not damaged by the extremities of their service
conditions either by ageing or operation outside their material specification.
Other types of sealing unit, such as ' ' rings, may also be used and in
this case securing of the ring to one side of the joint will not be necessary
as such rings need to be fitted in recesses which effectively perform the
necessary action. Lip seals are also possible where the seal is by a shaped
ring at the edge of the joint. Again, these seals are profiled and positively
located by their form.
15.4.3 Semipermanent joints
Joints which form part of an apparatus which is not addressed in normal
service and which are seldom opened, need in principal to comply with the
foregoing requirements. A relaxation is, however, permitted in the case of
Protection concepts for apparatus for dust risks 465
flanged joints and threaded joints, whereby the dust path through the joint is
reduced to 3mm provided the joint surfaces are coated with a non-setting
sealing compound of adequate specification before assembly. Such nonsetting compounds may, unlike the situation in the case of regularly opened
joints, be used to assist exclusion of dust in all cases where the joint is
seldom opened in service and is flanged, cylindrical conical or a spigot
joint and is static.
The basic requirements for such non-setting compounds is that they be
chemically and thermally stable, and inert between a temperature 5 "C
below the minimum ambient temperature specified for the apparatus and
20 "C above the maximum temperature which they can reach, with the apparatus operated at the maximum ambient temperature in the most adverse
supply and mounting conditions. They also need to be impervious to deterioration as a result of the environment (e.g., moisture) or be protected from
contact with it.
15.4.4 Spindles and shafts
Spindles and shafts which move or rotate should be sealed against the unacceptable entry of dust by suitable bushings, the fitting of a dust exclusion
seal, a labyrinth joint or a combination of these types of device. Simple
cylindrical joints are not considered as suitable for this use. In addition,
the dust exclusion properties of the joints must be maintained when any
grease or oil applied to the joint for operational reasons is absent and the
joint relies only on its solid parts for its performance.
No minimum lengths of dust path are specified for such joints and their
dimensions are solely affected by their ability to achieve the necessary
15.4.5 Light-transmitting parts
Light-transmitting parts need to be fixed to the enclosure by one of the joint
techniques already mentioned or be fixed by cementing or similar methods.
Any transparent or translucent material may be used provided it complies
with the materials requirements already stated, and securing to the enclosure by cement alone is acceptable provided that the cement adheres to both
the light-transmitting part and the enclosure. The assembly including the
light-transmitting part needs to achieve the necessary IP-rating and must
not be damaged by the impact tests already described. The cements used
for cemented light-transmitting part assemblies needs to satisfy the same
requirements as those for non-setting sealing compounds already specified
(except of course that the cement is required to set). If the light-transmitting
part is glass then a thermal shock test of spraying a l m m jet of water at
10-15°C onto the glass when it is at its maximum operating temperature
is required.
466 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
15.4.6 Fasteners
The fasteners used to secure parts of the enclosure play an important roll in
the protection concept. Unless there is a specific additional device to prevent
the ingress of dust via their mounting or fixing holes, these should not enter
the enclosure and the thickness of metal or other enclosure material between
their sides and bottom and the inside of the enclosure needs to be not less
than one third of the hole diameter to ensure the enclosure is strong enough
to prevent cracking in service.
Hinged lids are acceptable provided that the hinge does not apply the
pressure necessary for sealing. A flexible hinge which allows lid movement during tightening of fixings is therefore necessary in such cases. Also,
because such movement may allow the displacement of the lid during tightening, locating pins may be necessary.
15.5 Specific additional requirements for particular types of
electrical apparatus and connections
As is the case with other protection concepts there are specific requirements
concerning connections, cable entry and for specific types of apparatus.
These are generally similar to those required for types of apparatus used
in gas and vapour risks and may generally be described as those applied
to industrial apparatus but with a few additional specifications.
15.5.1 Connection facilities
The requirements for connections to apparatus are very similar to those
required for apparatus for gas and vapour risks. This requires the
provision of connection facilities (except for apparatus manufactured with
a permanently connected cable) which are: accessible and allow effective
clamping of incoming cable, connection of conductors without relying on
any plastic part in the case of terminals and other connectors which rely
on pressure to hold the conductor; have sufficient separation so as to
minimize the risk of inadvertent short circuits to the normal industrial
degree; and have enclosures which ensure the required IP-rating after fitting
and connection of the conductors.
Earth connections are required within the terminal enclosure close to the
other circuit connections and, where the enclosure or any accessible part
of it is conducting, outside the enclosure also. The internal and external
earth connection facilities need to be able to accommodate a conductor of
at least the size required by Table 15.2, with a minimum size for :he external
conductor of 4mm which is not dissimilar to the specific requirement for
apparatus for gas and vapour risks. No external earth connection facility is
necessary for an enclosure which is wholly insulating as the objective of this
is to bond the enclosure locally to remove any risk of it being at a different
Protection concepts for apparatus for dust risks 467
Table 15.2 Required protective conductor crosssectional area relative to phase
Phase conductor crosssectional area
Minimum cross-section
required for
protective conductor
As the phase
>16 but 535
> 35
Half of the phase
conductor area
potential to the local metalwork. The internal earth connection facility may
also be omitted where it has no purpose (e.g., in double insulated apparatus)
or where it is specifically not permitted for a particular type of apparatus.
15.5.2 Cable and conduit entries
Where cables or conduits enter the enclosure, the method of entry must
be such as to ensure that the enclosure integrity is maintained. This may
involve the fitting of washers at the entry point and sealing of the interstices
of the cable, particularly where tape bedded cable is used.
Conduits will almost certainly require to have a stopper box fitted close
to the point of entry as otherwise the conduit will need to be considered as
part of the enclosure.
Cable glands need to clamp the cable sheath or armour to secure the
cable and prevent stress on the electrical connections. The requirements
here are identical to those for cable entries for apparatus for gas and vapour
risks (see Chapter 8), requiring a test on the clamped cable constituting
application of a specific tensile stress of specific values for specific times to
the clamped cable without any significant movement of the cable. Details
for these tests are given in BS/EN 500149.
15.5.3 Fuses and switchgear
Enclosures of fuses and remotely operated switchgear, including apparatus
with switching contacts, should be interlocked to prevent the enclosure
being opened while the apparatus is energized and, in both cases, the interlock needs to be on-load rated. If interlocking is not provided, the enclosure
needs to be fitted with a label warning against opening in a hazardous area
while the fuses or switchgear enclosed are energized. The term 'remotely
468 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
operated’ is used in relation to switchgear as locally operated switchgear
is always assumed to have mechanical interlocking to prevent enclosure
opening unless the switchgear is in the isolated position. In the unlikely
event that this is not so, then the interlocking or warning requirements
apply to locally operated switchgear also.
Disconnectors (isolators) are a particular problem as they are ’off load’
devices and are not intended to be operated on-load. These therefore require
that an interlock preventing their on-load operation is fitted, or a specific
warning against such action is provided.
The interlocking devices used in any circumstance must be such that
they cannot be readily defeated by use of such tools as screwdrivers or
pliers which are generally carried by personnel. The objective of this is to
minimize the risk of mistakes and is a similar requirement to that used in
the case of interlocks for apparatus for gas and vapour risks.
15.5.4 Plugs and sockets
As with apparatus for gas and vapour risks, plugs and sockets need to
be interlocked to prevent energized separation or, if not interlocked, to be
identified by warning as items which must not be so separated. The fixed
part of the plug and socket (that forming part of the apparatus) is also
required to maintain the IP-rating of the enclosure when the moving part
is not present. Again, the interlocking devices, if fitted, must be on-load
operable and not defeatable by normally carried tools.
15.5.5 Luminaires and similar apparatus
Apparatus, such as luminaires, where enclosures are more readily opened
than is the case for other apparatus, because of the needs of relamping, etc.,
should also carry a label warning against opening while energized unless
they are similarly interlocked. This is necessary as it is normal in standard
industrial circumstances to carry out such practices as relamping live and
this must not be the case in hazardous areas.
15.6 Apparatus conforming to the protection concepts
appropriate to gas, vapour and mist risks
There are large quantities of apparatus designed and often certified/approved for operation in explosive atmospheres of gas, vapour or
mist, and air. These are subject to detailed construction requirements
which are not dissimilar or inferior to those required for apparatus for
use in explosive atmospheres of dust and air. Third-party certification of
construction of apparatus for gas/vapour/mist air risks is provided which
gives a high degree of confidence in its construction. In addition many
hazardous areas are created by both dust/air and gas/vapour/mist/air
Protection concepts for apparatus for dust risks 469
risks requiring apparatus to be suitable for operational situations as, even
though apparatus may be incapable of igniting a dust/air mixture, it may
ignite a gas/air mixture which itself may form the source of ignition of the
dust/air mixture. For the above reasons (and also economy of design and
construction) it is advantageous to utilize one type of apparatus for both
risks whether they occur together or separately. For this reason consideration has been given to the suitability of apparatus constructed to the BS/EN
500 range of Standards in relation to BS 6941" for use in dust risks with
the following results.
15.6.1 Spark ignition
Apparatus used in explosive atmospheres of gas, vapour or mist, and air
and in which sparking in either normal or recognized fault conditions
occurs, is required to provide protection for sparking by the use of
such techniques as intrinsic safety (Chapter 13), flameproof enclosure
(Chapter 10) or use of non-incendive techniques (Chapter 14). This is
because it is not normally possible to exclude mixtures of gas/vapour/mist
and air from enclosures. In the case of dust/air mixtures it is, however,
possible to do this and so, provided the enclosure of apparatus is adequate,
sparking becomes less of a problem for dusts in general.
15.6.2Hot surface ignition
Surface temperature classification as carried out for gas/vapour/mist and
air risks is not immediately appropriate to dust situations, as it often
includes temperatures within the apparatus which are accessible to the
gas/vapour/mist and air mixture but not to dusts where the enclosure
criteria for dust exclusion are applied. In addition, the factors used in
surface temperature classification are different to those applied for the dust
risks already explained in this chapter.
The simplest method of selection of gas or vapour risk apparatus for
use in dust risks on the basis of Surface Temperature Classification is to use
Table 15.1,but it must be recognized that this will often give a very onerous
solution because of its consideration of internal temperatures. Alternatively,
the apparatus could be tested for maximum external surface temperature
and the figure resulting used for selection purposes. In this latter case,
however, the 10°C safety factor explained earlier in this chapter should
be used.
15.6.3 Basis of selection of apparatus with protection concepts
appropriate to gas/vapour/mist and air risks
As already shown, the basic requirements for apparatus for use in dust
risks are almost the same in many cases to those required for apparatus for