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Electrical installations in hazardous areas
not reach this level are considered to fail in any event if such failure makes
the circuits more ignition capable. There is a third level to be considered
which is that level where construction and rating is of such a high level
that failures can be ignored. In components, assemblies of components, and
connection elements this level of excellence warrants the award of the title
of infallible component, assembly or connection. Such things as separations
can also reach a level where failure need not be considered (see Table 13.7)
but in this case they are termed as ’not subject to fault’ and Infallible is
not used. In any event, the results are the same and when carrying out a
fault-counting exercise specific failure modes in any of these components,
assemblies, wiring, connections and separations need not be considered.
In all cases the infallibility of such components, assemblies, wiring,
connections and separations is limited to the particular mode of failure
which their construction permits to be ignored (e.g., the separation of a pair
of printed circuit tracks may make them such that connections between
them can be assumed not to occur, but it will not have any effect upon
consideration of their breakage).
While it is confusing to have the two terms ‘infallible’ and ’not subject to
fault’ applied to particular failure modes of components and other circuit
elements, the use of either term is understood to impart the same information and no danger should result.
Infallible components, assemblies and arrangements which are considered as not subject to particular fault conditions need to comply with
specific requirements which are additional to the basic constructional
requirements of the protection concept which give countable fault status
(see Sections 13.7 and 13.8).
13.10.1 Infallible transformers
Clearly, mains transformers, used in associated apparatus to reduce voltage
to the normal low levels used in intrinsically safe circuits, are important as
failure of the windings associated with that circuit to the mains winding or
other auxiliary windings on the transformer associated with other intrinsically safe circuits or non-intrinsically safe circuits, would lead to a situation
where intrinsic safety was compromised. Such a transformer needs to be
infallible against such interconnections both in normal operation and in
failure conditions. In addition, where failure of windings associated with
the intrinsically safe circuit to the core of the transformer, which is normally
earthed, could produce an ignition-capable condition, the transformer must
be infallible against that failure also. The requirements for such transformers
are as follows.
Mains transformer construction
Several modes of construction are envisaged for mains transformers in
BS/EN 50020 and are given type numbers. The simplest of these is the
Protection concept intrinsic safety 'i' 387
Table 13.11 Minimum dimensions for wire or foil used
for transformer screens
Rating of
protective fuse
Thickness o foil
forming screen
or circuit
(Note 1)
Diameter o wire
forming layers of
(Note 1)
(from BSEN 50020)
Note: 1 The above figures for wire and foil dimensions are nominal
figures and a tolerance of up to 10% manufacturing tolerance is
permitted provided that in all cases the variation in dimension may
not exceed 0.1 mm.
type where the transformer is permitted to exceed its insulation ratings but
a failure between non-intrinsically safe circuit windings and other windings is prevented by an earthed metal screen of thickness complying with
Table 13.11. This is termed a 'Type 2b transformer and its principles of
construction are shown in Fig. 13.23.
Type 2b transformer
The Type 2b transformer is normally a 'shell type' transformer (see
Fig. 13.23) with its windings over one another on a single bobbin, or
without a bobbin, but consolidated in both cases on a single core so
that any separations are reliable and repeatable. The screen must be the
full width of the winding area to ensure that no possibility exists for
interconnection across the screen except at the outer edge of the windings
where Table 13.7 applies. In either case the insulation or other separation
between the windings associated with intrinsically safe circuits and the core,
the screen and the other windings must ensure that the transformer satisfies
the following as a minimum:
1. The composite separation between the winding mass of the separate
windings around the screen must satisfy the requirements of Table 13.7.
(In most cases this will require a composite calculation of separation
distance - see Figs. 13.20 and 13.21).
2. The screen must be of either a single layer of foil which comprises at least
one turn and overlaps but is insulated so that the ends of the screen cannot
become interconnected, or of two layers wound in insulated (varnished)
wire. For a foil screen this requirement is to avoid the screen ends becoming
Electrical installations in hazardous areas
Windings (Note 5)
(Note 4)
(Note 2)
(Note 3)
Fig. 13.23 Type 2b transformer. Notes: (1) Core to be provided with earth
connection (interleaved in laminations if appropriate) unless core
material is non-conducting. (2) Screen to be provided with two earth
connection wires if foil; both layers to have one end brought out if wire
layers. (3) Insulation to normal industrial requirements. (4) Insulation to
withstand 500V test unless earth faults not acceptable when Table 13.7
applies, as appropriate. (5) Windings to be consolidated
connected to form a short circuited turn which will cause the transformer
to fail. For a wire screen, insulation between each turn of wire and between
the two layers is necessary for the same reason. Because of this, the only
insulation requirement between layers is that the insulation will not fail
when subjected to an insulation test at an applied voltage of 500Vrms ac
or 700 V dc. The voltage is applied by raising the applied voltage steadily so
that the specified value is attained after 10 seconds and then maintaining
that value for 60 seconds. The leakage current should be less than 5mA
and must be constant or reducing as any increase will be assumed to be
advance warning of insulation failure.
3. The transformer must not create a condition where the winding/s
associated with a particular intrinsically safe circuit become connected to
other windings. To prove this a test is applied where one (any one) of the
output windings of the transformer is short circuited and then all other
output windings are subjected to a load which will produce maximum
rated current from that winding at rated voltage. The transformer then is
subjected to application of its rated voltage at the input winding or such
smaller voltage, as will give l.71n into the transformer. This condition is
applied for 6 hours or until the transformer fails. The criteria for insulation
is that when a voltage of twice the transformer rated voltage (U,) plus
1OOOV with a minimum of 1500V is applied between the windings in
question, the current which flows should not exceed 5mA and should be
Protection concept intrinsic safety ‘i’ 389
constant or falling. The transformer may fail during this test but must not
burst into flames as burning may introduce further consequent failures.
4. Where failure to earth may cause problems for the intrinsically safe
circuit, failure of the transformer must not occur and the transformer must
not exceed its temperature rating during the above test. This can be achieved
by the use of in-built thermal trips as already described or by the inclusion
of a limiting resistor to limit current in the transformer. Where automatically
resetting trips are used, rather than non-resetting trips, the test is extended
to 12 hours to allow for repeated trip operations. Where a resistor is fitted
it will be mounted in the input circuit of the transformer and must satisfy
the separation requirements of Table 13.7, be of adequate rating (see earlier
in this chapter), and be infallible as described later. The separation of the
winding/s supplying the intrinsically safe circuit and other windings and
the screen must in this case satisfy Table 13.7. The possible effect of failures
to earth is shown in the example in Fig. 13.24.
5. Where the screen is of two separate layers of winding each layer should
be individually connected to earth and provision made for this on the
transformer. Where the screen is a foil it must have two separate wires
connected to it to allow the same security of earth connection and care is
necessary to ensure that connection of these wires does not introduce a
partial short circuit turn on the transformer.
6. The core of the transformer must also be earthed and its construction
should allow for this. This is usually done by interleaving a conducting
strip in the laminations and then providing a terminal on it where it
exits the laminations. Some transformer materials, such as ferrites, may
be insulating in themselves and in such cases the earth connections
are not necessary. It would not be acceptable, however, to insulate a
conducting core and not earth it unless the insulation thickness satisfied
Table 13.10 and the transformer was prevented from overheating as
previously described.
7. The separation of the connection facilities should also comply with the
requirements of Table 13.10 to prevent interconnections at the termination
Type la, 7b and 2a transformers
The other types of transformer envisaged are the Type la transformer, the
Type l b transformer, and the Type 2a transformer. The Type la transformer
has its windings wound side by side on one limb of the transformer and
the Type l b transformer follows the same construction but has the separate
windings on separate limbs of the transformer, but still as separate entities
(not one over the other).
The Type l b transformer is more common as it uses a ’shell type’ core
where one limb goes through the winding and the two other limbs surround
it, rather than the Type l a transformer which normally has a ‘core type’ core
with one limb through each winding and usually no surrounding limbs.
Electrical installations in hazardous areas
The Type 2a transformer is similar to the Type 2b transformer, but in
this case there is no screen with the windings being on top of one another
and having insulation between them. The insulation must, of course, be the
full width of the winding area (see Fig. 13.24) to prevent the presence of
a path through it except around the outside edge of the winding where
Table 13.7 applies.
(Note 2)
(Note 5)
?Notes 4 and 6)
(Note 3)
Fig. 13.24 Type l a transformer. Notes: (1) Core to be provided with earth connection (interleavedin laminations if appropriate) unless core material is nonconducting. (2) Insulation to normal industrial standards. (3) Insulation
to withstand 500V test unless earth faults are not acceptable when
Table 13.10 applies. (4) If necessary to prevent overheating, thermal trip
embedded in either primary or secondary (as appropriate). (5) Insulation
to Table 13.10. (6) Windings to be consolidated
(Note 1)
\ Windings (Notes 4 and 6)
(Note 2 )
(Note 5 )
(Note 3)
Fig. 13.25 Type l b transformer. Notes: (1) Core to be provided with earth
connection (interleaved in laminations if appropriate) unless core
material is non-conducting. (2) Insulation to normal industrial standards.
(3) Insulation to withstand 500V test unless earth faults are not
acceptable when Table 13.7 applies. (4) If necessary to prevent
overheating, thermal trip embedded in either winding (as appropriate).
(5) Insulation to Table 13.7. (6) Windings to be consolidated
Protection concept intrinsic safety ‘i’ 391
(Notes 4 and 6)
(Note 2)
(Note 5)
(Note 1)
(Note 3)
Fig. 13.26 Type 2a transformer. Notes: (1) Core to be provided with earth
connection (interleaved in laminations if appropriate) unless material
is non-conducting. (2) Insulation to normal industrial standards.
(3) Insulation to withstand 500V test unless earth faults are not
acceptable when Table 13.10 applies. (4) If necessary to prevent
overheating thermal trip embedded in primary or secondary winding
(as appropriate). (5) Insulation to Table 13.10. (6) Windings to be
In all these cases the transformer must have its windings consolidated
and must not fail when subjected to type tests described for Type 2b transformers, which almost invariably means that a thermal trip or limiting
resistor is needed as in the case of most Type 2b transformers. The thickness of insulation between each winding and others, or the earthed core
of the transformer (if earthing causes a problem) must satisfy Table 13.7.
Detail of the construction of Types la, l b and 2a transformers are shown in
Fig. 13.24, 13.25 and 13.26.
As transformers being wound and generally assembled components
are subject to a higher degree of variability than other more critically
controlled components a routine test is necessary and this test is described
in Table 13.12.
Construction of transformers which are not mains transformers
Within intrinsically safe circuits it is common to use transformers for other
purposes (e.g., to produce galvanic isolation between parts of the circuit).
Such transformers must be constructed in accordance with the mains
transformer requirements except that the 5-hour test need only be done at
rated transformer load. Where such transformers are connected between
Electrical installations in hazardous areas
Transformer fault (Note 1)
limiting resistor
(Note 1)
A (Note 2)
Fig. 13.27 Effect of transformer windingkore or screen faults. Notes: (1) Field earth
fault can be expected as normal operation and thus secondaty/frame fault
in transformer (either as single countable fault or non-countable fault) will
bypass current limiting resistor destroying intrinsic safety. (2) If this point
is infallibly earthed transformer fault shown will merely blow protective
fuse leaving intrinsic safety intact
Table 13.12 Routine test voltages for mains transformers
Application points
rms applied voltages
Between the mains input winding
and all secondary windings
Between all the windings (both
input and secondary) and the
transformer core.
Between the Intrinsically Safe
circuit winding(s) associated with
a particular intrinsically safe
circuit and all other secondary
4 U,, or 2000 V rms
2 U,, or 1000V rms
2 u,, + 1000v rms
with a minimum of
1500V rms
Note: The criteria for the test is a current of less than 5 m A w i h is
steady or falling during the test w i h i applied for 60 seconds the
hc s
voltage having been raised steadily to the test value in 10 seconds.
intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe circuits there is, however, a
further problem in that the non-intrinsically safe circuits are not evaluated
and it must be assumed that mains can break through to the transformer.
In such cases it is necessary to introduce measures to prevent this causing
damage to the transformer. Such precautions could be those applied to
Protection concept intrinsic safety 'i' 393
mains transformers of the same type or, alternatively, by placing a shunt
zener diode across the affected winding and then protecting the diode with
a suitably rated fuse to ensure that the mains breakthrough is removed
before the transformer or zener diode can be damaged. The requirements
of Table 13.7 need to be applied to this fuse/zener combination to ensure
it cannot be by-passed.
Transformer protection
To ensure that no failures occur it is essential that the transformer cannot be
operated in such a way as to allow those failures. This necessitates protection of the transformer in a way which allows its worst case conditions to
be defined. All mains transformers have to be supplied with an input fuse
to remove the mains supplies if failures occur either in the transformers
themselves or the connected circuits.
The basic level of protection is to fuse the input circuit so that the maximum
design operating conditions of the transformer specified during its design
cannot be exceeded. As the transformer can handle these without causing
problems in the intrinsically safe circuit, it can be considered as infallible.
The fuse must comply with the requirements already described in
Section 13.6.2 for fuses mounted in associated apparatus, which means that
the maximum current which the transformer can continuously draw is, with
the presence of such a fuse, considered as 1.7 times the rated fuse current
(In). A suitably rated circuit breaker may be used in place of a fuse and the
circuit breaker need only comply with a recognized standard of construction
for such circuit breakers. The 1.7 I, figure is retained and in this case is 1.7
times the rated current at which the breaker will operate. Therefore, the
transformer must be capable of withstanding this current without damage,
which could adversely affect intrinsic safety.
The basic requirements of circuit breakers is that they comply with a
recognized Standard which normally is taken to mean a European Standard,
a harmonized International Standard or, failing the presence of either of
these, a National Standard.
The use of the fuse or circuit breaker described above is usually sufficient
for transformers of Type 2b construction unless winding faults between
the transformer windings and core or screen are not acceptable when, in
common with Types la, l b and 2a transformers, the current which the fuse
will pass (1.7 I,) must not additionally allow the winding temperatures
to exceed their insulation rating. In circumstances where this can occur a
thermal trip will be necessary to ensure this does not occur.
Where such a thermal trip is used to disconnect the transformer from its
supplies before winding temperatures are exceeded it must not be accessible. It must be embedded, in or consolidated with, the windings so that
confidence is present that it will reliably disconnect before any winding
or other insulation within the transformer exceeds its rated limit. The trip
may be non-resettable or automatically self-resetting but not manually reset
as this implies external intervention which would not be acceptable as it
394 Electrical installations in hazardous areas
would permit resetting before the transformer could cool, and the possibility exists of the temperature limits of the construction being exceeded.
Only one such device is necessary.
The constructional requirements for such a thermal trip are that it should
be to a recognized Standard for such devices. (Recognized Standard in this
context usually means a European Standard where one exists, a harmonized
International Standard or, failing either of these, a national Standard).
Where the transformer is possessed of a suitable earthed screen it is
not essential to ensure that insulation temperature limits are not exceeded
if earth faults within the transformer do not cause problems. It must be
remembered that, in the UK, the normal mains supplies are earthed as a
matter of policy for personnel protection by connection of the neutral pole
of the supply to earth at the point of supply origination. This means that in
the case of a fault in the transformer any supply pole could be earthed. To
ensure that the supply is effectively isolated on such failures all non-earthed
electrical supply conductors must have a fuse or circuit breaker satisfymg
the already specified requirements.
In cases where it is not considered necessary to include transformer
winding/earth faults in the fault scenario and the power supply is not
referenced to earth (which is the case in some other countries), only one
protection device in the input circuit may be necessary as failure to earth of
a single supply conductor does not cause the same type of problem as it may
where the supply is referenced to earth. An evaluation of the possible fault
scenarios shows that, even if the fault combination envisaged within the
intrinsic safety concept does not include a situation of by-passing protection devices, the more remote possibility of this occurring is enough to
produce a recommendation that all non-earthed supply conductors have a
protective device, regardless of the type of transformer used and its supply.
13.10.2Damping windings
Damping windings are used to minimize the effects of inductance in
cases such as relays. They are effectively short circuit turns and reduce
the apparent inductance to the leakage inductance which represents the
inverse of the efficiency of coupling between them and the main winding.
If such windings are used to minimize inductance for the purposes of
intrinsic safety, they must be reliable so that they can be considered as
infallible against open circuit failure. The typical way to ensure this is to use
uninsulated copper tubes or wires which are continuously short circuited by
soldering or welding. Any winding used for this purpose needs to achieve
this level of security against open circuiting.
73.10.3Current limiting resistors
Current limiting resistors are typically used to limit short circuit current to a
hazardous area, to limit the current which can be fed to an inductor, to limit
Protection concept intrinsic safety ‘i’ 395
current to a component for temperature classification purposes, or to limit
discharge rates of otherwise ignition capable capacitors. These resistors need
to be infallible against failure to a lower resistance value but may increase in
resistance or become open circuit. In order to achieve this the resistors must
be of particular types of construction as follows. First, carbon or metal film
type, where the resistance element is effectively an insulated layer of pure
carbon or metal deposited on a substrate which is normally ceramic or similar
insulating material, helically etched to give the required resistance, and then
protected by insulating enamel or varnish to prevent external contact with
the element; second, wound in wire on a ceramic former or a former of
similar material and then consolidated by enamelling, varnishing, etc., to
prevent the wire from unwinding on breakage or being contacted from the
outside of the resistor; and third, printed resistors used in hybrid circuits
where the resistor is printed on an insulating substrate using conducting
inks, produced by metal deposition, or constructed in a similar manner and
then covered with an insulating conformal coating or encapsulated.
The commonly available carbon composition resistors are not suitable for
this use as experience has shown they can fail in a way which produces
lower resistance values due to the impurities introduced into the carbon in
their construction.
13.70.4 Blocking capacitors
Where capacitors are used to prevent the transmission of dc and are
required to be infallible it is possible to use only two capacitors in ’ia’
circuits to achieve this, provided the capacitors are of sufficient reliability.
This effectively excludes electrolytic and tantalum types and restricts the
choice of capacitor to those with solid dielectrics such as ceramic, paper,
polyester and similar materials. Where two capacitors of acceptable types
of construction are connected in series they are considered as infallible and
the effective capacitance will be that present if either of them fails to short
circuit. Thus a single capacitor failure is equated to two countable faults.
Apart from their construction type each of the two capacitors needs also to
be proof against the following situations.
First, each capacitor must withstand, without breakdown, a 50Hz rms
ac and dc voltage of 2 U + 1OOOV with a minimum of 1500V. The test is
applied as previously described for withstand tests (i.e., raising the voltage
steadily over 10 seconds and then maintaining it over 60 seconds) and also,
as previously, the maximum current which may flow is 5mA which must
be either falling or stable during the 60 seconds of the test. For the ac test
the current passing will, of course, be dependent on the reactance of the
capacitor but increases during the test are taken as a sign of failure.
Second, where the capacitors are connected between the intrinsically safe
circuit and earth, or separate intrinsically safe circuits, and failure to earth
could create an unsafe condition by, for example, by-passing safety components, the test voltage above should be reduced to 2 U with a minimum of
500 V.
Electrical installations in hazardous areas
In both of the above cases the mounting of the capacitors must be such as
to comply with Table 13.10 if the assembly is to be considered as infallible
against direct interconnection of the two circuits separated by the capacitors.
The voltage U, specified in the electric strength tests above, is the
maximum voltage which can appear across the capacitor combination in
service in the case of capacitor combinations.
13.10.5 Shunt safety assemblies
A shunt safety assembly is one which typically limits discharge of inductors
(using normally reverse biased diodes) or limits voltage across parts of
intrinsically safe circuits so as to ensure safety. Such limiting action must
be infallible and such assemblies are considered as infallible against open
circuit failure. The mounting and connection of such assemblies needs to be
such that open circuit of connections can be ignored (see Section 13.10.6).
Shunt safety assemblies are limited to semiconductor devices as it is
necessary to have confidence that the devices themselves have a low rate of
failure to open circuit and, almost uniquely, the mode of failure of a semiconductor junction is a short circuit or lower resistance as it results from
degradation of the junction in the semiconductor. This permits the number
of elements of the shunt protection to be reduced from three to two in ‘ia’
The particular use of thyristors presents a problem due to their operating
time and resultant let-through energy. Where such devices are used as safety
shunts this let-through energy must not exceed the following limits:
IJA = 160pJ
IIB = 8 0 ~ J
IIC = 20pJ
Shunt safety assemblies which limit voltages within intrinsically safe
Shunt Safety Assemblies which limit voltage are those which are interposed between power supplies and intrinsically safe circuits, between other
circuits (e.g., output receptors) and intrinsically safe circuits, or used to
further limit voltages within an intrinsically safe circuit where the principal supply voltage has already been defined. In the two former cases the
external circuits must be assumed to contain transients unless their power
supplies are fed from the mains via an infallible transformer or are batteries.
Where the voltage limiter in question is not the prime voltage limiter (e.g.,
it has a further infallible voltage limiter between it and the external circuit
or power supply) it can also be assumed that transients do not occur.